Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 359 378: Transformation, Blood Stone Demon!

Chapter 356 378: Transformation, Blood Stone Demon!

"Hmph, you want to run? It's too late!" Phoenix Goddess Feilin smiled disdainfully, and suddenly a huge red phoenix appeared behind her, rushing towards the crowd crazily. "Human, I know you!" Suddenly, a knight in black suddenly appeared in front of Feilin. A burst of black aura filled the air crazily from the black-winged knight, and he collided fiercely with the fiery red phoenix. together.

"Hmph, I've killed countless high-level demons!" Feilin said disdainfully, and the huge phoenix suddenly expanded again and smashed hard at the Black Wing Knight.

"The Phoenix Goddess is naturally powerful. It's easy to challenge us alone, but what about our five brothers together?" Suddenly, four black-winged knights appeared next to Feilin again, and Feilin was surrounded in an instant.

"Hmph, five knights, it's just a lot of effort!" Feilin said disdainfully, but the phoenix on her body became particularly fragile under the suppression of the five black-winged knights, as if it would be destroyed accidentally. .

"Hmph!" Feilin frowned. Although she said something tough, the level 85 high-level demon was not the level 85 low-level demon. Even if there were hundreds of level 90 low-level demons, Feilin wouldn't even blink an eyebrow.

But just 5 high-level demons made Feilin miserable. This shows how powerful the high-level demons are, so birth is everything.

"Roar!" Five high-level demons roared at the same time. A cannonball was condensed in the mouths of the five high-level demons at the same time, and it was sprayed fiercely towards Feilin who was surrounded in the middle.

"Hmph, the flying dragon is in the sky!" Feilin disappeared in front of everyone in an instant, and appeared behind a fallen person in an instant. Feilin easily killed the fallen person.

"Hmph, you want to surround me? Even if I can't defeat you, but you want to catch me, is it possible?" Feilin said disdainfully.

Although he couldn't defeat the five black winged knights, it was still easy to escape Feilin. Who asked him to be an assassin? A flying dragon in the sky didn't even need to gather energy. He used it directly and instantly teleported to a place thousands of meters away. A fallen person can easily kill a fallen person.

"Human, don't run away if you can!" A black-winged knight roared angrily, and Felin rolled her eyes. How could such an idiot say something like that?

"If you don't run, don't run!" Feilin said suddenly and grandly, and actually stood still in the air. The eyes of a group of demons lit up, and they immediately roared and rushed towards Feilin, but they did not see the corner of Felin's mouth. A sly smile flashed across his face.

"The phoenix dances for nine days, the golden flame phoenix!" Suddenly, Feilin roared angrily, and saw the huge phoenix behind her appear again, but this time it was covered in golden flames.

"No, fire from heaven!" A group of demons were suddenly shocked. They didn't expect that Felin's body could actually have fire from heaven. The golden flames instantly began to attack violently. Suddenly, the identities of the hunter and the hunter were revealed. It was transformed.

On one side, Feilin was playing with five black-winged knights, while on the other side, hundreds of guardians were fighting nearly a thousand fallen ones. No one could run away. Once they escaped, it would be a dead end. It was better to just Hard fight.

The crazy battle lasted for 3 days and 3 nights, with nearly 2,000 people dead and wounded, and more than half of them. Of the 600 temple guardians, only about 400 people were left in the end. However, the losses of the Fallen were huge, with more than a thousand people killed and injured. There were only more than 300 people left, surrounded by a group of people.

"Kasha, you have to die!" The leader glared at Kasha. Among the more than 700 people, at least 300 died in Kasha's hands. The strength of the ruthless arrow god is really terrifying, especially when his friends Under protection, he became even crazier.

"Humph, I don't want to die well? I don't know how many people and demons have cursed me. Do you think I am still alive and well now?" Kasha said disdainfully, looking at the leader and the remaining seven black wing knights. , with a sneer on his face.

"Leannat, I didn't expect that it was you who planned this time. When did you, an idiot, have such a brain? Come up with the idea of ​​killing us all together?" Feilin looked at the leader with disdain and said.

"Felin, don't be proud!" Leannat roared angrily, but Felin was filled with disdain and was surrounded by everyone. She actually said she shouldn't be proud. Why should she be proud now if she has no choice!

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect the professionals to be so powerful and able to wipe out all my people. One day, I will take revenge, the Devour of Azmodan!"

