Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 288 296: The witch doctor’s exclusive sacrificial dagger

Chapter 285 296: The witch doctor’s exclusive sacrificial dagger

"Chen Feng, you said it's not dangerous!" The fat man glared at Chen Feng, who laughed.

I saw three people sitting on the body of the corpse vulture, with dense flying insects chasing them behind. The fat man was rarely angry for once. He thought he could level up with peace of mind, but when he was about to reach level 30, Chen Feng actually led a large group of people. The flying insects came over, forcing Fatty and Liya to run away.

There is no way, if these flying insects crawl on the ground like ice bugs, then it goes without saying that they are Chen Feng. Fatty is not afraid of them. Fatty's zombies can definitely kill these guys.

But now these flying insects are attacking from the air. They are so dense that it makes people's heads tingling. Let alone attacking, now the fat man doesn't even have the courage to look back.

"Hehe, I didn't say it would be safe, I just said I'll guarantee your safety!" Chen Feng said to the fat man with a smile. The fat man had only been here a few hours after being tricked by him, and he was about to reach level 30.

And because he had developed a way to kill enemies quickly, Fatty simply sat on his giant zombie. The giant zombie had thick skin and blood, and was a human shield type zombie. Chen Feng simply let Fatty kill monsters by himself. Let's go see what's going on with the flying insects.

Unexpectedly, before they flew to the cave, they encountered a large number of flying insects. As a result, some of the large flying insects saw Chen Feng and immediately roared. Then the large number of flying insects seemed to have seen Chen Feng. Like an enemy, he rushed towards Chen Feng crazily, so frightened that Chen Feng turned around and ran away without saying a word.

As a result, a group of flying insects started chasing Chen Feng again. Chen Feng caught Fatty and Liya and continued to run for their lives. Fatty looked at the flying insects chasing behind him and turned pale with fear.

For a fat man with a rosy face, it is really difficult for him to turn white.

"Hey, actually my goal is to kill these guys. I didn't expect that these guys would actually go out together, so there is nothing I can do!" Chen Feng said helplessly.

Unless you have a skill with a broad attack range of several thousand meters, and it cannot be of the ice type, and the attack power must be sufficient, then it is probably possible to kill this group of flying insects.

But looking at Chen Feng's current skeletons, Chen Feng suddenly felt helpless. He didn't have this ability at all. Chen Feng began to feel depressed again. Why is there no brother of the Frost Skeleton Mage?

If there was a Poison Skeleton Mage, a Flame Skeleton Mage, and a Thunder Skeleton King Mage, then Chen Feng's team would be perfect. However, Chen Feng had been summoning skeletons for several months, and the summoned leader skeletons were not without them. But it was never what Chen Feng wanted.

Therefore, Chen Feng gave up the extra leader skeleton. After all, the skeletons that are truly useful to him are good skeletons. At least the skeletons that do little to help his own strength, Chen Feng is not willing to occupy an extra spot.

Therefore, when it came to attracting monsters, the unwanted leader's skeleton rushed to the front, causing Chen Feng's skeletons to change batch after batch.

Today, Chen Feng’s fixed team is as follows.

First, ranged units: 10 Crossbow Skeletons, 1 Skeleton Priest, 1 Rogue Skeleton, 1 Frost Skeleton Mage

Melee skeletons: 1 dwarf warrior, 1 corpse vulture, 1 double sword skeleton, 2 silver bone adam skeleton


These few skeletons are Chen Feng's regular team. If it weren't for the good growth of the rogue skeletons and their really powerful offense at critical moments, Chen Feng would probably have to replace the rogue skeletons as well.

In Chen Feng's eyes, the rest are all cannon fodder for the time being.

Looking at the formation of his group of skeletons, Chen Feng began to think about what he lacked. First of all, what Chen Feng lacked most was skeletons with range attacks, so the skeleton mage became Chen Feng's first choice. However, since the skeleton mage died and the frost skeleton mage appeared, , Chen Feng can no longer get any mage-type skeletons.

As for the Skeleton Sacrifice, everyone knows its name. It is a priest, not a mage. Although they both belong to the legal system, the classification is still different.

What Chen Feng wants is a mage, a mage who can call wind, rain, fire and thunder, not a priest. Now Chen Feng only has a frost skeleton mage, but it is too single.

When encountering the Flame Snake and the Frost Skeleton Mage, he was as powerful as Ultraman. However, when encountering the Ice Worm, Ultraman instantly turned into a human being. He could not cause any harm to the monster no matter how hard he hit him. It was an incomparable tragedy.

Therefore, Chen Feng's range attack must be strengthened, otherwise, in the end, hundreds and thousands of monsters will be killed by others with the same skill, and Chen Feng will still have to fight off a group of skeletons one by one.

It’s really not cost-effective.

No matter how many skeletons Chen Feng has, they can't match the range of one of his spells, so Chen Feng must strengthen his group damage capabilities.

After all, Chen Feng now has Duriel, and his own strength has been strengthened. With the combination of Corpse Vulture + Skeleton Sacrifice + Dual Sword Skeleton, Chen Feng's melee ability is estimated to be able to make the mutated Duriel unable to take advantage of him this time.

