Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 529 545: Zalida’s golden flash!

Chapter 526 545: Zalida’s golden flash!

Zalida flew away quickly with Peter. Sure enough, the speed directly exceeded the speed of sound. If necessary, the two of them could even reach the speed of light, but within the 10,000 kilometers of the Sky City, it is best to fly at the speed of sound.

Once they were 10,000 kilometers away, the two people instantly broke out at an even more terrifying speed. The wings behind them instantly turned into a stream of light. The two angels moved forward at the speed of light. In less than a few seconds, the two people reached the place where the Lava Demon King was. place.

Don't say it's too fast, because once it reaches the speed of light, you can check the speed of light yourself. Everyone is racing against time. After all, it would be terrible if the Lava Demon just came up to take a breath and then went down.

The entire hell is basically filled with molten lava, just like a mushroom. Except for the solid stone layer connecting the ground in the middle, the other parts are filled with molten lava.

Therefore, you have to be extra careful when fighting in certain places. You may be unlucky. If you punch down, a pillar of fire will erupt from the ground. Some surfaces are tens of thousands of meters thick, while others are only a few meters or even tens of centimeters thick.

It’s barely enough for anyone to stand, let alone fight.

And just like the sea, the Lava Demon regards lava as his home. The entire world is covered with lava. In other words, the entire world is the home of the Lava Demon.

Whaling ships can kill whales, but they still have to wait for the whales to surface. Once the whales dive to the bottom of the sea, the whaling ships don't even dare to release a single fart.

Therefore, you must use the fastest speed to reach the front of the Lava Demon King to ensure that the Lava Demon King does not fall down, and in this way to keep the Lava Demon King on the surface of the magma.

Generally, angels can easily dive into the lava depths of one to two hundred meters to four to five hundred meters, but here in Zalida, basically anyone can dive down as long as it does not exceed 5,000 meters!

"Yes, that's it. The aura I felt in that place belongs to this guy!" Peter was immediately overjoyed and said as he looked at the roaring Lava Demon King below.

"Well, that's good. Get ready and seal it with the Prison of Light first!" Zalida said to Peter. Peter nodded. The Prison of Light is an innate skill that almost all angels can use. It can instantly block it. The light condenses into a prison to trap the enemy.

Many times it is not used to prevent the enemy from escaping, but to trap some of the enemies, because the most feared thing on the battlefield is that the enemies attack you from all directions. As long as you use the light prison, both the enemy and you will be locked in the prison. Inside.

In this way, the damage you have to endure will be much lower, and the danger you have to endure will be much easier. When the time comes, you can defeat the enemies in the prison, and then come out and lock up another group of enemies with yourself. This can greatly improve your performance. Angel's survivability.

For Zalida, the role of the Prison of Light is to prevent enemies from escaping, because group attacks will not work for Zalida at all, but demons that are faster than Zalida still exist.

"Prison of Light!" Peter took the lead, because he didn't need to save strength. His role was to assist and confirm. Now that the identity of the Lava Demon King was confirmed, the next step was to naturally try to trap the Lava Demon King.

Therefore, as soon as Peter took action, it was a prison of light that condensed all the power. In an instant, the dazzling light in the sky suddenly fell down, and the entire magma began to boil crazily.

"Roar!" The Lava Demon noticed something bad and then noticed the two angels in the sky. He immediately endured the pain in his abdomen, turned around and dived into the lava.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!" Peter snorted, and something similar to a 3D projection suddenly appeared in Peter's hand. That thing was a prison.

"Shrink!" Peter shouted, and the 3D projected virtual prison in his hand began to shrink crazily, and the entire molten liquid boiled in an instant.

"Good!" Zalida couldn't help but praise. He is worthy of being a reserve member of the next parliament. His strength is indeed extraordinary. He has already entered the room with just the control of the Prison of Light.

"Boom!" There was a tumbling in the molten lava, and something like a huge golden iron fence slowly rose up, and then a huge head emerged from it.

"Roar! Angel! Damn Angel, damn Prison of Light!" The Lava Demon King roared, and suddenly his huge mouth slammed into the railing of the Prison of Light.

"Boom!" The railing made entirely of golden light beams suddenly trembled twice, but this prison was actually the kind of cage in a zoo, with railings on all sides. Although it trembled a little, it didn't matter.

