Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 323 338: Wolf King vs. Wolf King, the battle between White and Red

Chapter 320 338: Wolf King vs. Wolf King, the battle between White and Red (Part 1)

Xiaobai glared at the forest in the distance with his red phoenix eyes. Only then did Chen Feng realize that Xiaobai seemed to have husky blood?

Why do your eyes look so virtuous? With the black eyebrows, he looks like a husky. I didn't notice it at first, but the Xiaobai in Chen Feng's memory was pure white. He didn't seem to have black eyebrows, right?

"I said, I remember that Xiaobai's eyebrows are not this color?" Chen Feng asked Tavina curiously. Tavina rolled her eyes at Chen Feng. It took so long to find out about this problem. For Chen Feng, Tavina Na was really speechless.

"Since the mutation, Xiaobai has started to have black hair on his body. Now his eyebrows and the tips of his ears have turned black. It is estimated that in a few years, his whole body will be black!" Tavina said helplessly, Chen Feng suddenly There was a sudden realization, followed by a moment of embarrassment.

The person who is most affectionate to me on weekdays is Xiaobai, but I didn't expect that I didn't even notice such a big change. I'm really an idiot.

Xiao Bai roared at the forest, and the wolf howls in the entire forest disappeared instantly. However, after a while, the wolf howls reappeared, and Xiao Bai seemed to know that he could not suppress it anymore, and began to gasp and look at the forest. side.

"No, it's the blood wolf army!" Suddenly, a professional shouted in horror. For a moment, his words seemed to light a pack of explosives, and the whole city began to panic.

"Blood wolf army, what is the blood wolf army?" Chen Feng asked in confusion, but Tavina shook her head. Although she was born in the depths of Kurast, she has always been isolated from the world. After that, he was sent to a druid school for training, and then went to Luoge.

As for Chen Feng, only Tavina knew him. Even Divina stood on the front line because her cross chain lightning was so easy to use. With one skill, a large number of enemies would die, and there was no need to worry at all across the river bank. The enemy can hit you.

Not to mention Julian, Emily and Lilith. The three of them are all close combatants, so they naturally rush to the forefront of the battlefield. Especially Julian, holding a shield and a scepter, he is like a man against thousands of people. Mo Kai, one person can guard a large area.

However, the blood wolf that Chen Feng was looking forward to still didn't show up. At least Chen Feng didn't see any wolves wandering around here except Xiao Bai and a few other white or gray wolves.

Chen Feng looked at Xiaobai, and Xiaobai stared at the forest. He was obviously worried about the situation in the forest. He didn't know whether he was afraid of the group of blood wolves in the forest, or whether he was worried that the blood wolves would challenge his position.

You know, Xiaobai is the wolf king of the entire Kurast. All the druids, crazy wolves, etc. bowed their heads when they saw Xiaobai. Even if they were unconvinced, they were beaten by Xiaobai with a few slaps. .

Therefore, Kurast is like Xiaobai's territory. As a boss, Xiaobai will never allow enemies to invade his territory. All Xiaobai are extremely serious and angry about the invasion of blood wolves.

"Your Excellency Chen Feng, your time is coming soon, please come with me to the church to prepare!" Suddenly, there was another person beside Chen Feng, who said respectfully to Chen Feng. Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that it was already afternoon. It's three or four o'clock, and my mutation skills are about to start.

I got home on the afternoon of the 6th and discussed with Julian and others for four or five hours in the evening. Finally, Chen Feng made up his mind to mutate his skills.

Although he only has one skill, Chen Feng feels that the whole world is helping him. Even if the summoned skeleton returns to the original "Skeleton Resurrection", Chen Feng will still have the strength to fight, but the quality of the skeleton will drop to the same level as scum.

But if this is really the case, Chen Feng has no regrets. There is no end to his fate. Is he still afraid that he will never be able to stand up again?

Moreover, Chen Feng believes that he will definitely succeed. The luck that Chen Feng has always shown is like being the son of the goddess of luck, which astonishes everyone.

The dark gold equipment, the green equipment, and even the equipment attributes that were finally changed once turned into an artifact. Not only did I have the real dark gold equipment given by Polato, I even had it given by the legendary human ancestor Rasma. He gave Chen Feng a staff.

These are all Chen Feng's luck.

So Chen Feng had to take a gamble. If he lost, he would change his job to a melee combatant. With Du Riel's transformation skills, Chen Feng's melee combat would definitely not be weaker than that of a barbarian. With the power of freezing, he would even be stronger than other melee combatants.

If he succeeds, then Chen Feng will take another step forward, and his strength will become even more terrifying. He may be qualified to directly enter the Demon Fortress to fight real demons. Then Chen Feng's power will become even more terrifying. When the time comes, he will upgrade. Isn’t it like flying?

You know, Chen Feng's strength increases every time he levels up. 【6】【9】【s】【h】【u】【x】【.】【c】【o】【m】

Chen Feng spoke to a few people and left the wall. Of course, he wanted to hand the Book of Death to Tavina. If the Book of Death really burned by then, it would probably burn from Chen Feng's body. What consequences would that have? But it's unimaginable.

Chen Feng came to the church. Everything here was ready, but the main personnel still hadn't arrived. Chen Feng sat quietly on a chair nearby and waited.

