Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 337 352: Hellfire’s Attack (Part 2)

Chapter 334 352: Hellfire’s Attack (Part 2)

Hellfire is finally back to full form.

The whole body was burning with terrifying hell flames. When he stepped on one foot, the ground began to burn crazily, making everyone tremble with fear. This was the strongest person in hell who controlled hell fire, Hell Fire.

"Roar!" Hellfire roared crazily, and its huge body suddenly erupted into ripples of flames, which rippled wildly towards the surrounding areas.

The ripples were like shock waves, crushing any obstacles they encountered. In an instant, Kurast, who was already in great condition, was destroyed again.

"Fist of Heaven!" The old man, the Pope of Sakaram, roared again, and saw a huge golden fist smashing down hard. Hellfire raised his head and roared, and opened his fist.

But this time it was not a confrontation, but a punch directly towards the void. I saw a pillar of fire suddenly erupted from the fist of Hellfire, and hit the Fist of Heaven hard. In an instant, the Fist of Heaven It was shattered.

The power of Hellfire increased several times in an instant, and the Pope's expression changed. Only the Mandala family and the Pope's strength can block Hellfire here. Others are only responsible for containment. No one can stop Hellfire. There is only one way for Nakurast to perish.

"Be careful!" the Mandala Patriarch said seriously. As the only two remaining professionals who are over level 100 but do not guard the temple, the Pope and the Mandala Patriarch still have to shoulder their responsibilities even though they are old. Take on the important task of guarding Kurast.

"How is the contact over there?" The pope asked the person next to him. The person shook his head helplessly. Because of the Nightmare Moon, he could not contact the temple at all.

However, someone has already gone to the temple to notify them. As long as the people in the temple take the main road, they can meet them. Moreover, Sakaram has made triple guarantees. People are lined up on the main road, the small road and the fastest road, and their strength Over level 80.

Even a group of vultures are no match for them. As long as this group of people comes, Kurast will be protected. If they don’t come,

The Pope can only destroy the entire Kurast magic circle in order to take down the Gidbin. Otherwise, he has to start at least three or four days in advance. The Gidbin can only be taken out on the fourth and fifth days. Come down.

Otherwise, once Jidebin is forcibly taken down, the entire city will be destroyed and exploded due to the conflict of energy routes. This is not bad, but if Jidebin is damaged, it will be really bad.

The Pope's shields appeared again, but this time dozens of them appeared directly in front of the Hellfire, and the Mandala Patriarch actually began to close his eyes and mutter something.


Magic in the dark world is instantaneous, which means no spell is needed. However, at this time, the leader of the Mandala clan was actually reciting a spell, and a terrifying momentum suddenly came down from the sky.

"Roar!" Hellfire roared crazily, and smashed its huge fist at the shield crazily, but that was the Pope's special skill. The shield kept appearing, and Hellfire kept breaking the shield.

"Frost's Wrath!" The leader of Mandala roared angrily, and a burst of dazzling white light suddenly burst out in the sky, and the entire sky suddenly became brighter than during the day.

"Boom!" A terrifying white light beam rushed down crazily. Everyone stared at the white light beam in shock. They saw that the entire sky was frozen, and the surrounding air was frozen.

"Roar!" Hellfire roared, and the beam of light hit Hellfire hard without giving him a chance to react, and a terrifying white smoke came out crazily.

"Roar!" Hellfire struggled crazily, trying to escape, but the light pillar seemed to have spread its legs and followed Hellfire. No matter where Hellfire went, the light pillar never left.

"Roar!" Hellfire yelled weakly. He was originally disabled in Hellfire, but that terrifying light beam actually carried an extremely terrifying frost attack. That frost was naturally what Hellfire was most afraid of.

"Freeze me, the wrath of frost, the punishment of heaven!" The leader of Mandala roared angrily, and suddenly the sky suddenly came down, and everyone stared at it in stunned silence.

"That's a cloud!" Suddenly, a professional shouted, and everyone realized at this time that in the black cloud, the bright white clouds squeezed out directly from the black cloud. With the combination of the black cloud, , seems particularly obvious.

The white clouds were pressing down crazily towards the ground, but this white cloud was really too big, scary and ridiculously big. The huge white cloud was like the entire sky was pressing down.

As the saying goes, if the sky falls, the tallest people will bear it, and this is indeed the case.

The extremely huge, sky-like white clouds collapsed, and the first tragedy of the hellfire, which was more than 300 meters high, directly enveloped him.

