Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 398 415: I want to destroy the sky, I am the Skeleton King! (Please order

Chapter 395 415: I want to destroy the sky, I am the Skeleton King! (Please subscribe, thank you!)

Fear, and fear.

It is the same type of negative emotion, but fear is more terrifying than fear. Many people can overcome their fear, such as snakes, bugs and other things. The easiest way to overcome their fear is to beat them to death or eat them.

Many girls are afraid of bugs, but once they go to Yunnan, they are no longer afraid, because Yunnan will turn ugly bugs into delicious food, so girls' natural fear of bugs will disappear.

But fear is another story.

Most people are afraid of something if they have been hurt or frightened by that thing. For example, if they witness a murderer with their own eyes, they will naturally be afraid of the murderer. If they witness a venomous snake biting someone, they will naturally be afraid of venomous snakes.

Chen Feng's mind kept replaying the original state of Julian's serious injury, but it turned out that Beria seriously injured Julian, instead of Julian being seriously injured because he did not use the teleportation array properly.

As a result, the hidden shadow in Chen Feng's heart burst out again. Chen Feng had always attributed Julian's serious injury to himself.

Firstly, it was indeed Beria's appearance that made Julian so injured, and secondly, Julian was seriously injured because of Chen Feng.

At this time, due to the fear soul in the arena, Julian's original serious injury became Beria's injury to Julian, and Julian was seriously injured.

But within a few seconds, Julian turned from injured to dead, and the fear in Chen Feng's heart became even more terrifying.

After a few seconds, Chen Feng suddenly felt that he appeared on the gate of Luoge again. The huge burning immortal Andariel also appeared here. Chen Feng was immediately startled.

Just when he was about to summon the Hell Champion Knight Commander, Andariel angrily sprayed out a ball of green liquid. What frightened Chen Feng happened, and actually killed Julian and others instantly.

"No!" Chen Feng roared angrily, and Dragon Turtle shook his head helplessly. He originally wanted to let Chen Feng test whether he had the determination to become a strong man and whether he had the determination to overcome all hardships and fears.

But now the fear has turned into fear, and now it is even worse. It is obvious that Chen Feng's spirit is very unstable. It is obvious that there is no need to continue this battle.

Dragon Turtle was very disappointed with Chen Feng. He had finally succeeded in inheriting the Skeleton King's inheritance, but he didn't expect that the newcomer who inherited it was worse than the previous generation. He couldn't even survive the Soul of Fear. It was really disappointing.

Just when Dragon Turtle was about to let go of Chen Feng and let Chen Feng return to the real world, Chen Feng suddenly roared angrily. Chen Feng's eyes were scarlet, and with a crazy move, hundreds of skeletons suddenly emerged from the ground.

All the skeletons seemed to feel Chen Feng's anger. They raised their heads and let out silent roars that instantly covered the entire arena. Dragon Turtle's originally disappointed eyes suddenly lit up and he looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

"I am who I am, I am not afraid of heaven, earth, people, gods, ghosts or demons!"

"I stand upright against the sky and on the earth, my body is as strong as an iron birch, I am unyielding in life, I will not fall in death, and I will be immortal if I fall. What should I fear?"

"If people promise to destroy me, I will kill people; if demons promise to destroy me, I will kill demons; if gods promise to destroy me, I will kill gods; if heaven and earth cannot tolerate me, I will create heaven and earth!"

"I am the Skeleton King!"

Chen Feng roared loudly, and suddenly a burst of gray light suddenly burst out from behind Chen Feng. Then the gray light rushed out of the body crazily like the depression that had been expelled from the body.

Immediately afterwards, bursts of golden light burst out from Chen Feng's body crazily, and in an instant, the entire Arena of the Undead was illuminated by Chen Feng's golden light!

"I am the Skeleton King!"

"I am the Skeleton King!"

"I am the Skeleton King!"

Chen Feng's roar echoed throughout the cemetery, and the entire cemetery was shocked. All the older generations hidden in the cemetery appeared in the sky one after another.

"The inheritance of the Skeleton King, the inheritance of the Skeleton King, the inheritance of the Skeleton King has begun!"

"Finally, someone has inherited the will of the Skeleton King again. We have been waiting for a million years. Countless inheritors have been unable to unlock the will of the Skeleton King. We have finally waited!"

"The will of the Skeleton King, the Skeleton King who is all-powerful, has finally come back. We have been waiting for a million years, a million years!"

"Welcome back to the Skeleton King!"

"Welcome back to the Skeleton King!"

"Welcome back to the Skeleton King!"

Roars came from all directions in the world in an instant. Chen Feng stood on the spot, his body exuding dazzling golden light. Even the dragon turtle had to take two steps back. This golden light was really much more powerful than his.

"The Skeleton King's will turns out to be like this. Heaven is not afraid, and the earth is not afraid. If people promise to destroy me, I will kill people; if the demons promise to destroy me, I will kill demons; if gods promise to destroy me, I will kill gods; heaven and earth will not tolerate it. I, I will create the world! I am the Skeleton King!"

