Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 388 405: The Invisible Land and the Situation Deteriorating Again! (

Chapter 385 405: The Invisible Land and the Situation Deteriorating Again! (Please subscribe, thank you!)

The Invisible Land is a very mysterious place, and no witch doctor is willing to say more about it, but every time he talks about this name, it is with great reverence and solemnity.

In the invisible land, this guy really existed in Chen Feng's memory. The Witch Doctor was the first new profession released by Blizzard in Diablo 3, so naturally Chen Feng paid a lot of attention to it.

First of all, the Invisible Land is a mysterious area, and based on Chen Feng's insinuations about Munich, Chen Feng can confirm that the Invisible Land really exists.

The main way for witch doctors to communicate with the invisible land is to offer sacrifices, and the main way of offering sacrifices is human life.

The tribes of witch doctors often have wars, which often last for dozens of days. A large number of lives are consumed in this way, so this is one of the reasons why the tribe of witch doctors has never grown to become one of the seven major professions.

After all, there is no difference between witch doctors, barbarians and Amazons in Chen Feng's eyes. They all rely on blood and faith to fight as professionals.

If it weren't for the wars that were fought every year, the witch doctor tribe would have become a huge tribe like the savages or even the Amazons.

The battles of the witch doctor tribe are not for primitive interests such as territory and food, but for the purpose of offering sacrifices to the mysterious invisible place. Generally, the victorious party can take all the corpses back and sacrifice them to the invisible place.

With every sacrifice, the invisible land will bring some power to the witch doctor, such as strengthening a person's spirit, or temporarily assimilating with a person's spirit, and then guiding the assimilated person how to use the plants on the ground.

In other words, the invisible land plays a role in blessing evolution or skill mutation, and also assumes educational responsibilities.

The witch doctor's belief is mainly about life and the invisible land, but the invisible land plays a greater role. It not only teaches some mysterious botany, but also strengthens the strength of the witch doctor tribe members.

The witch doctor had an unparalleled spirit of self-sacrifice. Chen Feng had no doubt that if Munich was asked to sacrifice his life to the invisible land, Munich would immediately burst open his fat belly.

The most important thing about the Invisible Land is not when a person is alive, but after a person dies.

Legend has it that after a human dies, the soul cannot survive in the Sanctuary World. Instead, it will leave the Sanctuary World and go to the Invisible Land, accepting the protection of the Invisible Land until eternity.

Moreover, witch doctors also believe that all their professional abilities are given by the invisible land. Only those who have been touched by the invisible land will have such acquired power.

Chen Feng speculated that the Invisible Land was an existence similar to an angel, but it was obviously different from an angel. It was probably another powerful creature.

The so-called touch of the invisible place gives the acquired professional strength, which is equivalent to the possibility of becoming a professional, and all the spiritual strengthening.

"There are so many people!" After chatting for a long time, Divina stood up bored. This girl had been a listener for a long time and finally couldn't help it. She had no interest in such things.

"I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of people here, right?" Chen Feng said with a smile, and Munich nodded. Now the entire underground floor is occupied by people, and there are at least tens of thousands of people around.

"Everyone, please do not enter the second level. Because the Demon King is sealed below, the demons from hell can easily be projected below. Therefore, all the demons below the second level are full of demons. Please do not go down. The lower level has not been cleaned for thousands of years. Now, I’m afraid the monsters already have the strength of their true bodies!”

A group of people were sitting here bored. Some people wanted to enter the second floor to have a look, but of course they were blocked.

However, a group of people were blocked, and gradually the monsters below were actually demons. How high would the explosion rate be for monsters that had not been killed for thousands of years?

Some people were immediately ready to take action, and an elder had to stand up and speak loudly to everyone. ɱ

"Huh? Isn't the qualification to enter the Demon Fortress a clone of Mephisto? Why are there thousands of people on the second floor and no one has been cleared?" Chen Feng suddenly asked in shock.

"Haha, generally professionals teleport from the first floor to the third floor. If you don't see it over there, the teleportation array is over there. However, the situation has been weird these days. We destroyed the teleportation array, and we are also afraid There is something going on below, so for the time being, professionals should not apply to challenge Mephisto and enter the second level!"

Behind Chen Feng, Elder Qiaobu suddenly spoke. Chen Feng and others immediately stood up. Unexpectedly, Elder Qiaobu was standing behind them.

"Elder Job!" A group of people greeted respectfully. Elder Job is the elder of the Zakarum Church. In fact, most people do not need to respect him so much, but what everyone respects is Elder Job's life-saving grace, and The elder has spent 30 years here guarding his hard work and noble spirit.

