Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 354 373: The Fallen’s Plan!

Chapter 351 373: The Fallen’s Plan!

Duriel is the ugliest of the seven demon kings of hell. His hideous mouth looks like a human face, but it is full of crocodile teeth.

Even the size of his teeth takes up one-third of his entire face, making him the ugliest devil.

When all the Fallen saw Duriel turning his head and smiling at himself and the others, they were so frightened that they almost flew away. All the Fallen immediately jumped out of the forest and ran away like crazy.

"Humph, run away?" Chen Feng smiled disdainfully, and his huge body suddenly chased after him. After entering the charging distance, Chen Feng's body suddenly turned into a ray of light and slammed into a fallen person.


"No !"

The fallen man screamed, but that sound was the last cry in his life. The sickle in Chen Feng's hand fell hard, and the fallen man was easily cut in half.

50 times attack, so powerful!

"Hmph!" Chen Feng took a look at the experience value, but found that it was very small. Finally, he looked at the dead fallen person with disdain. How could he come out to hang out with such a low level?

"No!" Another scream came from not far away, and one of Lilith's daggers was seen easily piercing the throat of a fallen person. Then the dagger turned violent and stabbed another person again. past.

And that scream was exactly what the fallen one shouted.

However, although he had screamed in agony, what he encountered was Lilith, whose agility attribute was integrated into his body. Lilith's dagger had completely penetrated his heart as soon as his voice appeared.

"Impossible!" The man looked at Lilith in disbelief. Lilith had no expression, and the three light groups around her suddenly burst out with extremely brilliant light.

"The flying dragon is in the sky!"


The fallen man's body was suddenly blown away by the strong wind like a broken leaf. Lilith looked expressionlessly at the other people in the distance who were already full of fear, and her body slowly disappeared into the air.

"Run, run!"

The Fallen shouted loudly, and the people around him immediately began to run away together, but before they could even take three steps, they felt a terrifying whirlwind coming from the sky. All of a sudden, a group of people had to stand on the spot, looking at the falling thing in the sky in horror. Huge black shadow.

Corpse vulture!

To be honest, among all Chen Feng's skeletons, although the corpse vulture is not the most powerful, it is the most handsome and domineering one. Its terrifying body with a wingspan of 30 meters directly makes all the fallen tremble.

After all, there is still an idea in the human mind that the bigger the body, the stronger the power. You have heard of people being arrogant in front of mice, but who has heard of people daring to be arrogant in front of elephants?

The advantage of size can perfectly suppress the enemy at certain times.

The corpse vulture let out a long roar, and three people got off its back. Then a group of fallen people discovered in horror that a group of ghost wolves appeared around them. In front of the ghost wolf, there were several mad wolves, one of which was three-dimensional. He is about 1.5 meters tall and very domineering. He looks like a mutant at first glance.

"Where are you going? Are you in a hurry to eat? Do you mind joining a few of us?" Chen Feng turned back to his human appearance and slowly walked out from behind, holding a bloody skull in his hand. There is a horrible smell of death.

"Don't kill us, don't kill us!" A fallen person knelt down in fear. Chen Feng suddenly felt funny. With this little courage and this little consciousness, he still thinks he is a fallen person?

Suddenly, a black light poked directly at him. Chen Feng sneered. His body didn't move at all. He only heard a muffled grunt. The fallen man who was kneeling on the ground suddenly jumped up to attack Chen Feng and was kicked. He was kicked out.

In front of Chen Feng, Lilith played with the two claws in her hands. They were the most commonly used weapons by assassins, claw-based weapons. But now these two weapons in Lilith's hands were the death-harvesting scythes.

"Dark Sacrament!"

Lilith's body disappeared in an instant. The fallen man who had just fallen to the ground and was struggling covered his heart and neck in shock. Only two of Lilith's claws were seen, one of which penetrated his heart and the other cut it. down his throat.

"Trash!" Lilith said lightly, because the fallen man was also an assassin, but in Lilith's eyes, this kind of assassin completely insulted the name of assassin.

In Lilith's heart, this group of people only deserves one name, and that is trash.

All assassins who can't defeat her are useless. This is Lilith's arrogance, pride and self-confidence that even Chen Feng and others don't know.

"Everyone, my wolf-bear skeleton hasn't finished eating yet. Can you tell me why you are here before dinner?" Chen Feng said to a group of fallen people with a smile.

A group of degenerates looked at each other, and no one said a word. Although Chen Feng still kept a smile on his face, there was a burst of anger in his heart. If you don't say anything, then don't say anything anymore.