The defensive performance is even more powerful. When the dwarf warrior squats down and the double-sword skeleton has 10% dodge, he is invincible. With the addition of the skeleton sacrifice to increase blood, he can be almost invincible.

The long-range single-target attack and the Hell Bone Spear of the Skeleton Sacrifice now seem to be able to penetrate any defense. The absolute king-level attack makes all the unbreakable shields shatter.

Although the attack of the rogue skeleton is not as good as that of the crossbow skeleton after the skill is activated, the attack method of the rogue skeleton is uninterrupted. As long as it exceeds 30 seconds, the attack power of the rogue skeleton will completely defeat the crossbow skeleton.

In terms of durability, the rogue skeleton definitely beats the crossbow skeleton. After all, one is the basic speed, and the other is the speed after the skill is activated. Moreover, the skill still requires blood loss, and the blood loss is quite a lot.

As for the crossbow skeleton, there is nothing to say at all. It was a one-time item at first and had to be put away after use. Now as the level increases, it can gradually activate the skill twice in a row, and its power becomes more and more terrifying.

But it's easy to deal with ordinary dark gold level enemies, but once the skill is turned on, the thin blood will kill you with just one touch, which is still an absolute flaw.

Moreover, the number of up to 10 people cannot be increased even if the skeleton priest adds blood. Especially the skeleton priest has to take care of other skeletons, so Chen Feng hopes to have a skeleton that can increase blood in a group. When the time comes, the skeleton priest will look at the corpse vultures. Or Chen Feng or the double-sword skeleton, and the skeletons with increased health are crazily increasing health behind the crossbow skeleton.

In this way, the crossbow skeleton's 10 arrows per second can be continued perfectly, and then the rogue skeleton can officially get off work.

Chen Feng is waiting, waiting for the arrival of the Skeleton Mage. All this needs to be done slowly. Although Chen Feng can inexplicably feel the aura of the cemetery and the aura of the skeletons in the cemetery, this feeling has not appeared since he summoned the double-sword skeleton. pass.

Chen Feng looked at his remaining two skill points. He needed to find a time to test them, at least it wasn't very suitable yet.

Chen Feng was waiting to see if he would feel the breath of the skeletons in the cemetery again when he clicked on skill points, so Chen Feng did not dare to click on 2 skill points.

Chen Feng wants to keep his body and mind at the peak moment, which is when he is upgrading.

When upgrading, Chen Feng felt that his mind was about to be sublimated. Chen Feng believed that at that moment, he could perfectly connect to the cemetery and pull out the skeletons he needed.

When he upgraded to level 20, Chen Feng was unable to extricate himself from the boundless exhilarating feeling, but now Chen Feng was determined to find the most powerful skeleton he could find in the cemetery at that moment.

Finally, after being chased by flying insects for more than ten kilometers, Chen Feng finally stopped. He looked around depressedly and realized that he was almost in the desert. He couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"Good guy, these flying insects are going crazy!" Chen Feng said, stroking the sweat on his head. The fat man glared at Chen Feng, but when he thought that he would have to eat Chen Feng's food later, he immediately put aside the thrill just now. to the back of the head.

"Fat man, is there any way?" Chen Feng asked the fat man. The fat man looked at Chen Feng and then began to think deeply. Now the fat man also knew that Chen Feng's real target was these flying insects.

"Hey, my Acid Rain Cloud can carry out a wide-range attack, but the damage of my current weapon is too small. It will basically take seven or eight rounds to kill so many enemies!" Fatty said helplessly.

"What is your weapon? Show me?" The fat man took out a dagger and handed it to Chen Feng with a magic spell. Chen Feng took a look and found that the fat man's attack was actually as high as more than 400.

But after thinking about it carefully, I found that this attack was a little too low. It was enough for Fatty to deal with ordinary monsters, but it was really not good enough to deal with this group of flying insects.

Generally speaking, the witch doctor's dagger is the same as the assassin's, so Chen Feng immediately began to rummage through the cabinets, trying to find a high-attack dagger to solve the witch doctor's troubles.

Suddenly, Chen Feng saw a dagger he didn't recognize. The dagger was dark gold in color and was obviously a dark gold weapon. However, in Chen Feng's memory, Chen Feng did not remember the existence of this dagger at all.

"Is this a sacrificial dagger?" Chen Feng slowly took it out. The fat man suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the weapon in Chen Feng's hand in disbelief. Chen Feng couldn't help but be stunned.

"Because there are too few witch doctors, the demons can hardly find the witch doctors' equipment, but some of the witch doctors' epic-level weapons are still plundered by the demons along with human dark gold equipment!"

"And the dagger in your hand is exactly the dagger used by our witch doctor clan, a sacrificial dagger. Go back and get someone to identify it!" the fat man said eagerly, even forgetting his catchphrase.

"No need to go back, we can identify it here!" Chen Feng smiled softly and took out a dark golden scroll from his backpack. In the fat man's excited eyes, he slowly crushed it and patted it towards the sacrificial dagger. The dagger suddenly gave off a burst of dark golden light.

Ritual Dagger

(Witch doctor only)

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