Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 286 293: Chased by flying insects for 20 kilometers

Chapter 283 293: Chased by flying insects for 20 kilometers

Chen Feng knew that Kasha and others went to the Demon Fortress, but now he had no choice but to leave Luoge again and come back when Kasha came back. Anyway, he could still hurry up and level up.

At this time, outside the Demon Fortress, a group of people were fighting hard.

"Kasha, pay attention, be careful of the storm caster!" The female mage yelled at Kasha. Kasha immediately rolled his eyes, and the bow and arrow in his hand fired out a massive barrage of bullets, instantly surrounding the monsters. A large area has been cleared.

But in front of everyone, there were still a large number of demons, rushing towards them crazily.

"Be careful!" Feilin suddenly shouted, and used the Phoenix Dance Jiutian. In an instant, a huge phoenix mixed with terrifying flames rushed into the enemy group. In an instant, a large number of enemies were burned. Became ashes.

"Damn it, I seem to have won the bid?" Kasha roared angrily and tore an arrow off his shoulder. As an archer, he was actually hit by the enemy's archer. Kasha was furious and fired a series of arrows. Arrows shot wildly into the distance.

Massive explosions suddenly sounded on the opposite side. Every arrow used by Kasha actually had an explosive effect. For a moment, the opposite side was in a panic.

"When can we get to the Hell Furnace!" Esanna said helplessly. She really didn't like such a high temperature, but fortunately she was already familiar with it. Regardless of whether she liked it or not, the battle had to continue.

"Be careful, we are almost reaching the River of Fire!" Sandora said. This time their mission was not only to retrieve the equipment plundered by hell, but also to crush Baal's soul stone.

Legend has it that in the Hell Forge, as long as you pick up the Hell Forge Hammer, you can crush anything, including the soul. As long as Baal's Soul Stone is shattered, Baal will die forever and will never appear again.

Of course, Baal's Soul Stone cannot be carried with him so easily. As long as Kasha and others successfully enter the Hell Furnace, the two-way teleportation array can be opened, and Tyrell will personally eliminate Baal. soul.

But the difficulty now is how to enter the Hell Furnace, not to destroy Baal's soul. Starting from the Demon Fortress, you have to pass through several places to get to the Hell Furnace, among which is the gathering place of demons and monsters, the River of Fire.

This place is going to be the hardest place.

Finally, the small team arrived at the entrance of the River of Fire. Everyone looked at each other and immediately walked down.

The River of Fire is an underground river, but what flows is not river water, but hot magma. Massive amounts of magma gather here, and many demons are born from this magma.

As soon as they entered the River of Fire, everyone's expressions changed. This place already belonged to the devil's home, but they didn't expect that there would be so many devils looking after the house.

"Ho! Damn humans!" A group of demons roared and discovered Kasha and others. Kasha immediately fired a series of bows and arrows. It was an invasion anyway. Now it seems that a secret invasion is impossible.

"Everyone, pay attention, let's kill them!" Sandora shouted, and white shields immediately appeared around everyone. In fact, the big guys didn't need to speak at all. Decades of tacit cooperation had made them already These fighting habits are ingrained into my bones.

It was just that they had been separated for too long, and Shandora was afraid that everyone would become unfamiliar, so she yelled.

"Coming, coming!" the most violent Santi shouted, and saw a group of demons in the distance rushing up. Santi suddenly laughed, and suddenly waved the wand in her hand wildly.

I saw a barrier immediately opened around Zhongre. All long-range attacks hit the barrier and became completely ineffective. Then, a violent thunderstorm fell on the demon group.

The wrath of thunder is truly terrifying.

In less than 20 seconds, thousands of demons were sacrificed. Kasha immediately shot away the remaining scattered monsters, and then a group of people immediately rushed forward.

There is only one path in the River of Fire, and if there are occasional forks, it will eventually return to the right path, so there is no need to be afraid.

A group of people quickly started killing each other in the river of flames. Under their strong attack, a group of creatures were no match for them. However, looking at the distant road, a group of girls could only grit their teeth and persevere.

Not to mention the tragedy of the Angel Team in the River of Fire, Chen Feng also encountered a big trouble. A huge monster several kilometers long was lying at the entrance of the Flame Cave, completely blocking the cylindrical hole. .

Ice and Snow Mother Insect, Dark Gold BOSS, unlimited reproduction, lays eggs at any time, specially strengthened, blood volume doubled, frozen strengthened, frozen immune.

This was the enemy Chen Feng encountered, an extremely huge female ice and snow insect. Looking at the guard next to it, Chen Feng already knew that this guy was actually the mother of the ice insect.

Chen Feng suddenly had a headache. At this time, he didn't know how to enter. He looked around and saw that there were three huge ice and snow worms in total, but fortunately they were far apart.

