Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 305 315: Diavolo’s mind!

Chapter 302 315: Diablo’s mind!


In the dark red world, patches of heat waves are constantly rolling. The surroundings are brightly illuminated by the rolling magma, but they are limited to the ground. There is still endless darkness in the distance.

A pair of scarlet eyes looked ahead. At its feet, a group of ferocious-looking guys were crawling, all of them trembling.

At the front of the group of kneeling creatures was a human. His whole body was constantly shaking, and you could see how scared he was in his heart.

"What if I asked you to do your research?" Diablo spoke slowly, his huge body immersed in the magma, but to Diablo, this extremely terrifying magma was like ordinary clear river water. .

"Great Master, so far, all demonic projections below level 40 have passed the test, but projections above level 40, due to energy distribution, will become unbalanced once they mutate, most likely going berserk, or even Self-destruction, my subordinates are working hard to solve it!" Bolatu said tremblingly.

"Hmph, at level 40, the weakest fallen demon is tens of thousands of times stronger than them!" Diavolo snorted coldly, and Bolato's body fell even lower.

"Great Master, there is no way, but I don't have enough materials on hand. I beg Master to give me some materials. I can definitely break through the level 40 limit!" Bolatu said while lying on the ground.

"What material?" Diablo said casually.

"Hell's ore, a kind of ore known as black blood crystal in the human world, I only have so much in my hand, please take a look at it, great master!" Bolatu held up a crystal the size of an eye in his hand. , Diavolo glanced at it and was stunned.

"Black blood crystal, this is obviously the magic blood stone of hell. It is the most important material for making hell weapons. So that's the case. No wonder human equipment is getting more and more powerful. It turns out that it is something that has been studied in our hell!" Diavolo said angrily.

For a time, the demons lying on the ground all around also began to denounce humans.

"It's just that, these reptiles like humans are not strong enough and they use the things from our hell to research equipment!"

"Damn humans, they actually use things from our hell to research equipment. These are things from our hell, and humble humans have no right to touch them!"

"That's right, humble humans are not qualified!"

The demons began to denounce humans one after another. Bolato, who was lying on the ground, was so angry that he was about to explode. He wanted to turn around and kill all these guys who acted according to the circumstances, but now he couldn't take action and could only pretend that he didn't hear anything. .

"Polato, are you angry?" Diavolo asked suddenly. Polato's pupils narrowed immediately, and then he shook his head and hurriedly spoke of his loyalty.

"Great Master, I don't have any anger. I am no longer human. What they say has nothing to do with me. Master, please forgive me. I will prove my loyalty with practical actions!"

"However, I still object to what they said. Humans are much smarter than demons!" Bolato turned his head and glanced at the group of guys behind him, only to see a group of demons glaring at Bolato.

"Fart, Master. This man is still a human being after all. Master, please kill him. He is not from our hell!"

"Yes, Master, I beg Master to allow me to kill him. He is not from hell, he must still be towards humans!"

"That's right Master, he must still be a human being, he is a human undercover, just like that damn man named Matt, he must still be a human undercover!"

"Shut up!" Bolato turned his head angrily, roared at the group of demons who kept flattering him, and then continued to kneel in front of Diavolo.

"Great Master, please listen to me. Everything I say is true. We have obtained almost all of mankind's dark gold equipment, but only a few of them have been successfully transformed?"

"After nearly ten thousand years of research, we still can't create equipment comparable to dark gold equipment, let alone green suits. Even if we really hate humans, the fact remains that the strength of our demons in forging will not change. Still no match for humans!”

Bolato said to Diavolo, but he was frightened in his heart. As long as Diavolo showed any anger, the group of beasts behind him who were glaring at him would definitely attack.

"Go on!" Diavolo glanced at Bolatu. Sure enough, Bolatu breathed a sigh of relief, and then became alert again. Diavolo had indeed seen through his thoughts.

"Great Master, since we can't make weapons ourselves, why not capture a few human blacksmiths? Then use the power of the Master to turn them into demons, aren't they one of our own?" Bolato flattered raised his head and said.

Diavolo was lying in the magma, as if he was lying in a large bathhouse. His huge eyes slowly closed and he began to meditate. When the other demons saw Diavolo like this, they originally wanted to scold him. He also took back his words one after another, but still glared at Bolato, this foreign and humble human being.

