Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 248 257: Gathering of powerful people (170 votes added)

Chapter 245 Chapter 257: Gathering of powerful people (170 votes added)

"It's opened!" At this moment, a roar came, and a big hole appeared in the sky. Herasen's expression changed, and he saw a group of white bats not far away, mixed in the sky. , attacking the barrier crazily.

"Is this the white devil of the Amazon clan?" Horasan yelled in disbelief. Matt smiled contemptuously and crushed a golden ball in his hand.

"Boom!" A golden light exploded, and Matt couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. That golden light was actually the power of heaven, and to Matt it was no less than a nuclear weapon.

Matt took a few hundred steps back before he stabilized his body, breathing heavily. At this time, Bolato turned his head "unbelievably" and glared at Matt.

"Matt, are you actually related to humans?" Bolatu roared, and red lightning struck down crazily towards Matt. A trace of hardness flashed in Matt's eyes, and he actually stood still. He resisted the lightning.

"Humph, Bolato, it's not your turn to speak here!" came an indifferent voice. If Chen Feng were here, he would definitely be able to identify the owner of this voice.


Kasha slowly walked out of the teleportation array and glanced around in confusion. What he gave Matt was the most powerful summoning gem, which could instantly open a door in front of him and let him come over.

Matt would never use it unless absolutely necessary.

"Huh?" Horason saw Kasha coming out, and his eyes immediately focused on the bow and arrow in Kasha's hand. At this time, Kasha also saw Horason, his face suddenly changed, and he looked at Horason in disbelief.

"Hrason Ray Woods!" Kasha yelled in disbelief, and then without saying a word, he took out a badge and crushed it hard.

"Temple Sakura?" Bolato shouted incredulously, and his whole body instantly turned into a ball of darkness. Before leaving, he gave Matt a hard slap. Matt smiled bitterly in his heart, this damn Bolato , is this considered a public revenge?

"Not good!" Horason also felt bad. On the cherry blossom-shaped badge, he felt a terrifying light force. He was about to open the space leading to the mysterious shelter, and saw a series of crazy arrows. They attacked Herasen.

Kasha, as an Amazon, is of course the most powerful with bows and arrows. Although Kasha knows that he may not be able to hurt Horason, he can delay Horason.

"Valkyrie!" Immediately afterwards, Kasha summoned the Valkyrie. Three huge golden Valkyries appeared instantly. They stood majestically. When they saw a Sinking Demon not far away, they immediately rushed forward without saying a word. Go up.

"No, is that the true body of the devil?" Kasha glanced at the Sinking Demon. It was impossible for this guy's projection to appear in Warlock Canyon, but after a closer look, he discovered that it was the true form of the Sinking Devil.

"No!" Kasha exclaimed, and saw a burst of ridicule in the Sinking Demon's eyes, a fierce light flashing in his eyes, and a series of swings of the scimitar in his hand, and the air seemed to be torn apart.

"Boom!" The three Valkyries instantly turned into golden light and scattered all over the ground. Kasha's face became even more ugly, and she looked at the Sinking Demon in disbelief.

"Lakani Qiu?" Kasha looked shocked. Laka Niqiu is not a sinking demon. No, Lakani Qiu is still a sinking demon. He is just the boss of all sinking demons. His strength is infinitely close to the level of a demon king, and he is a high-level demon. peak.

"Impossible!" Kasha shouted loudly. She had personally fought against Lakani Qiu back then. The terrifying Lakani Qiu was still fresh in her mind. The Sinking Demon who was looked down upon in Luoge, and the demons among the group of demons. Inside the fortress, countless angels and professionals suffered.

"Hahaha, yes, it is Rakanichu. What an intoxicating power. It took me a full 50 years to finally make it so powerful. Soon, what Andariel and Dia Polo, will all become my subordinates and work for me!" Herasen said with a laugh.

Kasha had no idea that Lakaniciu would be captured by this guy and follow his orders. This was simply unbelievable.

"Hahaha, Kasha Niu, what do you want from us?" Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter in the sky, and then a golden arch appeared brilliantly in the sky.

One, two, three, a total of five girls came out, all holding weapons, as if they were ready to fight.

"Hrason!" A girl looked at Horason in disbelief. Her body disappeared in the air instantly, and one of them simply raised the shield. Only three "clang clang clang" sounds were heard. The three shields There were three sparks on it.

"Hmph, the subordinates of the mage tribe are so arrogant!" Horason smiled disdainfully, and a barrier instantly appeared next to him. He only felt an extremely terrifying force coming towards him. A girl held two The claws appeared in front of him.

