Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 408 425: One against ten thousand? It's an enemy of one hundred thousand!

Chapter 405 425: One against ten thousand? It's an enemy of one hundred thousand!

"The enemy army has broken through the Skinning Forest!"

The scout's message was passed to the city, and suddenly the whole city once again smelled of soldiers. The enemy's army finally broke through the Peeling Forest, which meant that it was only less than 4 days away from the city of Kurast.

The construction of the entire city accelerated again, and countless barbarians acted as architects, constantly thickening and reinforcing the city walls. Each frost mage relied on their own skills to make the city walls stronger.

Freezing, this is one method, but the frozen city wall will become very brittle. However, as the mages use more and more skills, the ice on the city wall changes from quantitative to qualitative.

The ice cubes are becoming stronger and stronger. They used to be ice cubes, but now they are icebergs. People can no longer feel the cold when standing on them. However, when they are about to take steps, they tragically find that their shoes are already stuck to them. .

But people haven't felt the cold yet. When everyone took off their shoes when they got home, they found that their whole feet were purple, and they were obviously frozen and unconscious.

This cold is so terrifying.

But fortunately, people are not stupid. They know that there is no way for people to stand on the city wall now, so they erect a separate shelf on the city wall, and then raise the places where some archers can hide on the city wall. Anyway, a sheep can do it. Herding, even a group of sheep is herding.

In this way, it is equivalent to raising the city wall by one layer, but there is no need to step on the ice, and there is still a place where you can avoid the enemy's long-range attacks.

If you look at the Chinese city walls, they all have grooves on top. This is where the archers stand, and then there is a protrusion as high as the archers on the side. This is where the archers avoid enemy arrows. .

The city wall was a top priority, so no one was slacking off. Chen Feng also joined in the construction of the city wall. However, Chen Feng didn't know how to build it, so he was responsible for carrying the big rocks and mana potions.

Chen Feng's thousands of skeletons appeared at the same time, everyone was stunned, but Chen Feng himself took a look at his experience, and suddenly felt helpless again.

After all the skeletons were summoned, the experience points required for Chen Feng's upgrade reached an astonishing 2 billion again, and one of the five hell skeletons occupied 200 million. In other words, the five hell skeletons occupied Chen Feng's experience points. half.

There is nothing we can do.

Chen Feng's ordinary skeleton carried the stones, and the huge stones were sent to the 50-meter-high city wall. Chen Feng was suddenly horrified when he saw the huge stones being transported up like a snail.

But what is simpler is for professionals to transport the stones, just throw the stones into the backpack, and then run up. A group of people will come over and let you put it somewhere, and then you release it, and the group of people will adjust the position. Then start strengthening.

Later, Chen Feng's ordinary skeletons were criticized for being too slow to transport, so he simply gave them away. Several sedans were made directly, and the people who carried the stones were sent on the sedans. It must be said that it saved a lot of time at once.

Letting ten skeletons carry a stone weighing more than 1 ton not only blocks the way up the city wall, but is also very slow. But letting two skeletons carry people back and forth is simply fast. The movements of the corpse vulture and Julian are accelerated. Next, the skeleton's speed becomes faster, and the overall efficiency suddenly increases again.

In the past, people on the city wall were waiting for stones from the transport team, but now they were waiting for those people to throw stones at them.

There is no way, the person who needs to build the stone on top must be a barbarian with super strength. The stones here are not ordinary rocks, but crystals from the sea, obsidian.

These stones are hard in texture and have extremely high resistance to magic elements, so they are very effective against demons. Now there are three hundred ships with a bonus of 300, which are being mined crazily. These stones do not require too much processing at all. Find two cows. If you're a tough assassin, just cut the stone into pieces of the same size.

Then send the fine ones aside and grind them into powder, which can then be used to paint the walls and fill the gaps in the walls. After the continuous invasion of frost magic, the strength will increase exponentially.

Chen Feng's corpse vulture constantly used its huge body to hit the city wall. This was what an old man asked Chen Feng to do, because such collisions could make the city wall stronger.

As time went by, the impact changed from the corpse vulture to the dragon, and the corpse vulture continued to throw fireballs down to test the defensive effect of the city wall and to solidify the sand inside.

Chen Feng didn't care, but was with the Mandala clan leader, because there was a charge this time and the help of Chen Feng and others was needed.

"You want us to go together?" Chen Feng frowned. This time he was going to save the group of professionals trapped in the temple. Before the church didn't reply, the people in the temple did not dare to save the people in the temple. Professionals become degenerates.

