Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 411 428: Rescue completed!

Chapter 408 428: Rescue completed!

"Okay, we agree with you, but we must get Master Cerberus out first!" Job shouted loudly.

"Master Cerberus, hum! Let the people go first. When you have Cerberus and evil beasts, will the 10,000 professionals still have a way to survive?" Chief Mandala said loudly, and Job and others' expressions suddenly changed. Awkward.

"Okay, let's release half of the professionals first, and then you release our grandchildren. After releasing the hellhounds, we will release the remaining professionals!" Job said loudly, and he chose a compromise. idea.

"No, we must release the professionals first, and we must wait until the professionals retreat before releasing the Cerberus. Otherwise, based on the strength of the Cerberus and the professionals, I am afraid that even if we release the professionals first, they will be attacked, so we still have to wait for the professionals. You guys should run away first, and the three of us will stay and release the hellhounds when the time comes!" Mr. Mandala said calmly.

After some discussion, Job and others still felt that their grandchildren were important, and the most important thing was to get them out first.

"Okay, I promise you, let half of the people go first, and you let our grandchildren go first!" Elder Job said loudly, and several elders rushed in eagerly.

After a while, a group of professionals walked out. All the professionals looked embarrassed and ashamed. It was obvious that being caught by the fallen really made them lose face.

"Quickly, let my granddaughter go!" Seeing a few people walking out, Elder Qiaobu immediately roared and asked the Mandala chief to let the others go.

"What's the hurry, Chen Feng, come out!" Chen Feng on the side nodded silently and walked out quickly. However, Chen Feng couldn't fly and could only let the corpse vulture take him out.

"It's you" Qiao Bu exclaimed, and then glared at Chen Feng. It was obvious that he already knew about Chen Feng's summoning of the golden skeleton. What he originally intended to deceive everyone turned out to be a fact.

Chen Feng and others must go in, otherwise they will definitely not be Mephisto's opponent.

When he thought of these words now, Elder Qiaobu wanted to give himself a slap. Unexpectedly, these words had actually become a reality. Without Chen Feng's participation, Charlie and others would have long become degenerates.

Not to mention that there would not have been so many incidents. These more than 10,000 professionals had long become the backbone of the Fallen. However, they did not expect that all of this would be destroyed by Chen Feng, Job's most promising genius.

And it was completely destroyed, Mephisto was dead, the portal was broken, and now even half of the professionals were released. ,

"Twenty kilometers to the east, it only takes half an hour for Chen Feng's summoned beast to go back and forth. There can be a thousand people at a time. Send them away first!" The leader of the Mandala tribe said, and Chen Feng nodded.

There is no space seal twenty kilometers away, so you can open the door and go home, but now it takes half an hour to go back and forth. It takes nearly 2 hours of flight for more than 4,000 people, and they are flying together with Corpse Vulture and Yalong. in the case of.

"Hahahaha, Mandala, now that our grandchildren are no longer in your hands, do you still want to continue to be tough? Now I tell you, release Master Cerberus immediately, otherwise I will let Master Evil Beast come out now , kill them all, and then kill you all!" Job suddenly became extremely arrogant, and everyone laughed.

"Really? You actually want to kill, so go ahead and kill a few of us. I don't know whether you kill faster or we kill faster!"

The Mandala Patriarch clapped his hands gently, and saw hundreds of people emerge from the jungle again. The faces of Job and others instantly became even more ugly, and they looked at the Mandala Patriarch angrily.

"Dad, Mom!"

The little girl Pepe suddenly cried again, and then a young woman in the crowd also cried bitterly, and that woman was suddenly Pepe's mother.

"Mandala, how dare you!" Job roared angrily, and the faces of the other nine elders became even more ugly. It turned out that there were hundreds more people below, and they were their favorite sons and daughters, and even the family patriarch and Several elders.

This is the top power of their family. If all the high-level people die here, then several families will no longer exist at all.

"You" Qiao Bu and others glared at Mandala, but Mandala waved to the other professionals. All the professionals immediately climbed onto Chen Feng's Yalong, which was a hundred meters long. It was full of people, and many people couldn't even sit on the sturdy body. They could only sit on the slender tail and hug it tightly.

Then there were people inside the chest, with more than a thousand people filling Yalong's back.

The huge dragon flew away, and the leader of Mandala did not release anyone. There were cries everywhere at the entrance of the temple, the screams of children, skeleton women, and the angry curses of men.

