Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 281 Chapter 289: Establish a base!

Chapter 278 289: Establish a base!

During the Second World War, the Air Force was quite famous. It could even be said to dominate the entire battlefield. When the planes arrived, everyone was frightened. If there were no anti-aircraft guns, World War II would probably end faster. , and the result will be completely opposite to what it is now.

Chen Feng once thought about this problem when the corpse vulture appeared, but Chen Feng had nothing to throw. Chen Feng didn't have missiles or bombs at all.

Although explosive bottles could be thrown, Chen Feng didn't think he could target enemies on the ground when a plane with a wingspan of 30 meters threw explosive bottles that were no bigger than a grenade.

But now that there were these explosive stones, Chen Feng's mind suddenly became active. He immediately put all the explosive stones around him into his backpack. Chen Feng was shocked to find that the cave was actually very huge.

The place where I was was actually just a corner, a small corner of the cave. I originally thought it was a sealed cave, but I didn't expect that in a corner, there was a path that could only be passed by one person.

The entrance was very small, and people like Chen Feng had to crouch down to get in. But before walking far, his eyes suddenly became wider, and Chen Feng walked over effortlessly.

As the saying goes, "After walking dozens of steps, you suddenly become enlightened." The fisherman who went to paradise in Tao Yuanming's novel was probably the same as Chen Feng, but the fisherman definitely didn't want to see the scene in front of Chen Feng.

"Roar!" I saw groups of monsters similar to the monsters that Chen Feng beat to death, lying in the magma and playing continuously, like a group of swimming fish, rolling back and forth in the magma. There was actually such a group of monsters here. A paradise.

"Roar!" Suddenly, a monster discovered Chen Feng. Chen Feng was startled and immediately retreated into the small passage and walked towards the original small cave.

"Boom!" Chen Feng only felt a violent explosion, and then a large amount of gravel hit him. Chen Feng couldn't help but grinned after being hit, but Chen Feng had nothing to do. Who told him that he was now a little snake? Inside the road, you can only retreat slowly.

A hot breath suddenly hit the surface, and the strong smell of sulfur made Chen Feng choke a few times. However, after a while, Chen Feng returned to the original cave. Chen Feng looked at the barrier in front of him and couldn't help but touch his chin.

This is a natural shelter. The monster he killed probably came through the magma, but now the magma has turned into black rock. Under the trouble of Chen Feng Frost Skeleton Mage, the temperature here has dropped too much. It's completely different from the outside.

There was no magma around at this time, of course there was still under the black rock, but the rock blocked the magma, so Chen Feng didn't know if there would be monsters coming out of the magma.

Seal the magma vent!

Chen Feng suddenly decided to seal the entrance to the magma here. It didn't take much, as long as the Frost Skeleton Mage froze all the magma here into rock.

Just do it, Chen Feng immediately smashed open the rock at the entrance of the magma, and then exposed the rock below. The hot magma immediately made Chen Feng take a breath. Chen Feng couldn't help coughing a few times, and then the frost skeleton mage's blizzard and ice Leng Tianxia immediately smashed it down.

It's a pity that Chen Feng doesn't have the means of freezing attack, otherwise he can help. However, with the presence of the Frost Skeleton Mage, Chen Feng doesn't have to worry at all. After it solidified for a while, Chen Feng once again knocked open the rock on the side to continue to expose the magma below.

In this way, for a magma rock close to 1 meter, Chen Feng would smash more than half of it, leaving only one layer, and then continue digging deeper.

Like the step-by-step method, Chen Feng slowly blocked the entire entrance. However, when Chen Feng waited for the completion of the project and saw it, he was also dumbfounded.

It was actually a hundred meters deep here. Chen Feng had been working for a whole day without knowing it. When he realized that his hands were so sore and numb, he immediately climbed up with a wry smile, and then commanded a group of skeletons to rush up.

Chen Feng's method is very simple. He first cools a piece of rock, then digs a hole in the cooled rock. After the next piece of rock has cooled down, he digs the hole again. Then he cools and digs the hole continuously until no more magma can be dug. .

Then, Chen Feng found himself in a cave up to a hundred meters deep, surrounded by an extremely stuffy environment. Chen Feng didn't expect that he could persevere.

Fortunately, when digging the hole, Chen Feng noticed that he was digging the hole in steps. Chen Feng immediately climbed up, and a group of skeletons quickly filled the hole with a large amount of gravel.

Not long after, the hole was filled. Chen Feng took out more than a dozen buckets of water and poured it down. Suddenly, Chen Feng felt a burst of green smoke coming out from all around.

Then the boiling water slowly boiled, but Chen Feng's goal was achieved. The broken stones were pulled from the wall. Chen Feng had seen these stones. Their melting points were higher than magma, so Chen Feng was not afraid of being melted into magma.

Now that the entrance is sealed, it means that a safe place for himself has appeared. Chen Feng will take the next steps to transform the entrance.

