Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 536 552: Running away again?

Chapter 533 552: Running away again?

Evolution is a very mysterious word. So far, Chen Feng couldn't figure out how to make a skeleton evolve without Chen Feng himself upgrading.

Dragon Turtle told Chen Feng that only fighting, constant fighting, and crazy fighting can make skeletons evolve. Every skeleton evolves from ordinary white bones to bronze after experiencing endless killing.

Evolving from bronze to white silver would require even greater killings. Within a few million years, few skeletons could evolve from bronze to white silver.

The evolution of white silver into gold requires not only endless killing, but also outstanding talent, just like the only golden skeleton that Chen Feng summoned, Marshal Death.

Not only does it have outstanding talent, but it has also killed all the way up and become one of the golden skeletons with the best talent. Now all the skeletons are even vaguely looking forward to whether this guy can make further progress.

However, this is obviously impossible, because except for the Flame Bone Dragon, the other legion commanders were only born one step later than the Skeleton King, and the oldest among the 13 legions is the Dragon Turtle.

However, Dragon Turtle has never seen any skeleton beyond the golden color. Although there are legends of a higher level than golden color, no skeleton has reached that level for hundreds of millions of years.

It seems that there is a crucial step missing, or maybe it is because there is no higher-level color than gold.

Dragon Turtle told Chen Feng that judging from the situation of Chen Feng's double sword skeleton, he was almost on the verge of entering Ha in the cemetery.

After Chen Feng summoned him, he kept fighting and accumulating killings, and now he finally developed some spiritual wisdom.

If the quality of a skeleton is compared to its rank, the rank of the Double Sword Skeleton is actually not high. It is only higher than the Emperor Skeleton, but weaker than the Hell Skeleton and Overlord Skeleton.

However, such low quality and low talent are on the verge of evolution. Obviously this double-sword skeleton has killed a lot, and the dragon turtle also said that the double-sword skeleton died at a young age.

In other words, it is not long before the double-sword skeleton dies and turns into a skeleton. You must know that in the cemetery, the older the skeleton, the stronger it is.

The most unlucky thing about Chen Feng was summoning two Silver Bone Vajras. In fact, the Silver Bone Vajras were indeed white and silver, but due to qualification issues, they had to kill enemies along the way and were considered inferior skeletons.

In other words, the two Silver Bone King Kongs actually belonged to the first few waves of skeletons that appeared in the cemetery. At the same time, the skeletons were either dead or evolved into higher-level skeletons.

Dragon Turtle said that Dragon Turtle had seen the two Silver Bone Vajras when they evolved into bronze, but unfortunately they did not show intelligence, so they were abandoned.

But I didn't expect that after so many years, it would evolve into white silver, and both brothers were still alive. But I didn't expect that within three years of being in Chen Feng's hands, one of them would die.

Chen Feng was heartbroken at the time.

"You just need to let your double-sword skeleton kill as much as you want without suppressing it. Once the double-sword skeleton evolves, there is a high chance of becoming intelligent. I observed last time that your double-sword skeleton has gradually appeared on its own. consciousness, and has its own unique fighting method. As long as you persist, once it evolves into a bronze skeleton, the strength of the double-sword skeleton will directly double!" Dragon Turtle said this to Chen Feng at the beginning, and Chen Feng also said Persevered.

Anyway, the enemy's attack is now evenly distributed among 3,000 skeletons. When the number of enemies is smaller, the effect will be more obvious, because at the same time, the damage that needs to be shared is less and lower.

If 10,000 enemies attack Chen Feng's skeleton, even if only 1 point of damage is allocated at one time, then if 10,000 enemies attack at the same time, the allocated number will be as high as 1,000 points of damage.

But if there is only one enemy, then all the skeletons will only have 1 point of damage, which is simply cheating!

Therefore, Chen Feng's double-sword skeleton could only dodge before, but now he attacks very boldly. He doesn't have to worry about his own life at all, and Chen Feng no longer worries that these guys will die.

Therefore, all the skeletons killed boldly. Two minutes later, the double-sword skeleton, who was addicted to killing, killed a fallen king again and rushed towards the next enemy.

"Hiss!" Suddenly, a horse's neigh caught Chen Feng's attention. Not far away, he saw the Hell Champion Knight Commander rushing over with a group of skeletons of his own.

"Good guy, you ran so far?" Chen Feng suddenly felt depressed. These guys wanted to charge, but Chen Feng didn't care and didn't stop them. However, he didn't expect that he ran out for ten minutes before he rushed back.


"No!" Chen Feng exclaimed, and the sound of the horse's hooves suddenly aroused the anger of the entire mountain. Suddenly, the snow-capped mountains began to tremble, and Chen Feng immediately slapped his head.

"Damn it, no matter what, the avalanche won't kill me anyway!" Chen Feng felt helpless for a while. He was at the top of the mountain. This is the place where the avalanche is smallest. The avalanche is the same as a snowball, it will get bigger and bigger.

