Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 283 This month’s update plan!

Chapter 280 This month’s update plan!

Last month’s vigorous monthly ticket war finally ended.

Looking at the glorious fifth place, the Duke was still excited, but he was also depressed because he owed too much debt.

Now let’s talk about this month’s plans and debts!

This month’s plan was to promise everyone 4 updates a day, but I broke my promise on the first day. Don’t blame the Duke. Yesterday I updated 7 times, which was so extreme that my wrists and fingers are still sore, and my wrists are still attached. Where's the ointment?

But starting tomorrow, 4 updates are guaranteed until the end of May 31st.

This is a basic update. Anyone who wants to reward or remind me to update it should come. Anyway, it’s all settled.

Next is debt, and I would like to report to you the total number of votes, 936.

Among them, some of the votes were cast before the update, so they don’t count, hehehehe.

The total number of monthly votes to be updated is 844, and Chapter 269 is 230 votes plus an update. The rest are not considered good, even if it is to celebrate the results of the monthly votes. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

In other words, 844-230=614 votes.

According to 20 votes for one chapter, that is 30.5 chapters, then it will be 31 chapters.

Okay, then I declare that I owe everything!

. . . . . . . .

There is no way, 4 updates is the best. If there are 5 updates in a month, I will be dead before June arrives, and I won’t even have a chance to become a eunuch.

Then pay it back slowly. I owe you a total of 31+1. Today’s update is a total of 32 updates.

Okay, it seems I still have to work hard for 2 months before I can be lazy, haha.

Regarding the overdue update, please don’t hit me or scold me. After all, a person’s energy is limited. The Duke is more sincere when he updates 4 times a day. No matter how much he does, his body and mind can’t bear it.

Therefore, in order to keep his body healthy and still be able to code for everyone, the Duke shamelessly owed money first, and everyone knew how many sheets he owed.

Okay, that's it for the update.

As for the monthly ticket, I said I won’t need it in the future, so please help my friends. If your ticket is not reserved, please vote for the three books: The Best Immortal Mansion, The Strongest Abandoned Young Master and The Online Game: Shooting Through the Sky. Books, I believe the quality of these three books will not disappoint everyone!

Okay, this is the end of my speech. Let’s go to rest. Tomorrow’s update will start in the afternoon~

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