"I am the Skeleton King!" Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and saw two golden lights suddenly burst out from Chen Feng's eyes. In an instant, all the golden skeletons around him felt an unparalleled pressure coming towards them. .

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

A series of loud noises appeared around Chen Feng crazily. Chen Feng looked around and saw a large group of skeletons suddenly surrounding him. All the skeletons were hundreds of meters high, and one of the bigger ones actually towered into the sky. , one bark occupies more than half of the arena.

Among them, there were Behemoth and Flame Bone Dragon that Chen Feng had seen.

"Welcome back to the Skeleton King!"

All the skeletons around knelt down and shouted respectfully towards Chen Feng. Chen Feng closed his eyes and enjoyed everything with his whole heart. From today on, he is the skeleton king.

"Okay, can someone explain to me what's going on?" Chen Feng opened his eyes and said to the surroundings. A group of skeletons looked at each other, and finally the golden dragon turtle stood up.

"Skeleton King, we are all the leaders of Skeleton King's army. However, since no one has inherited Skeleton King's true will in millions of years, we all divide our territories and do not interact with each other!"

"But today, the Skeleton King has finally inherited the will that a real Skeleton King should have, so you have finally become the real Skeleton King and have been recognized by all our commanders, so all our commanders, come together to pay your respects!"

The golden dragon turtle said to Chen Feng, but Chen Feng was still a little confused and couldn't help but close his eyes and feel the changes in his body.

"Eh? Why is there a skeleton in my head?" Chen Feng suddenly frowned. When he closed his eyes, Chen Feng could see inward like the protagonist in a fantasy novel. However, Chen Feng was surprised to find that there was nothing in his body. Changes, but in the center, between the eyebrows, there is a small golden skull.

"This is this?" Chen Feng glanced at it, his eyes widened suddenly, and he immediately exclaimed. Then he opened his skill and attribute panel, his eyes widened suddenly, with a look of disbelief on his face.

The Will of the Skeleton King

It is said from ancient times that the will condensed by the greatest Skeleton King must have endless courage and absolute kingly aura to possess it.

(Exclusive to Chen Feng only)

+10 all skill levels

+100% improvement in all attributes

+1000 to all resistances


50% of the requirements to transform into the Scarlet Skeleton King

+50% effect of transforming into the Scarlet Skeleton King

+1 to Summon Dark Devouring Skeleton King

Grants level 1 Skeleton King aura (causing Skeleton King pressure on all surrounding undead creatures, all attributes of all undead creatures will be reduced by 100%, 10% chance of not being able to resist, can be upgraded)

Chen Feng opened his eyes and looked at the skill "+1 to Summon Darkness Devouring Skeleton King" in puzzlement. He opened the control panel, and sure enough, there was a new skill bar on it.

"Eh?" Chen Feng was suddenly startled. He saw that his "Skeleton King Resurrection" skill had changed. This was the skill that Chen Feng used to summon the "Blood Skeleton King Head". It was originally blood red, but now it has turned into gold. .

Resurrection of the Skeleton King: The identity of the Skeleton King can be summoned. As long as the bodies of all the subordinate Skeleton Kings are gathered together, they can be merged into the supreme Skeleton King and become the strongest existence in the world.

"The strongest being in the world?" Chen Feng's eyes widened immediately, but the condition scared Chen Feng half to death. He had to gather the bodies of all the skeleton kings under his command.

Chen Feng saw something about this, but Chen Feng still couldn't believe it. However, there was still a fact telling Chen Feng that the bloody Skeleton King in Chen Feng's hands was not the real Skeleton King at all, but a subordinate of the Skeleton King. That’s all.

Chen Feng felt that he was about to be knocked unconscious, but Chen Feng immediately became excited. Now is not the time to study these things. Chen Feng must return to the real world immediately.

Now that he has added level 10 full skills, his strength can become even more terrifying. When there are massive skeletons and new skeletons appearing, Chen Feng can be sure that he will have a chance to kill Mephisto.

"You might as well meet with the Dragon Turtle first. I want to return to the real world immediately, where my relatives are suffering a life-and-death battle!" Chen Feng said anxiously, and then immediately wanted to exit the cemetery.

"Great Skeleton King, please wait a moment. Although you are currently unable to take us out with your strength, with your current strength, you have the authority to summon a hell skeleton once a month. According to your current level, you can summon a hell skeleton. , I’m afraid your current opponent still can’t defeat the Hell Skeleton!”

"Hell Skeleton?" Chen Feng immediately became excited, thinking that Chen Feng knew that the Hell Skeleton was more powerful than all his current skeletons. Because of the level 10, Chen Feng's current summoned skeleton level was as high as level 58, and a new type of skeleton was added.

Named: Overlord Skeleton.

That will only appear after level 50, but now Dragon Turtle asked Chen Feng to summon a hell skeleton, which is obviously more powerful than the Overlord Skeleton. Why is Chen Feng so unhappy!

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