A thought suddenly popped into Chen Feng's mind. Could it be that the female ice and snow insect laid eggs in the channel and then used the high temperature in the channel to help hatch the eggs?

The more Chen Feng thought about it, the more likely it was, but now he couldn't get down at all. He could only watch the female ice and snow insect lay eggs before leaving.

Chen Feng was also helpless. There were so many enemies, and the female insect's body was like a bug lying on the straw, completely blocking the mouth of the straw.

Chen Feng had no way to enter at all, so he could only wait in the ice and snow, feeling very depressed.

"Buzz buzz!"

Suddenly, Chen Feng saw a lot of black shadows appearing in the distance, and his eyes immediately narrowed. However, due to the snowstorm, Chen Feng could not see the enemies in the distance clearly.

Suddenly, a black figure suddenly rushed out of the snow curtain. Chen Feng was shocked. He saw a huge insect flying towards him. The corpse vulture immediately reacted. Its huge wings were originally gliding, and now they fiercely As soon as the ground stirred up, the terrifying wind swept over the monster in an instant.

The monster didn't expect such a situation at all, and its body suddenly stopped in the air. Chen Feng finally saw the monster clearly.

It looked like a flying ant, but it was all white, and a pair of huge jaw forceps were clicking and cutting continuously, as if they were trying to cut Chen Feng in two.

Chen Feng paid careful attention to the group of insects. When he saw a large group of insects appearing in the snow curtain not far away, Chen Feng was immediately shocked.

The corpse vulture immediately roared, and its huge body flew straight up into the sky. A group of enemies immediately followed behind it, but the corpse vulture suddenly turned around, making a very natural "drift" in mid-air, and actually exchanged the first place. After a moment, a fireball appeared directly in his hand.

"Boom!" The fireball was thrown directly by the corpse vulture, and instantly hit a strange insect. The monster screamed, and its body was instantly ignited by the flames and fell directly to the ground.

"Good experience!" Chen Feng exclaimed, and the corpse vulture skeleton attacked again. The two sides started a fierce battle in the sky, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

If you use explosive rocks, can you drive away all the enemies?

Of course, what you want to get rid of are all the ones on the ground, not the ones in the air. Bugs flying in the air are nothing to worry about.

However, as soon as Chen Feng's thoughts flashed across his mind, Chen Feng regretted it. He saw countless black shadows not far away rushing toward him, and a group of thousands or even tens of thousands of flying insects pounced on him. come over.

Chen Feng was stunned and immediately controlled the corpse vulture to run away. If he didn't run away, someone would die.

The corpse vulture immediately began to run away. Chen Feng took out the explosive stone and threw it fiercely towards the back. However, the explosive stone generally could not hit the group of flying insects. Occasionally, it would explode when it was thrown.

Chen Feng was chased for at least 20 kilometers, and then he stopped. The surroundings became warm and spring flowers bloomed. Chen Feng looked at the other side of the ice and snow in depression, and he was actually being chased by so many enemies.


Suddenly, there was an explosion not far away, and there was a person fighting with a group of water and fertilizer warriors below. This was still a place that belonged to Lu Gaoyin, but no one would go so far to practice leveling.

"Go down and have a look!" Chen Feng immediately let the corpse vulture fly over, but it did not fly in front of the person immediately. Instead, it stopped one kilometer away from the person, and then ran over with the double-sword skeleton and the dwarf warrior.

But when he got to that place, it was obvious that the man had gone far away. Chen Feng followed the footsteps and chased him. Finally he found the man, but when he saw the man's attire, Chen Feng was stunned.

"Witch doctor?" Chen Feng was shocked. There was a group of bugs and zombies next to the man. These monsters were staggering towards the enemy, but the attack was obviously not strong enough.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that surprised Chen Feng happened. A zombie suddenly exploded. A large amount of green poisonous mist instantly swallowed up the nearby water and fertilizer warriors, and a large number of charged bombs continued to rush out.

However, all the charged bombs were eaten by a group of toads. The toads basically turned white and died after knocking off 2 charged bombs. However, there were hundreds of toads on the ground, so densely packed that you could see. It makes people feel sick.

"Who!" Suddenly, as if he felt Chen Feng's gaze, the man immediately looked towards where Chen Feng was. Before Chen Feng was ready to go out, a spear was suddenly pressed against his waist.

Chen Feng's eyes widened immediately. When did this person approach him, he didn't even notice his skeleton.

"Wait, I'm a professional!" Chen Feng immediately took the badge in his hand and shouted loudly to the witch doctor. He reached out from behind with one hand, grabbed the badge, and then shouted.

"He's a human, not a bad guy!"

The sound is very crisp!

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