But it is safer at the top of the mountain.

Sure enough, the avalanche began to collapse 20 meters below Chen Feng. In an instant, it was like a white wave, rushing directly to the foot of the mountain, and then rushed hundreds of meters away, making Chen Feng take a breath of air.

Immediately afterwards, the white snow began to melt one after another, but Chen Feng exclaimed. The snow water slowly seeped into the ground. Chen Feng was stunned. Can such a ground penetrate?

But obviously this was not an academic matter that Chen Feng could play around with. Chen Feng didn't pay much attention to it and continued to turn his head to watch his skeleton battle.

At least 200 ordinary skeletons were washed down just now. Chen Feng waved his hand, and the skeletons washed away by the avalanche dispersed at the foot of the mountain, and then were summoned again on the top of the mountain.

Chen Feng did have some influence on his side, that is, there were snowdrifts sliding down. Chen Feng's several heavyweight skeletons were okay, but many of the light ones, such as ordinary skeletons, could not even guess the ground when he stepped down, and they slid decisively. , and then it snowballed towards the foot of the mountain.

"Good guy!" Chen Feng suddenly smiled, and several of his skeletons rolled down like this. Chen Feng almost stopped laughing, but fortunately, the other skeletons were not affected at all.

At this time, all Chen Feng's knights began to go crazy. They saw that all the knights had a fallen king on their spears. The huge fallen king was simply mighty in front of the knights who were taller than them and had war horses. Can't get up.

In an instant, each of the fallen kings was pierced into the body by the spear, and then the spear was lifted directly. The group of fallen kings were suddenly lifted up. However, the strength of a single knight is not enough, so usually two knights lift one. Fallen King.

"Clever!" Chen Feng suddenly smiled. After all, such a long charge was not in vain. The Hell Champion Knight has a strong point, that is, the longer it runs, the greater the impact.

Then, one by one, the Fallen Kings slowly died. It was obvious that the Dark Gold Fallen King had become anxious, because the more of his men died, the faster he would be close to death.

"Roar!" The Dark Gold Fallen King roared angrily. His huge body suddenly jumped up high and rushed directly towards a Hell Knight, trying to save the Fallen King on the spear.

"Humph, it's not that simple!" Chen Feng sneered. Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed on the fallen king's head, and then countless thunderbolts fell from the sky crazily, directly hitting the fallen king's head.

"Thunder Skeleton Mage, Extreme Thunder!"

To be honest, Chen Feng didn't use this skill much. Firstly, Thunder Mage had to rest for 24 hours after using it. Secondly, the power of this skill was getting more and more terrifying.

Single target attack: 6,000 lightning attacks per second against a single enemy. The lightning damage is 55% of its own basic damage and lasts for 6 seconds.

This is the power of the Thunder Skeleton Mage's current "extreme lightning", which is particularly terrifying. Just such a lightning strike was enough to chop the Dark Gold Fallen King into pieces.

6,000 times per second. Each time is half the damage of the Thunder Skeleton Mage. It adds up to 3,000 normal attacks, and it lasts for 6 seconds. That is, in 6 seconds, a total of 18,000 attacks are caused. Damage, if it was an ordinary monster, it would have been hacked to death long ago.

"Boom!" The Dark Gold Fallen King's huge body fell to the ground hard, and a big pit suddenly appeared on the ground. Chen Feng suddenly smiled, this guy is really pitiful.

The poor Thunder Mage has shriveled up on the side, and is obviously unable to make any attacks, but Chen Feng is already satisfied, at least he can't use his 100-level skill.

After putting away the Thunder Mage, Chen Feng pressed down on the Fallen King lying in the snowdrift. Chen Feng suddenly smiled and waved his big hand, and the double-sword skeleton rushed forward quickly.


Suddenly, the ground trembled, and the snowdrifts beneath everyone's feet suddenly cracked, and the entire ground began to shake like water.

"Good guy, Rock Skeleton won't give in!" Chen Feng suddenly smiled, and saw Rock Skeleton rushing over angrily, and punched the fallen king with a fist.

Not even a few seconds after the Dark Gold Fallen King stood up, a fist hit Dorougong hard on the face, and then he felt a sharp pain in the back of his vest.

"Roar!" The Dark Gold Fallen King roared angrily. He threw his hands and slapped the rock skeleton, forcing the double-sword skeleton away.

"Roar!" The Dark Gold Fallen King roared up to the sky, and the double-sword skeleton and the rock skeleton rushed forward again, but to everyone's surprise, the Dark Gold Fallen King actually turned his head...


"Oh no, you're a little weirdo. Your companion ran away last time, so you run away this time, you're such a spineless thing!" Chen Feng immediately yelled angrily, but immediately chased after him.

Chen Feng is not willing to give up on a monster with 38,000 honor points!

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