Suddenly, just when everyone thought that the white clouds would continue to press down, the white clouds suddenly began to shrink crazily, shrinking crazily towards the direction of the hellfire.

In just a moment, the terrifying white clouds with a radius of several hundred kilometers seemed to be sucked into a ball by a vacuum cleaner, completely covering the hellfire.

"Absolutely frozen!"

The old man shouted, and everyone felt a flash of white light in front of their eyes. The white cloud that was originally like cotton candy instantly turned into a huge ice cube.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Is this a strength that exceeds level 100?

Summoning a beam of light with terrifying freezing power from the sky, like an absolute zero cannon, instantly froze Hellfire, making Hellfire unable to move.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying white cloud covering a hundred miles in radius fell directly from the sky, as if the entire sky collapsed. Then all the white clouds condensed together, and finally the white clouds instantly condensed into ice sculptures.

It directly sealed the hellfire with ice.

Everyone was stunned for a while, it was really terrifying.

"Haha, you old guy, your strength is still the same as before!" The Pope looked at the panting Mandala Clan Chief and said. The Mandala Clan Chief smiled disdainfully, then puffed up his chest and rolled his eyes at the Pope.

"Damn it, if this hellfire wasn't immune to flames, would I have used frost to attack? If you tell me, that young guy in Xiansai will laugh to death!" Mandala Clan Leader said disdainfully.

The Pope suddenly became enlightened.

Indeed, the most powerful thing of the Mandala Patriarch is the fire attack. Back then, a terrifying "meteor star" directly killed the 100,000-strong army of hell, which became a legend for a generation.

However, now the dignified fire demon actually uses frost to attack. It is said that water and fire are incompatible. This time, the old man has lost his face and used frost magic. It is really ironic.

As an old man who uses fire until he dies, who would be happy to use the power of his mortal enemy if it is really not a last resort?

The Pope's respect for the Mandala patriarch has reached a new level.

"The next step is up to me!" The pope said with a smile. The Mandala clan leader nodded and sat down on the ground. Now with the power of two people, he can temporarily seal the hellfire.

This is thanks to Hellfire being seriously injured. If Hellfire was in its prime, let alone the leader of Mandala who had frozen it, even if the Ice God from Xiansai came, he would still be helpless.

The Pope stepped forward, bursts of golden light in his hands continued to scatter, and the golden light turned into golden threads in the air, and then quickly wrapped around the ice like hair.


Suddenly, the Pope said a word lightly, and a thin golden line was immediately carved on the ice sculpture. In an instant, a "Rune Im" symbol appeared on the ice sculpture.

Immediately afterwards, the golden thread hid directly in the rune carved by itself like a child, and in an instant a golden rune appeared on the ice sculpture.

"Um!" Immediately afterwards, the appearance of rune No. 22 also appeared on the ice sculpture, and the golden light in the Pope's hand became more lush.

"The magic sealing technique, this old man, has become more powerful over the years!" The leader of the Mandala clan looked at the Pope and sighed in his heart. He has become more powerful, but he has become older.

If he hadn't been alive, his family would have plummeted. The leader of the Mandala clan couldn't help but put his thoughts on Chen Feng, hoping that this boy could lead the Mandala family further.

"Am!" Rune No. 11 also appeared on the ice sculpture. The moment the third rune appeared, the entire ice sculpture made a "click" sound. Everyone was startled, but the Pope did not change.

"Mal!" Rune No. 23 appeared, and suddenly the four golden photoelectrics on the ice sculpture burst out with dazzling golden light. In an instant, the ice sculpture seemed to be wearing a set of golden armor.

"The last one, Chamu, seal!" Rune No. 32 appeared crazily, and in an instant, a terrifying roar came from the entire ice sculpture, and the hellfire was finally sealed.

"I'm old. I can only support 5 runes, which can last for 1 day at most. If I can have 6 runes, it can last for at least 3 days!" The pope suddenly became much older, and he slowly sat down in Manchuria. Patriarch Tuoluo's body seemed to be much rickets.

"One day, only one day. If they don't come within one day, then we have no choice but to run away!" The leader of the Mandala tribe said lightly, but there was no fear or worry on their faces.

"One day, if they find it early, it will be enough. Don't forget that there is that guy Oba over there, with the speed of his big dog, haha!" The Pope said with a smile, and the Mandala clan leader also nodded.

"If that big dog can arrive within one day, I will immediately send it hundreds of tons of fresh meat. Doesn't it like eating meat?" The leader of Mandala said with a smile.

"Haha, then I will give it my palace, and it also likes to sleep in my palace!" The Pope also laughed!

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