"Roar!" The Lava Demon King felt that he was about to die of anger. Instead of being killed by the enemy, there was a small bug in his stomach. Not only was it not digested by him, but it started to destroy his stomach in a big way.

As a result, I now have extremely severe pain in my stomach. I can't even use two-thirds of my usual strength, and I can only use half of my strength at most.

Outside, the Prison of Light was exerted with all its strength by an angel second only to the Councillor-level. If there were other demons nearby, the angel who had used the Prison of Light would have no power at all, not even one. Even Dark Gold's Sinking Demon can kill that angel.

However, he was tortured so much by these two ordinary bugs. The Lava Demon kept bumping into the cage, but suddenly he felt his stomach twitching again, and the severe pain made the Lava Demon roar crazily. .

"What's wrong with that guy?" Zalida looked at the Lava Demon in confusion. Peter, who slowly landed on the ground, also looked at the Lava Demon in confusion. Why was he so angry, and he felt like he was enduring What a sharp pain.

"Right? If Chen Feng is in its belly, could this kid be causing trouble?" But unfortunately, this is just Peter's own guess, and Zalida's meaning is the key.

"Hmph, I will make it impossible for you to come back today!" Looking at the rolling lava demon, Zalida was also confused in her heart, but obviously the most important thing now was to kill the lava demon first.

"Holy Sword!" Zalida shouted, and suddenly a big sword appeared in his hand. The big sword was covered in golden light, as if it was made entirely of golden light.

Indeed, the entire body of this great sword is made of golden holy light. The white holy light carries the power of purification, while the golden holy light carries the power of judgment.

Purification can dispel the enemy's evil power, but deep fear can make the enemy's evil power burn, which in turn harms oneself. Compared with purification, judgment is more feared by all demons.

"I, the judge, you, the Lava Demon King, are guilty!" Zalida slowly spread his wings, and the golden holy sword stood in front of him, pointing to the sky!

"Boom!" There was a burst of thunder in the whole sky, and a golden thunder fell directly from the sky and struck the holy sword in an instant. The holy sword was instantly wrapped with golden electric lines.

"Is this, Thunder Judgment?" Peter was suddenly surprised, and then burst into ecstasy, because this trick is unique to MP-level angels, and only those who become MPs can use this skill.

Using the power of nature, with the power of light and other elements, to judge the enemy is a skill that only angels who have reached the level of senators can master.

It can be said that this skill is the dividing line between the parliamentarian level and non-members. Only by understanding this power can one truly become a parliamentarian instead of the current reserve member.

"Thank you, Master Zalida!" Peter knew that Zalida actually did not need to use such abilities. After all, with Zalida's strength, he could use more powerful power, but Zalida was obviously using it to show Peter.

Only those who understand the power of elemental judgment can become a council member. The best thing to learn is Heaven's own light elemental judgment, and the most difficult one is the thunder judgment used by Master Zalida in front of him.

Judgment of Light, Judgment of Thunder, Judgment of Flame, Judgment of Frost, Judgment of Wind, Judgment of Guardian, these are all trials that the councilors must understand. Peter was immediately secretly grateful, and then began to read carefully.

"Judgment Slash!" Zalida roared, and the sword in his hand turned into a golden thunderbolt, which hit the lava demon king hard.

"Roar!" The huge body of the Lava Demon King stiffened for a while, as if the animation was frozen. The whole body was twisted in an arch, but there was a burst of lava rolling all around.

"Damn angels, damn reptiles!! Wrath of lava!" The Lava Demon roared, and suddenly a burst of red light bloomed all over his body, and the surrounding temperature rose sharply as if the sun was approaching.

"Not good!" Peter was shocked, because the skill of the Lava Demon King was to raise his body temperature crazily, so that enemies in close combat had no chance to get close.

But for Peter, what is more worrying is Chen Feng inside the lava demon. Because the temperature rises sharply, what will happen to Chen Feng inside?

"Sir!" Peter shouted anxiously, but Zalida didn't panic, because everything was already planned by him!

"Resuscitate, Thunder Judgment!" Zalida whispered softly, and suddenly a dazzling golden lightning exploded from the lava demon's body, followed by a golden and extremely thick lightning in the sky. Lightning struck suddenly.



The Lava Demon King screamed miserably, and his huge body twitched crazily in the golden lightning, but Peter was not worried at all.

Humans are not demons, and judgment only has an effect on the power of demons, and is completely ineffective even on undead creatures.

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