Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 405 422: Swear!

Chapter 402 422: Swear!

Sharing life with the dragon clan, Chen Feng would not have to live for tens of thousands more years. For a while, even Kane, who was staying in Kurast, looked at Chen Feng in horror.

However, others may have envy and jealousy in their eyes, but Kane and others are only shocked and excited. For them, people will die sooner or later, and living for a long time is meaningless.

And Kane is also an old guy who has lived for thousands of years, so he naturally knows this kind of pain. For the vaster life, Kane no longer has the admiration he had when he was young.

The Horadric clan is known as a clan that pursues eternity, whether materially or spiritually, and more importantly, in terms of strength and longevity.

There are many powerful Horadric men who could survive tens of thousands of years, but when Hell attacked, they resolutely gave up their near-immortal lifespan and chose to die with Hell.

It's good for Chen Feng to have such a long life. At least mankind can have one more treasure. After all, strength can be accumulated through practice. Isn't giving Chen Feng 10,000 years not enough time for Chen Feng to fight against hell?

However, this will also bring greater disaster to Chen Feng and a glimpse of hell.

Will the monsters in hell let Chen Feng exist? Who can guarantee that this news will not leak out? Once it leaks out, hell will definitely regard Chen Feng as a thorn in its side and want to get rid of him as soon as possible.

In an instant, Kasha and others figured out the joints and stood up immediately. Several people stood at the door in an instant, glaring coldly at everyone present.

"Everyone, Chen Feng got the average life of two young dragons. Everyone knows the connection between this matter, so I need everyone to make an oath. If anyone leaks even a word, the whole family will be imprisoned forever by the temple law enforcers!" Xia said slowly.

"Wow!" A group of people present suddenly exclaimed collectively. The whole family was imprisoned. That is the most severe punishment in the world. It makes you unable to live or die.

"Why are you, a humble man, in charge of our Kurast affairs?" an elder said dissatisfied. A man from Khanduras dared to take care of Kurast's affairs. His hands were stretched too far. Is it too long?

"I agree with Lord Kasha. I am the first to swear on behalf of the Zakarum Church that if the matter of the lives of Lord Chen Feng and Xiaolong is revealed, the Zakarum Church will be disbanded on the spot and will be condemned by the people of the entire Sanctuary world. Spurn on!" The Pope suddenly stood up and said seriously.

When the others saw it, their expressions suddenly changed. The Pope actually helped Kasha so openly. In other words, he was showing his favor to Chen Feng. The other families had to start to weigh their own positions.

"I swear on behalf of the Mandala Family that if the average life expectancy of Mr. Chen Feng and the young dragon is revealed, the Mandala Family will be completely destroyed and the Mandala Family will no longer exist in the world. Divina, please keep your mouth shut! "The leader of Mandala said seriously.

A group of people were shocked again, but after thinking about it, the relationship between the Mandala family and Chen Feng was much closer than the church. No wonder the Pope would swear an oath before the leader of the Mandala family.

"On behalf of the Purse family, I swear that if the average life expectancy of Mr. Chen Feng and the young dragon is revealed, the family will be disbanded and the members will suffer the pain of hell forever."

"I swear on behalf of the Sirkin family."

"I swear on behalf of all members of the Angel Team"

"I swear on behalf of the royal family of Khanduras"

Chen Feng was stunned by the oaths one by one. Everyone swore that they would never reveal Chen Feng's secrets. This made Chen Feng puzzled for a while, but if he thought about it carefully, the lifespan of a human being is only a few hundred years. Even a peerless strong man can only live for tens of millions of years. It's incredible.

But he got the life of two young dragons, with a life of hundreds of thousands of years. Such growth will definitely threaten hell and heaven, so both hell and heaven will pay attention to Chen Feng.

Of course Heaven wanted to protect Chen Feng first, then get Chen Feng and let Chen Feng work for them, while Hell naturally wanted to corrupt Chen Feng and seduce Chen Feng.

However, if he fails to snatch Chen Feng, there will only be one fate for Chen Feng.

Rasma's route.

Just because he didn't want to serve the angels and demons, he was hunted down by both sides. Later, even if he got the position of Skeleton King, he was pulled down by the angels and demons. It has to be said to be a tragedy.

As for Chen Feng, if it is really leaked, but he does not obey heaven and hell, Chen Feng now does not have the strength of Rasma, so once the angels and demons start to hunt Chen Feng, Chen Feng will have no place to hide.

In this way, Chen Feng's secret was kept, and Kasha and others breathed a sigh of relief. In this world, people believe in oaths because angels exist, so they believe that angels will know your oath. Once your oath is made, If it is broken, the angel will immediately punish you.

