Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 385 402: Emerald Green Yalong (Please subscribe, thank you!

Chapter 382 402: Emerald Green Yalong (Please subscribe, thank you!)

As soon as Chen Feng came out of the cemetery, he felt excited, and the people who were observing Chen Feng around him were startled.

They were originally looking at the guy who had become a star in Kurast at a young age. He had blessed the evolution of a super-pervert 10 times in a row, a full 4 times more than Tal Rasha, who was said to be the most powerful in the continent.

Although many people know Chen Feng, this is the first time they have seen Chen Feng at such a close distance.

Suddenly, they saw Chen Feng closing his eyes, and everyone couldn't help but be startled. Now is the time to search for professionals, doesn't Chen Feng not want to look for them anymore?

But the next second, Chen Feng's eyes opened again. With a heavy breath and a look of excitement on his face, the people who were looking at Chen Feng couldn't help but be stunned.

"What's wrong with Chen Feng? Did he remember something good?"

A group of people were puzzled and Chen Feng didn't bother to look at it at all, because in front of Chen Feng, a bunch of information that others couldn't see appeared, and these information happened to be the source of Chen Feng's most excitement.

Poisonous Drake (Emperor's Skeleton)

Although the species produced by the combination of legendary dragons and other sub-dragons are not as powerful as real dragons, they are much stronger than ordinary creatures. Coupled with the terrifying poisonous damage, even some adult dragons dare not provoke them. they.


Hit rate: 15000000

Defense: 12000000

HP: 15000000

Damage: 5000-7300

Death Fang LV10: The poisonous dragon has a row of venom-filled fangs in its mouth. When it bites the enemy, it will instantly inject all the venom into the enemy's body. All the venom can make an adult dragon fall to the ground. Causes 5000W poisonous damage, lasts for one minute, CD: 3 hours.

Fierce Poison Claw LV10: Gather all the poison in the body onto the claws, pierce directly into the body, and inject the poison into the internal organs, causing more powerful damage, 6000W points of poison damage, lasting for one minute, CD: 3 hours (not available) Used together with Death Fang, if any one of the two skills enters the CD time, the other one will also enter the CD time immediately)

Poisonous Dragon's Breath LV5: Use the high-heat dragon's breath to evaporate the venom in your body, making the poison more invasive and corrosive, and effectively spreading the poison, causing 100 million points of poisonous damage, lasting for 1 minute , causing 1000% fire damage at the same time, 100% chance of entering the burning state, CD: 3 days. During the CD cooldown period, Death Fang and Poison Claw cannot be used! )

The extremely terrifying damage and defense HP, the extremely terrifying poison damage, Chen Feng originally thought that the poisonous dragon and the poisonous mantis were the same, but when he actually saw the skills, Chen Feng was stunned and could not even speak.

100 million points of poisonous damage

"You must not let Emily know, otherwise this girl will definitely kill me!" What popped out of Chen Feng's mind was not "This Yalong is so awesome" but the words "You must not let Emily" Li knew.

One hundred million points of poisonous damage, lasting for a full minute, which means that it will cause about 167W of poisonous damage in one minute.

Chen Feng thought about Emily's poison. Her own poison damage was about 5800 points, and the skill bonus was about 180% to 220%. Then take the highest value of 220%, which means that Emily uses skills. The poison damage caused is only 12760 points, and the duration is 6 seconds. The poison damage caused per second is about 2126 points.

Then add a hundred times the poisonous explosion.

212,600 points of poison damage, only 21,000 points of poison damage. Compared with Chen Feng's terrifying 167,000 points, it's not even a fraction.

"You must not let Emily know!" Chen Feng broke out in a cold sweat. He must not let Emily know the strength of this poisonous dragon. Chen Feng said to himself in his heart. Unless it is absolutely necessary, he really can't let Emily know the strength of this poisonous dragon. Use in front of you.

"Chen Feng, what's wrong with you?" Emily frowned and looked at Chen Feng, because Chen Feng was looking at her with a look of horror. Emily thought there was something terrifying behind her, but there was arcane magic behind her. That little fat guy Long.

"Uh, it's okay, it's okay!" Chen Feng suddenly woke up, shook his head and said loudly that it was okay. If he really said it, although Chen Feng knew that Emily would not be fine, such a blow would be a big blow to Emily. Too cruel.

She worked hard to reach 5800 points of poison damage. You must know that at Emily's level, such poison damage is already very objective, especially since Emily has the blessing of skills.

However, no matter who works hard to make his own powerful, especially if he has to shamelessly get some equipment of sufficient level to supplement himself.

As a result, Chen Feng randomly called a dragon out and wiped out all of Emily's poison attacks. This was really a blow to Emily.

It's like you begged your grandfather and grandma to collect 1 million yuan to start a business, but a rich second generation comes and easily takes out 20 million yuan. No one can bear this blow.