Time passed by minute by second, Chen Feng closed his eyes, and the surroundings fell into silence. Occasionally, the roars and shouts of barbarians were heard, mixed with one or two wolf howls.

"Howling?" Chen Feng's eyes immediately opened. Does the appearance of the wolf howling mean that the blood wolf has begun to attack?

Chen Feng suddenly became serious. What Chen Feng was worried about was not human beings, but Xiaobai. If Xiaobai died, he would really be dead. Chen Feng's skeleton has no intelligence, so it doesn't matter whether he dies or not, but Xiaobai is a A living life is Chen Feng's partner and relative. Chen Feng doesn't want to see Xiaobai die.

However, when Chen Feng just stood up, a group of people suddenly walked in outside the door. A man wearing church clothes immediately helped Chen Feng and led Chen Feng to a circle in the middle of the formation with a smile.

Chen Feng's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly remembered what Julian had said to him.

"The first skill mutation happens only once in a person's life. If you don't participate on time, no matter who you are, you won't get a second chance!"

Chen Feng looked at the wild field and heard the priest's warning in his ears. Although Chen Feng did not listen carefully, he had already listened to it once when Julian mutated his skills.

Chen Feng listened seriously to the sounds in the distance, but the priest's voice was too loud, and coupled with the echo from the entire empty church, Chen Feng couldn't hear clearly at all.

"Forget it, with Tavina taking care of him, Xiaobai will be fine!" Chen Feng ordered the skeleton priest to keep an eye on Xiaobai and treat him immediately if he was injured at all.

Then, Chen Feng’s skill mutation began

On the city wall, Chen Feng's guess was indeed correct. Less than five minutes after Chen Feng left, the blood wolves began to attack. Countless blood wolves rushed out of the jungle and threw themselves into the river crazily.

The blood wolves in front kept flapping in the river, but then a group of blood wolves stepped over them and jumped into the river again.

Two blood wolves built a springboard. The third blood wolf stepped on the two blood wolves that were flopping in the river, jumped directly into the other side, then opened its bloodthirsty mouth and bit the human fiercely. Go down.

"Ah!" Human beings suddenly let out screams. Everyone was shocked by the actions of the blood wolf. What it means to move like the wind and be as quick as lightning, this is the best embodiment.

From rushing out of the forest, to the two blood wolves quickly building a physical bridge, to the blood wolves behind stepping on the heads of their companions one by one, jumping to the other side, and then biting the human fiercely, the whole time was no more than 5 minutes. seconds.

However, within 5 seconds, at least hundreds of humans were injured, and even five or six humans were directly bitten to death. The horror of the blood wolf was vividly expressed in an instant.

In the past, Chen Feng's favorite was wolves, because wolves are one of the most disciplined animals in the world, and wolves are willing to sacrifice the lives of individual wolves for the benefit of the group.

But the scene in front of me just proves this point. The wolf flapping in the book, with dry hair and sloppy skin, you can tell at a glance that it is an old wolf.

In a wolf pack, old wolves will be expelled from the pack because such wolves will be impressed by the pack. However, in this pack of blood wolves, the old wolf does not hesitate to devote his life to his companions. A bridge was built.

If Chen Feng sees this scene, even blood wolves are enemies of humans, but he will still praise him. This is the spirit of a true wolf.

Relying on the corpses of their companions, the blood wolves made a mad raid into the human territory and began tearing apart like crazy. In less than a minute, at least hundreds of humans died.

"Hoo!" Xiaobai suddenly roared, and everyone was shocked and suddenly began to react. He and others were shocked by the aura of the blood wolf that looked at death for a moment.

Xiao Bai rushed out quickly and bit a blood wolf's neck. The bite immediately bit the blood wolf's neck into two pieces. Blood sprayed out immediately. Xiao Bai's entire head was instantly covered with blood. !

"Hoo!" Xiao Bai looked at a group of blood wolves looking at him with eager eyes. He roared suddenly and rushed out again with his huge body. The sharp wolf claws directly hit the head of a blood wolf. The blood wolf Completely unable to dodge, he was hit by the huge force and his brains were overflowing.

Immediately after Xiao Bai made a beautiful turn, his thick and fluffy tail suddenly swung towards a blood wolf that rushed to the side. The fluffy tail that was originally Chen Feng's toy suddenly became like a steel whip. Likewise, he slapped the blood wolf hard on the waist.

The blood wolf suddenly screamed, fell to the ground and began to twitch and struggle. Xiaobai made a surprise attack and came directly in front of the blood wolf. His huge claws fell hard, and suddenly there was another ball of white. A mixture of bright red liquid smeared on the ground.

The wolf has a copper head and an iron tail, and Xiaobai also knows this weakness, but Xiaobai understands one thing better, that is, to pursue the victory and beat up the drowned wolf, and kill the crippled enemy. There must be no luck. Even a wolf that can't walk may raise its head and bite someone.

"Ouch!" Just as Little White bared his teeth and glared at a group of frightened blood wolves, a high-pitched wolf howl came from the distance. All the blood wolves seemed to be relieved and turned towards the distance. The humans everywhere ran away.

But Xiaobai did not pursue, but raised his neck and looked at the forest in the distance.

In the forest, a blood-red giant wolf about the same size as Xiaobai slowly walked over. With an easy leap, he jumped over the 6-meter-wide river. His graceful body and bright red fur were like a He is like a king under the moonlight.

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