Suddenly, Leannat roared suddenly, and Kasha and others immediately shouted bad, but Leannet opened his mouth in an instant, and the mouth instantly turned into a big mouth like a blue whale, and he swallowed it in one breath. The seven scarred black wing knights and several fallen ones around him were swallowed completely.

"Sacrifice, burn, give me strength!" Lennart roared at the doctor, and his whole body suddenly swelled up, and his huge body was like an inflated ball.

However, everyone felt a terrifying force rising from Liannat's body, and everyone's expressions became ugly.

"Damn it, it's Azmodan's Devouring Technique. He can devour surrounding enemies or partners and convert them into his own power. Everyone, pay attention!" Kasha roared.

Azmodan's Devouring Technique can swallow enemies or partners and then digest them instantly. No one who is swallowed can survive, and all of them are converted into one-time power and passed to the Devourer.

A terrifying power burst out from Leannat's body, and everyone felt a violent storm sweep across the surroundings instantly. The already dilapidated ground around them was even more devastated.

"Roar!" Lennart roared angrily. In an instant, more than twenty paladins roared angrily, activated their Holy Shield skills and rushed forward, but Lennart slapped them all away.

"Be careful, don't get close and attack from a distance to consume his power!" Kasha roared angrily, but Lennart smiled strangely and appeared behind Kasha instantly.

"Poof!" A mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out, but it was not Kasha, but Sandora. When Leannat moved, Sandora guessed the target and immediately blocked Kasha's move.

"Bastard, Storm Arrow!" Kasha roared angrily, and the bow and arrow in his hand bounced wildly, and the arrows continued to sweep toward Leannat with waves of storms.

"The flying dragon is in the sky!"

Lennart was hit hard on the back, and Lennart couldn't help roaring, but before it ended, he saw a burst of arrows mixed with the storm hitting his body crazily.

"Roar!" Lennart roared, but there were more and more enemies around him. Even if he swallowed all the fallen ones, he might not be able to defeat these guys.

"Roar, I will come back!" Lennart felt that his body was beginning to weaken a little, and the duration of the Devouring Technique was very short.

"Stab!" Suddenly, Lennart received several consecutive attacks, and then suddenly tore apart the space and came out, obviously preparing to abandon the other fallen ones and escape.

"No, he's trying to escape!" Although Kasha discovered it, there was nothing he could do about it. Lennart's ability to fight for his life swallowed up a total of 7 high-level demons. Although his strength did not reach the level of a demon king, he could challenge himself and others alone. But there was nothing the humans could do. If it weren't for the large number of people, they would have died long ago.

In an instant, Lennart tore apart space and escaped.

"Damn, hurry up, catch up, Lennart has used Devouring Technique, and his strength has greatly increased in a short period of time. Now that it has torn apart the space, his strength will disappear instantly. He is worse than a level 60 professional!" Kasha suddenly shouted. With a sound, he immediately rose into the sky and chased in one direction.

"What about these fallen ones?" A guardian of the temple, who looked like the captain, said as he looked at the group of fallen ones who were still resisting.

"Kill them all, why keep them??"

Lennart came out of the torn space and felt the power inside his body begin to flow crazily. In just a moment, all the swallowed power disappeared, and most of his own power was also added to it.

"Damn it, I'm only around level 65!" Lennart gritted his teeth and flew towards the gathering place he had established. When he arrived at the door, he was suddenly startled and saw that there were many corpses on the ground.

"Not good!" Leannet was shocked. His base was actually discovered. Leannet ignored his injuries and immediately rushed inside. There were skeletons everywhere inside, some white and some white. Red.

And a group of skeletons were actually beating up one person. Damn it, wasn't that Foss who was left behind to guard the base?

"No, I won't give in!!" Foss roared angrily, but the body was completely thrown to the ground by hundreds of skeletons, and the pieces of flesh and blood were cruelly torn off from his body.

"Foss, damn it, you're going to die!" Lennart roared angrily, and a fireball crazily hit the weird guy. He could feel that that person was controlled by these skeletons.

"Chen Feng!" There was a burst of exclamation from all around, and a group of women jumped down from a tree not far away. Is that strange-looking guy called Chen Feng?


Suddenly, the guy actually looked at him, and Lennart felt as if his position was being challenged. Suddenly, a flash of blood flashed on the man's hand, and then, a whisper sounded like it came from hell.

"Transform, Blood Stone Demon!"

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