The entrance was really awkward to walk through. Chen Feng had to bend down and walk on the catwalk to pass. However, the entrance was not long, only a few meters away, but Chen Feng really didn't like bending down to walk a few meters.

Especially Chen Feng is preparing to level up here. There are countless monsters like fire snakes on the opposite side. Chen Feng doesn't care whether they are cherished animals or not. He only knows that they all have names and health bars on their heads, so he can be sure. These guys are demons.

Is it necessary to show mercy to the devil?

But what surprised Chen Feng was that the body of the fire snake monster he killed on the other side had not disappeared yet. Chen Feng thought about it carefully and suddenly realized.

Ice worms and sand worms that burrow into the ground.

"It seems that these fire snake monsters are like sandworms. They have a BOSS responsible for reproduction, and the other monsters are all living creatures!" Chen Feng guessed.

Sandworms are the weirdest demons in the world. They are all living beings. Each one has its own independent thought, which is completely different from other demon projections.

Therefore, in the desert, sandworms are the most difficult ones to deal with, because they not only use conspiracy, but also hide in the sand to make surprise attacks, and have very outstanding hunting abilities.

One of their characteristics is that the corpse will not disappear immediately after death. Instead, it will slowly decay after the demonic power in the body disappears. It is no different from ordinary creatures.

Of course, the strength of the sandworms in the desert is estimated to not survive the next day, because the vultures and other sandworms in the sky will feed on this. I am afraid that there has just been a battle here, and the sandworms and vultures in the distance have already started preparing tableware. time to eat.

The snake in front of him has not disappeared yet, but Chen Feng doesn't care, because Chen Feng remembers that this snake is at the dark gold level, and it will take at least a few months to slowly disappear, and it will become invisible in about half a month. Transparency eventually disappears.

"Eh?" Chen Feng was going to throw the snake's body into his backpack and take it back to Kasha Kane to see, but as soon as he walked to the snake's side, Chen Feng smelled a smell.

Putrid smell.

Chen Feng took a closer look and saw that the body of the basilisk had begun to rot. Chen Feng looked at it in disbelief, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this basilisk was really a living demon.

First of all, the Basilisk's basic immunity to fire does not come from the power of its body, but from the power of hell demons, which provides fire resistance that achieves the fire immunity effect.

And now that the basilisk is dead, the power of the natural hell demon has disappeared. Although it will not completely disappear, the power of the demon cannot completely protect the entire body after all.

Nowadays, some parts that are not protected by the devil's power have begun to decay rapidly under the surrounding high temperatures of over 100 degrees Celsius.

"I'm dizzy!" Chen Feng was helpless for a while. The smell would become even more unpleasant later. Chen Feng gritted his teeth and could only throw it into his backpack first. After the passage was opened, he could throw it outside. .

The next step is to open the passage here, and then to make a barrier to prevent monsters from freely entering and exiting. Chen Feng has already regarded this small corner as his base.

A barrier must be built, but Chen Feng looked around and saw that there was no material at all. Ordinary stones and other things were blocking the road. If someone threw a stone at it, it would shatter as soon as it exploded.

"By the way, iron wall!" Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately looked at the dwarf warrior with evil intentions. The dwarf warrior was frightened by the sight, and then fell apart, and the shield in his hand fell down.

Disbanding the skeleton is like this. It is like sending the soul of the skeleton back, but leaving the body in this world. Chen Feng doesn't know what will happen to the bones of the body, but Chen Feng knows that at least they will not disappear immediately.

Continuously summoning and disbanding the dwarf warriors brought Chen Feng a full 100 pieces of iron wall. Chen Feng left part of it as a spare, and then began to let a group of skeletons expand the passage.

The kung fu of the group of skeletons was very good. Within a few hours, under Chen Feng's command, the passage was expanded so that they could at least walk through it while standing.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng began to take out his shield. Chen Feng beat up the shields piece by piece, directly forming a wall. Then, a position at the height of the shield was left on the wall, and a shield was hung on top of the gap. It is a door panel that moves up and down, allowing entry and exit.

It was enough for Chen Feng to block the monster's rock explosion attack, so these shields were embedded in the rocks, and the range of the inlays was also very deep, so as not to explode when the time came, and even the walls and rocks would be broken. Once the wall collapsed, Chen Feng was in tragedy.

Of course, the best way is to find someone to create a barrier, but Chen Feng doesn't know how to do it himself, but he hasn't reached level 20 yet, and Chen Feng doesn't have the face to go back.

Chen Feng looked at the experience and saw that the basilisk experience was extremely rich. Chen Feng estimated that with up to 300 basilisks, he would be able to upgrade to level 20. At that time, Chen Feng would go back immediately and bring a barrier master.

Well, there may only be three updates today. There were too many explosions yesterday. My hands are very painful and the joints of my fingers are also aching. So please forgive me. I will publish a leaflet later. It is the update schedule for this month. Please take a look. ! Thanks!

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