"Haha, okay, sit down. To be honest, it hasn't been this lively here for a long time!" At this time, Elder Qiaobu was not as powerful as he was when he brought Chen Feng and others back. The aura on his body had completely disappeared, and now he seemed to be a Ordinary old people are happily watching energetic young people come to visit them.

"Hey, actually I shouldn't tell you some things, but if I think about it carefully, it will still be you young people who will deal with this situation in the future, so don't talk, just listen to me!"

Elder Qiaobu said, but the voice resounded throughout the entire space. Everyone stopped the discussion and looked at Chen Feng.

"Job, you."

"Okay, Karl, our old bones are no longer of use. Even if these things are hidden, how can we hide them? A smart person will know it as soon as he thinks about it!" Elder Job shook his head helplessly. Shake his head.

"First of all, because there are teleportation arrays on the first and third floors, the second floor is not allowed to enter. Although the second floor is the only way to go to the third floor, you really don't know that there are 2 people sealed in the second floor. A guy who is comparable to Hellfire, but because of the last invasion of Hellfire, the two seals began to loosen slightly, so the monsters on the second floor are already equal to level 60 to level 70 demons. You were looking for death in the past, so don't Get down!"

"Don't refute yet, listen to what I have to say!" As soon as Elder Job finished speaking, someone wanted to stand up and show that he had the strength to defeat these demons, but was stopped by Elder Job.

"Because two guys who are comparable to hellfire have leaked the power of hell, the monsters below have opened their wisdom, so they are more difficult to deal with than ordinary monsters of level 60 or 70, so none of you are allowed to go down to the second floor. Wait. The Templars, who sealed the Hellfire, are back to clean it up!"

"It's not that I don't trust you, but you are all the future strong men of this world, and you are absolutely not allowed to die here easily"! Elder Qiaobu said seriously.

"This is the first thing. The second thing is that the oldest seal under the ground, the seal that seals Mephisto, may have been loosened a little under the attack of Hellfire, but it has nothing to do with the army of monsters outside. Whether it is related or not, we don’t know anything, so for everyone’s safety, I will assign the task of killing Mephisto’s clone. Now we must prevent Mephisto’s clone from growing!” Elder Job said.

"Eh? Didn't you just say that you won't be allowed to go down?" Chen Feng was suddenly startled, but did not say anything, but continued to look at Elder Qiaobu.

"Some people may ask, didn't you just say you were not allowed to go down? Why is it possible now? Because I just went to check the seal. Although the seal is intact, we feel that a little breath is still leaked, so we want you to go down and arrest Murphy. Sto's clone was harvested first, lest Mephisto use his own clone to get himself out of trouble later!" Elder Job said.

But Chen Feng always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it. However, Chen Feng nodded anyway. It was not his turn anyway, so it didn't matter.

"We will discuss who will go down specifically. Everyone just wait here slowly. It is estimated that Kurast's rescue will arrive in four or five days!"

With such a terrifying situation outside, the Angel Legion must come down to help humans, but Old Kurast will be in ruins by then, so everyone has to leave before the battle starts.

After Elder Qiaobu finished speaking, he left. Chen Feng and others were still discussing. The situation outside was getting more and more serious.

"Oh my god, I just went out and took a peek, and a big stupid beast actually appeared!" A professional suddenly rushed in from the door and said to everyone in horror.

"What? The Big Stupid Beast?" Everyone suddenly exclaimed again. The Big Stupid Beast is Lu Gaoyin's monster. It was later absorbed by Hell and became stronger and became a medium-sized demon. Although it is the weakest medium-sized demon, it is a medium-sized demon. The reputation of the devil is still much higher than that of the fallen demons.

"Damn it, does that mean that hell is really going to be completely reserved for the human world?" Elder Job's face turned cold and he immediately frowned deeply.

"Come with me and tell me the specific situation and the monsters you have seen!" Elder Qiaobu grabbed him, and several other elders not far away immediately left together.

"The big stupid beasts have come out, will there even be high-level demons coming out later?"

"That's for sure. Haven't you seen two such large teleportation arrays? Maybe Hell plans to dispatch all its troops to the human world!"

"Oh my god, how can we fight against each other? I can't even fight a fallen demon in a single fight!"

"I told you to upgrade properly but you didn't listen. Are you scared now? It's too late. When the time comes, just stay with me and I'll protect you!"

Various comments continued to ring around, and everyone's expressions were very ugly, including Chen Feng's, but there was still a question in Chen Feng's mind.

How did that guy see the big stupid beast? Could he also become invisible?

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