"Ah!" A scream came, and Chen Feng called out the rock skeleton. Under Chen Feng's deliberate decision, the rock skeleton did not tear a crack in the space and came out of the black hole. Instead, it emerged from the soil. .

He grabbed an enemy and then brutally tore the fallen person in half. The internal organs and blood immediately showered the remaining two fallen people.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"I said, I said anything, don't kill me, don't kill me!" The two fallen people suddenly screamed. They had seen Chen Feng's rock skeleton smashing a group of demon projections to death one by one with their fists.

But now, the rock skeleton, which is more evil than the devil, actually grabbed his partner's legs, and then pulled them directly. The fallen man was horrified and pressed his brother's heart, and the heart fell on his neck. , but he didn't dare to slap it down with his hands at all. He was lying on his knees and trembling crazily.

"Ugh!" Divina who was not far away vomited it out directly. The vomiting was like a chain reaction. Tavina and Emily also vomited out. Only Chen Feng, Julian and Lilith did not have any reaction, looking at the two trembling people in front of him expressionlessly.

"Tell me, what are you doing here?" Chen Feng said.

"Kill people, we come here to kill people and grab some equipment. Although the Fallen has no attributes, the effects of some equipment can still be used!"

"Yes, yes, we are here to kill people. There are so many dark gold monsters here, which must be very attractive to professionals, but we guarded for more than a day and didn't see anyone. Then you came."

The two people hurriedly said that the strength of this group of people completely exceeded their imagination. Originally, there were six or seven of them, and it was easy to kill a team of around level 40 professionals. After all, this is near Kurast, and the professions here are The player's level is not high, but level 40 is considered very high.

No matter how high level you are, you won’t be able to hang out here.

"How do you know someone will come here? Why are you ambushing me here again?" Chen Feng asked with a frown.

"We have information that Kurast was destroyed by hellfire. In the last few days, humans must clear out the surrounding monsters. The higher the level of the monsters, the wider the area they have to leave. Therefore, there cannot be high-level professionals nearby, but"

The fallen man looked helplessly at Chen Feng and the others. Aren't these people the senior professionals? Sure enough, he was deceived, saying that the professionals here were all fat sheep, eating them at will.

"Oh? Information? Be specific!" Chen Feng looked at the man with a bit of cunning in his eyes, and immediately said with a smile, but the rock skeleton tore the body in half and threw it in half, still dripping blood. In front of 2 people.

"Don't be clever!" Chen Feng said lightly. The two people immediately shivered even more violently. They had a little bit of caution at first, but now they are completely gone.

No wonder, it's not that the enemy doesn't dare, it's that Chen Feng is really too scary now. The two fallen ones are still stained with the blood of their partners who were laughing and laughing just now. It's all over their bodies, and even the parts in their partners' bodies are still there. Body, heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys and so on.

"We, we the Fallen, got the news that Hellfire planned to seal it deep in the Kurast Forest. However, since the people who went to seal it were all super strong people, we the Fallen contacted Hell and personally invited twenty high-level demons. , go to rescue Hellfire, and kill the professionals while Kurast is destroyed!"

"What? Give me more details!" Chen Feng suddenly exclaimed, and immediately frowned angrily. The two fallen men trembled and immediately began to explain.

It turns out that there are more than 1,000 guardians in Kurast, and all the guardians are above level 80. They are the most powerful force in Kurast, equivalent to the level of the country's aircraft carrier, and are terminal forces. .

However, this group of people usually only has 20 people in Kurast. Because Kurast is protected by a barrier, and the fallen do not dare to attack Kurast, so a team of more than a thousand people is stationed in the temple. In order to seal Mephisto.

However, due to the emergence of Hellfire, more than half of the thousand people were killed or injured, and the number suddenly dropped by more than 400, leaving only more than 600 people.

Fortunately, the leader of Mandala and the Pope took advantage of Hellfire's serious injury and took advantage of Hellfire's underestimation of the enemy to seal Hellfire, and then immediately took Hellfire to the depths of Kurast to seal it.

The Fallen got the news, and all the powerful Fallen were dispatched. There were more than 400 people in total, plus 20 high-level demons invited from hell. They singled out the almost invincible existence in Kurast and went to intercept and kill the strong human beings. , and free Hellfire.

At the same time, the strong human beings can also be killed, so that the human base in Kurast will be completely destroyed, and then the demon Mephisto who is sealed in the temple can be rescued.

"Really? All the remaining strong human beings are dispatched. Instead of taking the opportunity to attack the temple and rescue the demon god, you come here to sneak attack the professionals?" Chen Feng looked distrustful. Obviously such an excuse is too scumbag!

Chen Feng's eyes flashed fiercely, he was about to kill again!

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