Assassin. Flying dragon in the sky.

Seeing that the girl's plan failed, a huge phoenix suddenly appeared on her body, followed by three attacks from her hands, and three red energy gatherings instantly appeared around the girl, and then the phoenix behind her became Even bigger.

Phoenix Dance for Nine Heavens, a mutation skill of the assassin's level 30 Phoenix attack, extremely terrifying fire damage, reducing the enemy's fire resistance by up to 100%.

Even if he is immune to fire, he still has to put down his fire shield in front of this move, and he will be beaten to pieces.

"Chirp!" The huge phoenix actually shouted, and its wings suddenly spread out, reaching a range of 100 meters. Then, following the movements of the female assassin, it slammed towards Horasan's barrier. .

"Boom!" The huge barrier groaned, and then exploded with a bang. Horason immediately teleported away from the scope of the explosion.

"Hmph!" The female assassin snorted, but she did not pursue immediately. The enemy had teleported and was on guard against her, so the female assassin could not make a move.

"I know, I know!" The male assassin not far away suddenly shouted, completely forgetting the chill on his body, and looked at the female assassin with excitement.

"What do you know?" The Paladin rolled his eyes at him. His Holy Light Bullets were not finished yet and he kept firing them.

"You idiot, take a closer look, take a look!" the assassin said excitedly as he looked at the five girls around Kasha. The paladin looked puzzled.

"Idiot, that's the 'Ruthless Arrow God. Kasha'. The female assassin just now is 'Phoenix Queen' Feilin!" the assassin said excitedly, looking at Kasha and the others with admiration.

"What? Are they the legendary 'Angel Squad'?" The male Paladin looked at the group of people in disbelief. Kasha and others also saw these two guys. One of the girls waved to them and asked them to go over. .

The two people immediately rushed over excitedly. One of the women in armor glanced at the male assassin, and suddenly waved, and a ray of holy light fell from the sky.

"Angel's mercy restores all health points and offsets all bad conditions, 'Angel Heart. Annie'!" The male assassin said excitedly, and Annie nodded and smiled at the male assassin.

"The Angel Team consists of a total of 6 members, including the Amazon female warrior 'Ruthless Arrow God Kasha', the Assassin League's 'Phoenix Queen' Feline, and the captain and deputy leader of the Templar Knights 'Golden Guardian Sandra' ', the deputy captain's female mage 'Thunder's Wrath. Sandy', the druid 'Jungle Guardian. Esanna', and the only priest who is not a combat professional, 'Angel Heart. Annie'!" from the mouth of the male paladin. Slowly revealing the identities of a group of women, the male assassin could hardly conceal his excitement.

"Hmph, how many little girls are so famous for their movies? Then guess who I am?" Suddenly, a disdainful voice came from a distance. Horason turned his head in disbelief, only to see something behind him. Then there was a strong man.

"Chief of the Giant Bear Tribe, Busolja!" The male assassin exclaimed in disbelief. Didn't this guy serve as the deputy combat commander in the Demon Fortress? How could he be in this place?

"Busolja, the descendant of Bulkeli!" Herasen looked at the strong man, his pupils immediately shrank, and panic began to appear in his eyes.

The strength of that strong man was unfathomable.

"Hmph, he's just a barbarian. What's there to brag about, little assassin? People don't know me?" Horason's expression changed drastically again, and he saw that there was another person beside him.

"Chief of the Knights of Cancanduras, William Mutt!" The male assassin felt that he was dreaming. The "Angel Team" that was rare in a century not only appeared in front of him, but also 2 people appeared in front of him. An extremely powerful existence.

Busolja, the chief of the Giant Bear Tribe. Legend has it that this guy fought with Hellfire for more than 20 days. In the end, no one could defeat anyone. If Tyrael and Diavolo hadn't appeared at the same time in the end, they dragged him away. These two guys might be able to play for a year and a half.

William Mutter, the head of the Knights of Candulas, has actually retired and given up his position to young people, but he is still the supreme leader of the Knights of Candulas, except of course the king.

"Your Highness the Princess!" William Mutter came to the side of the golden guardian Shandora and respectfully performed a knight's salute. Shandora smiled and held William's arm.

"Uncle William, long time no see!" The two people began to chat. The assassin had completely fainted. Only then did he remember that the golden guardian Sandora was the princess of Khanduras's previous generation.

If you count, she is still Julian's aunt!

Then, to the horror of the unconscious Paladin, a group of people suddenly appeared around Horason. Horason's face had become extremely pale!

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