Because once they all become fallen, the last trump card of the first nine elders there will be gone, and they will face the attack of several god-level powerhouses over level 100. By then, all the fallen here will have no choice but to die.

There are now more than 10,000 professionals in the temple. This is more than 10,000. They are the strongest group of young masters in Kurast. They can be said to be the best fresh blood in the world. They are all here. Inside.

Once all these people become degenerates, it will be extremely tragic. At least within 20 to 30 years, the human resources in the Demon Fortress will be reduced by more than half, and at least within 50 years, Kurast's power will be reduced. A big chunk.

Don't doubt that these people are all powerful people who have exceeded level 50. Level 50 is not something that Chen Feng can rush to in a few years. It takes at least close to 20 years for ordinary people to upgrade to level 50.

Moreover, it requires strong equipment support, good psychological quality, and good combat skills. These cannot be trained casually. These are all honed through life and death.

Although today's group is not as good as Chen Feng and others, they are very satisfied with Kurast and the Demon Fortress. Many of them are already qualified to enter the Demon Fortress as soldiers.

As long as you work hard to train and kill enemies in the Demon Fortress, it will not be impossible to become a strong general. There are even several people who have been favored by the Demon Fortress and are ready to be fully trained as soon as they enter.

These people can't be replenished casually. They are not the soldiers in the game. They can be replenished by spending hundreds of gold coins and dozens of wood after they die.

These people must be rescued.

This is what everyone is thinking. Even Khanduras and Lu Gaoyin have sent news that all these people must be rescued without missing a single one, otherwise there will really be a fault line in humanity and humanity will be in danger by then. .

The Demon Fortress also sent news that someone from their side was already preparing to come. Then they would attack the temple together and rescue all the people inside. However, because of the roar of the Dragon Clan leader last time, the people inside the hell were The battle suddenly subsided, causing the Demon Fortress to be under great pressure.

There was no other way. The last time Chen Feng signed a contract with two little dragons, the Dragon Clan leader's roar silenced the entire universe. The battle between Diavolo and Azmodan suddenly stopped, causing the demon fortress to be devastated.

However, the Demon Fortress still sent people over, including 50 level 90 super powerhouses and one level 100 god level powerhouse. Of course, such a huge lineup was not only to save people, but also to kill the demon army.

According to incomplete statistics from scouts, the number of berserker legions is around 8 billion, including Zakarum berserkers, Zakarum priests, and Zakarum mages, collectively known as the Zakarum Fallen Legion.

Following closely behind were a group of fallen demons.

It was also the largest among all the demon armies, totaling 50 billion, which made everyone take a breath of air.

To be honest, for all professionals, they would rather deal with the 50 billion true form of some huge beast, or the true form of the Moon Clan, than deal with the Sinking Demon.

It is really difficult to resurrect Chen Feng, especially the real demon. A fallen magician can resurrect dozens of fallen demons in one resurrection. In this way, these 50 billion demons can be regarded as 100 billion or even 500 billion demons.

Resurrection, constant resurrection, this is the real terror of the Sinking Demon. This is the terrifying strength of the Sinking Demon as cannon fodder, so dealing with the Sinking Demon has become a top priority.

Next is a group of fallen Luoge archers. This is the first batch of fallen Luoge. After entering hell, they were continuously copied and cloned by the power of hell, resulting in an increasing number. However, the number is still small now. to 5000W, but even this 5000W is already a headache for humans.

Next are the giant spiders and the moon clan. The number of both sides exceeds 20 billion. They belong to the attacking force. This group of monsters is powerful and has outstanding offensive capabilities. They are the best fighting force.

Followed by the Air Force, close to 20 billion Blood Eagles. This group of disgusting enemies came here to disgust humans again. With a number of 20 billion, it is estimated that the entire sky will be as dark as the Nightmare Moon.

Then there are spike demons, pollution monsters, and vampires, which add up to about 8 billion. This time, the zombie skeletons did not come out, because all the summoned demons were demon armies, and the only undead creatures were vampires.

Then there is what Chen Feng and others are most worried about. The giant beasts and the baboon demons are two kinds of siege beasts with more than 100 million in number. They are real heavy-armed troops, equivalent to heavy-armored knights. They can be killed by them. You, you can't kill them.

Today, the total number of demons has exceeded 100 billion, but on the other hand, the number of humans who can fight is only more than 1 million, and there is a gap.


how to spell?

One person needs to kill at least 100,000 troops. This is called one against ten thousand. But is it really an enemy?

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