Legend has it that some angels are in charge of destiny, some are in charge of death, some are in charge of oaths, and some are in charge of life. Of course, these are all legends, and ordinary people don't know the details.

However, Chen Feng didn't know the next question. A group of people actually asked Chen Feng what the force was just now.

"What power?" Chen Feng looked at everyone in confusion. A group of people looked at Chen Feng in astonishment. Didn't this power come from you? Don't you feel it?

"I didn't feel anything. I just felt the air shake. The two little dragons have already formed a contract with me!" Chen Feng said to the crowd. A group of people looked at each other and felt helpless.

"Master, they are asking about our clan leader!" The flame dragon's words suddenly rang in Chen Feng's mind. Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and then immediately asked.

"When our Dragon Clan signs a life-and-death contract, the Dragon Clan's Clan Chief will come forward to take a look. If we are sincere, the Clan Chief will not interfere with our own decision. If we are forced by others, then we will wait. The old patriarch, slap him down!" The Flame Dragon said to Chen Feng, who suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"Then how does it determine that you are sincere and not forced? For example, what if you were seduced by a demon?" Chen Feng asked in confusion.

"Then we don't know. Anyway, the old patriarch has a way. I heard my father say enough. Once the devil caught one of our members and wanted to force him to sign a contract. The dragon was tempted and forced again. , had to sign a contract, but the old patriarch came out and slapped the devil to death!"

So it turned out that he was here for the leader of the Dragon Clan, but Chen Feng had never seen him before, so he just pretended to be stupid and didn't know anything about it. The confusion on his face made everyone look at each other helplessly.

Since Chen Feng didn't know, there was nothing they could do. They simply let Chen Feng rest in peace and recuperate, instead of worrying about Chen Feng here, they prepared to attack the enemy.

"By the way, how are those monsters in Kurast?" Chen Feng exclaimed after everyone left. The situation outside must be very bad now. After Chen Feng passed out last time, Chen Feng didn't pay attention to anything.

Although Chen Feng was upgraded when he was unconscious, the feeling brought by the upgrade came earlier than the severe pain. Now Chen Feng's level has reached level 36, and the summoned skeleton has also been raised to level 59 by Chen Feng.

With just one level, Chen Feng can activate the Hell Skeleton again. The strength of the Hell Skeleton last time really left an extremely powerful impression on Chen Feng. Although the summoned one is not at the gold level, it can at least reach the level of a hundred with that golden skeleton. Chen Feng would be satisfied with a guy with one-third the strength.

"We don't know much about the current situation, but when we go out to buy food these days, people have begun to evacuate, and the food has begun to be taken over by the Zakarum Church!" Julian said with a frown, and Chen Feng immediately frowned as well. brow.

Only when there is real tension will the people be evacuated. After all, the green hills will be left without worrying about running out of firewood. This is known to all humans. Professionals can be trained after they die. As long as someone can delay time, they will be replaced in a few decades. They are a group of heroes.

But without humans, there will no longer be many professionals. Therefore, humans are the foundation of this world, and the common people are the real foundation.

Now even the people have begun to evacuate, which shows that the situation in Kurast has really developed into a very tense situation, at least the same as when the Hellfire attacked.

"So where has the army arrived now, and when my skeleton killed Mephisto, has the portal been closed?" Chen Feng asked nervously, he could have been unconscious for five days.

If the portal is not closed, the monsters that appear within five days will be terrifying to a frightening level, and the entire Sanctuary World East will fall.

By then, I am afraid that the entire Kurast and all nearby jungles will become battlefields, and even the desert will become the territory of hell. Massive armies will invade, and the human world will be in danger.

"Don't worry, the portal was closed the day after you were in coma. Several mages worked together to repair the sealing magic circle. The problem now is that a group of elders who originally guarded the temple in Sakaram. The professionals are threatening to release Mephisto!"

"What?" Chen Feng then remembered that there were tens of thousands of professionals in the temple, and the fact that these professionals could be picked up near the temple meant that they were all the top people in the Kurast area. batch.

In other words, most of the upper-level professionals in Kurast were in the hands of the fallen. Chen Feng and others immediately became worried. If all these people were corrupted, it would be worse than the army. It's even worse.

After decades of training, he becomes his own enemy, and the whole world will be outraged.

"Then what are our actions now?" This group of people must be rescued. The mid-level Berserkers can resist this wave, and those around level 40 to 50 can still be blocked as long as they are careful.

But the one behind that breaks the real body of the Sinking Demon can only be blocked by those above level 50. Those below level 50 are just a gift, and the one behind needs level 60 professionals to resist, otherwise they will die one by one.

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