However, there is still room for improvement. Once Emily masters the third skill obtained during the blessing evolution, Chen Feng's poisonous dragon can use the skills at will.

"By the way, the corpse vulture can no longer sit on it. You just sit on the corpse vulture. Team Rose and I will change the mounts. I will arrange the corpse vulture to take you back. We will continue to look for people!" Chen Feng said to everyone.

There are now 48 people on the corpse vulture's back. Chen Feng plans to send them all back first, while he and Yalong continue to rescue others.

"Are you in too much danger?" Boku, who was first rescued by Chen Feng, asked Chen Feng. Chen Feng shook his head with a smile.

"It's okay. As soon as you leave Kurast, use the scroll to return to the city immediately. If you can use it, go back immediately. Then the corpse vulture can come back to rescue others!" Chen Feng said, and a group of people looked at Chen Feng's confidence. Looks like, can't help but nod.

Chen Feng smiled softly. Now these people were obviously a little worried about him, but they wouldn't be worried anymore.

"Roar!" A dragon roar suddenly came from the sky, and in a huge black hole, a green flying dragon slowly flew out of it, roaring towards the sky, as if to announce his arrival. .


"What kind of monster is that?"

"Oh my God!"

"Monster, monster!"

"No, it's a skeleton, that monster is a skeleton!"

"Is it Chen Feng's summoned beast?"

Everyone looked at Chen Feng in disbelief. Those who were originally observing Chen Feng were suddenly shocked. Could it be that the surprise on Chen Feng's face was because he got this monster?

"Uh-huh, uh-huh!" Although the group of people were very shocked, the two little guys, Arcane Dragon and Flame Dragon, were the most excited. They looked at the sub-dragon skeleton in the sky with excitement.


Yalong's huge wings were fully opened from the sky. The huge wings instantly covered the entire sky. The 300-meter-long wingspan was like a black cloud rising in the sky.

"Boom!" The huge wings flapped hard, and the corpse vulture suddenly lowered its height. Chen Feng actually felt ups and downs and fear from the corpse vulture's mental fluctuations.

"So strong!" Chen Feng's eyes gleamed. This is the skeleton he likes. Domineering, mighty, chic, terrifying, and powerful. This is the goal of a summoned beast.

Immediately he led the girls to the Yalong Skeleton. The back of the Yalong Skeleton was much wider than the corpse vulture, and it looked like a small basketball court.

The bones of Yalong are also very impressive. The bones on the entire back are all connected together like iron plates. Occasionally, there are a few bones that are not together, but they can still fit one person.

The first impression of the entire back is that it is big, the second impression is that it is thick, and the third impression is that it is awesome!

Nodding to everyone who still looked shocked, Chen Feng asked the corpse vulture to send them out. The corpse vulture flew directly towards the sky. The higher it flew, the less likely it was to encounter enemies.

"Brother Chen Feng, is this your skeleton?" Divina excitedly ran around on the Yalong skeleton, and finally sat on the head of the Yalong skeleton very simply.

Although the Yalong skeleton has no dragon horns and its head is very smooth, it is still very easy to sit down alone.

"Roar!" Not far away, a group of vultures flew up because of the roar of the Yalong Skeleton and rushed towards the Yalong Skeleton. The Yalong Skeleton seemed to feel the provocation of the group of vultures and roared angrily.

"No skills allowed!" Chen Feng immediately banned the Yalong Skeleton, but to Chen Feng's surprise, the Yalong Skeleton's attack methods were not limited to skills and physical attacks.


"Boom!" Yalong actually opened his mouth and spit out a violent breath of dragon breath. If all the vultures weren't poisoned, Chen Feng almost thought it was a skill.

"Waaaah!" Divina screamed, because she was sitting on the head of the dragon, and Yalong opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of dragon breath. Divina experienced it most clearly.

"So hot, so hot!" The sparks floating in the air made Divina jump back to everyone. Fortunately, Yalong maintained the fire-breathing posture, so his neck did not move. Chen Feng was really worried about Yalong's head. In a flash, Divina fell.

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed. Divina pouted and slapped Chen Feng. She thought it was Chen Feng who made Yalong breathe fire and then made her look embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, let's go find someone quickly!" Chen Feng grabbed Divina's hand and said, and saw that the group of vultures had all turned into charcoal and fell to the ground.

Yalong began to search, and Chen Feng and others became more courageous. Looking at all the berserkers on the ground, Chen Feng seemed to be looking at a group of moving experience points.

As long as Yalong takes a breath of poisonous dragon breath, Chen Feng can be sure that the berserkers below will be overwhelmed by the spray, but Chen Feng still wants to keep it because no one knows how many powerful monsters are behind him. This 100 million point poison damage , Chen Feng did not dare to act rashly.

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