"You are a human. You should know who the most famous blacksmiths are. Please tell me their addresses!" Diavolo suddenly raised his head and said to Bolato. I immediately became happy.

"Yes, great master, I will definitely find out the location of each blacksmith. If possible, I will plunder a few and let the master experiment!" Bolatu said loudly.

"Okay, go down!" Diavolo waved his hand, but Bolato froze on the spot, looking at Diavolo awkwardly.

"I will ask someone to bring the magic blood stone to you, get out!" Bolato immediately respectfully praised Diavolo, then instantly tore open the space rift and walked out.

Returning to the human world, Bolato looked pale and looked at the things in his hands. Although he could freely travel between humans and hell, the side effects were too great. Bolato immediately fell on the bed and passed out.

"Great Lord of Destruction, that human being can't be trusted!" A demon immediately said to Diavolo, who closed his eyes and ignored it.

"Yes, the great King of Destruction, what that human said is simply not credible. In the furnace of hell, the demon blood stone is everywhere. How could it be the key to mutation?"

"That's right, it's unbelievable, the great Lord of Destruction!" A group of demons kept stumbling upon Bolato, but Diavolo remained unmoved.

Just when a group of demons were talking enthusiastically, Diavolo slowly raised his head and said something to the group of demons.

"Then you go to the Hell Furnace to forge weapons. If you don't create dark gold equipment, I will kill you!"

In one sentence, all the demons became as silent as a chill, not daring to say a word and looking at Diavolo tremblingly.

Diavolo felt a burst of disdain in his heart. Who is it? It can be said to be the smartest among the seven brothers. Although he is the third among the three evil bosses, even the King of Hatred, Mephiris, who was called the strategist of hell. , still not as smart as Diavolo.

Otherwise, how could Diavolo have rescued Mephiris in the first place, and even almost rescued Baal?

It's a pity that his two brothers were too stupid, one was sealed, and Morphiles was almost killed and could never be resurrected. Fortunately, there was only one way to kill Morphiles and his brothers, which was to seal himself and others. Inside the Soul Stone, then smash it with the Hellforge Hammer of Hellforge.

In this way, although Mephiris will still not perish, he will never be able to enter the human world forever. For humans, it is equivalent to the indirect death of Mephiris.

However, who was Diavolo? He summoned the people from all hell to surround the furnace of hell. No angel could approach, let alone humans.

The 10 most powerful angels in heaven jointly charged more than thirty times, but were all pushed back. With no choice but to retreat, everyone took Mephiris' Soul Stone back to the human world and continued to seal it.

Since then, the importance of Hell's Forge has emerged. Hell has concentrated almost all 40 of its troops in Hell's Forge. However, the last battle between Azmodan and Beria left Hell's Forge empty, and almost It can only be said to be a pity that Kasha and others succeeded.

"Hmph, you want to seduce me to the human world and then catch me? Humans, humans, you are still too monotonous. Do you think Bolato can really deceive me?" Diavolo closed his eyes and pondered, his lips involuntarily moving. A disdainful smile emerged.

Bolato had no idea that his intentions were so weak in Diavolo's eyes. Diavolo was considered the most evil-minded guy in hell. How could he be deceived by an undercover agent?

"Come here, get some magic blood stones for Bolato!" Diavolo waved his hand. He still had to rely on Bolato to study things, and of course he wanted to give others a reassuring gesture.

Biological mutation is something Diavolo has been studying. Diavolo couldn't help but feel scared when he thought about the product of his failure.

Helpless, Diablot could only hand over this technology to the Fallen. Unexpectedly, there was a genius among the Fallen, and he actually developed it.

From the moment the corpse became angry to Duriel, Diavolo had always watched it. The mutation method was really good and shocked him.

Perhaps, Bolato is the one who pushed himself to the pinnacle of hell!

"Wait, as long as my strength is enough, I will release you, and then we will control this hell together regardless of you and me!" Diavolo stared into the distance, his heart surging with passion.

Every demon has endless desires, and as a demon king, his desires are nothing more than two, power and domination of hell.

Azmodan proved his desire with practical actions, drove his brother out of Hell, occupied one-third of Hell's territory, and confronted Diavolo.

And Diavolo, looking into the distance

That's the direction of Tristram!

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