"Shut up. If your old man hadn't done such a rebellious thing, I wouldn't have bothered to talk to you. Don't you also want to degenerate?" The Pope roared, and several of the men who yelled the most violently shut up. Mouth, everyone is still quite afraid of the Pope.

Two hours was a kind of torture for everyone. Four waves of people were finally transported away. Everyone looked at the people above to see how they could continue the negotiation.

"Go ahead and let them go!" Chief Mandala said to Job and others. Job and others looked at Chief Mandala and others with eyes full of hatred.

"Let them go!" Job roared, and the remaining professionals finally cheered and walked out of the temple. Yalong started flying again. There was no way to approach 6,000 people this time, which was more time-consuming than before.

Everyone was in a confrontation, because many hostages were in Mandala's hands. As a result, Job and others did not dare to act recklessly. They had already let go of 10,000 professionals, and they had no more hostages left.

There is no way, who makes the leader of the Mandala clan be so despicable? What he brought out for the first time is the heart and soul of all the old men. I think the old man has always loved him from generation to generation, and now he loves his grandchildren even more.

Three hours later, Chen Feng's Yalong finally returned and landed slowly. Everyone looked at the Mandala Clan Leader. With a wave of his hand, the Mandala Clan Leader released all the hostages.

"Okay, release Master Cerberus quickly!" Job said loudly, but everyone looked at him with mocking faces. You have no chips, will I let him go?


Suddenly, screams came from behind, and everyone was suddenly startled. They saw dozens of black figures running out of the temple quickly.

"How dare you!" Job roared suddenly, and among the group of black shadows, there were several people holding professionals in their hands.

"What's going on? There are actually professionals!" The leader of the Mandala clan was suddenly shocked, and then looked at Qiao Bu angrily. He actually hid the professionals secretly. If the assassin inside hadn't heard about it and saved him immediately, otherwise this would not be possible. Several people were definitely taken as hostages.

Now there are no hostages in Mandala's hands. If the other party has hostages, the strangulation situation will be broken, so that these fallen ones cannot be killed.

"Roar, damn humans, you actually want to steal my food!" Suddenly, a roar came out from the temple, the door of the temple was slammed open, and a huge monster crawled out directly from inside.

The monster was shaped like a cow, with two huge horns, but it walked semi-upright. Like a gorilla, it had a pair of extremely strong and muscular forelimbs.

At this time, he was roaring fiercely at the escaping black shadow, beating his chest crazily, and everyone only heard a terrifying sound wave vibrating crazily.


Immediately afterwards, the monster took a deep breath and roared loudly in everyone's astonished eyes. An air bullet that was invisible to the naked eye but obviously folded the air was moving towards it crazily. Rushed over there.

"No!" Chief Mandala and others shouted. Suddenly, three people appeared in the black shadow, and then three huge phoenixes appeared instantly, and then the two phoenixes on the left and right suddenly merged with the one in the middle. Only one phoenix, three phoenixes merged into one in an instant!

"The phoenix dances for nine days!"


The sound wave bomb and Feng Wu collided fiercely for several days. Suddenly, terrifying sound waves and a large amount of flames spread out in an instant, and the forest suddenly started to catch fire.

"Fire!" Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. To be honest, Chen Feng had nothing to do about the current situation, and Chen Feng was still helpless in the even more terrifying war that the city would face later.

However, Chen Feng suddenly had an idea. Ordinary flames could not burn demons, but they could burn berserkers. If those hundreds of millions of berserkers died, wouldn't it reduce some of the pressure on humans?

However, ordinary flames cannot last so long at all. You must know that ordinary flames cannot burn berserkers. After all, berserkers also have the power to resist fire, and if ordinary flames are counted as fire damage, the damage is too low.

However, when Chen Feng saw the burning forest just now, he suddenly thought of something, which was the good thing that killed the Storm Tree last time, the treasure that was turned into liquid gold.


The forest contains a large amount of oil. Chen Feng had already discovered a lot of it at the gate of Old Kulast, but there was no time to exploit it at that time, so Chen Feng didn't care.

But now Chen Feng thought about it, if we could extract the oil, instead of using it to drive cars and planes, we could use it to burn it and lay a lot of oil outside the city wall.

This thing is slippery and sticky, and can make enemies feel sick. Then when the berserker approaches, it will be set on fire. What a refreshing thing it will be.

The Berserker may not necessarily be burned to death, but it can indirectly consume the Berserker's power. This is really a good thing for anyone!

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