Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 240 248: Insulting Words: Magician

Chapter 237 248: Insulting Words: Magician

"Hmph, I didn't expect that it wasn't that guy Graz, but a few little guys!" Angel looked at the sky and saw something like a projection appearing in the void, with a group of people fighting on it.

And that group of people was clearly Chen Feng and others, and the battle scene was exactly when they were fighting against the Sand Knights. Chen Feng and others didn't even know that they were being monitored.

"Do you want to give them some hindrance?" Angel frowned, glanced at the projection in the void, then turned angrily and aimed at a portal behind him, and kicked it hard.

"It's all you, it's all you, why didn't you open the door, otherwise I would have gone in!" Angel pouted and said, the portal behind her was the portal leading to the mysterious sanctuary.

"It's so annoying that I actually want the King's Staff. If I had known, I would have gotten the King's Staff first!" Angel pouted, but now that the door is blocked, she can never show off in other people's homes. Walk out the door.

As for the teleportation scroll, that's even more impossible. Once he returns outside and is caught by the bad guy Graz, Angel knows his fate. He will be sent back to Xiansai, and then he will not be able to come into contact with arcane magic for the rest of his life.

"Forget it, let's help them, and then ask them to help me get the King's Staff. This deal is a good deal!" Angel suddenly said with a smile and clapped his hands.

Angel was very happy with the perfect deal she had constructed, but she had completely forgotten one factor, that is, Chen Feng and others did not come down to practice, but came to find her.

On the other side, Chen Feng and others were slowly entering the second floor of the palace prison. A stench penetrated everyone's noses, and everyone couldn't help but cover their noses.

"This place really stinks!" Divina pouted and covered her nose and said, but Chen Feng smiled faintly. Such a bit of stench was considered stinky. Back then, in the maggot nest, that place was called stinky.

Chen Feng had another purpose when he took the corpse vulture back, which was to let the stench dissipate for a while, otherwise he would go back to the city, find a group of girls, and open the two-way door. What a simple thing.

There is indeed a stench here, and there are mottled blood stains everywhere on the ground, but it has been dry for unknown years. A group of baboon demons ran over from not far away, followed by a group of sand knights and giant beasts.

Obviously, there were more monsters on the second floor, and everyone immediately began to prepare for battle.

Just when the baboon demon was about to rush in front of a group of people, suddenly everyone felt that the space in front of them was distorted, and then a small black hole appeared from the distorted space.

A round blue arm came out of it. A group of girls immediately looked at Chen Feng. Chen Feng was stunned, and then quickly shook his head. His summons were all skeletons. Where did this round one come from? Blue arms.

Immediately afterwards, the round guy squeezed out of the black hole. It was really squeezed out. The huge body was like toothpaste, slowly squeezed out of the black hole, and then restored its elasticity like jelly.

Chen Feng and others stared at the guy in front of them in stunned silence, and Chen Feng felt even more unbelievable in his heart, because Chen Feng seemed to know this guy.

Arcane Guardian.

This guy's name is "Arcane Guardian". As soon as the guy came out, he turned around and aimed at a group of monsters. Then he hammered the ground with his huge chubby fist.

A blue shock wave rushed out from the guardian's feet. For a moment, the surrounding monsters were violently pushed away, and then a fiery red circle appeared from the ground.

"Roar!" A snake head suddenly rose out of the fire ring, followed by two more snake heads. The three snake heads roared at the monsters, and fireballs burst out from their mouths one by one. A group of monsters were instantly released. arrive.

"Hydraulic Sea Serpent!" Divina exclaimed, this is a level 30 skill of the witch, and she actually saw it here.

"What Hydra? It's not that rubbish skill. It's a Hydra. It's just that my level is too low. Otherwise, it would have 9 heads. The mage's Hydra only has three heads. How dare you call it Hydra?" Sea snake, shameless!" A disdainful voice came from the side, and the fat arcane guardian immediately rolled to the ground. ̮̦͖̥͈̳̭̭̋̏͝ŝ̸̢̜̳̱͈̹͓̀̆̔͋͛͠ḩ̷̻̩͍̱̗͔̺̏̓͊̀͂̀ͅṵ̵̙̻͉̦͙̗̥̉̓̓͊̑̂̑x̸ ͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶ ͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇ ͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ́՝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̌̌

I saw a little girl slowly walking over from the side and looking at Divina with disdain. Divina became angry at the sight and was about to talk back, but was stopped by Chen Feng.

"Angel?" Chen Feng asked doubtfully, and the girl nodded proudly. The girls suddenly realized that this girl was Angel, the mission target of their group.

"You walked up to me so arrogantly, aren't you afraid that I will take you back?" Chen Feng asked suddenly, and then he waved his big hand continuously, and more than 60 skeletons appeared next to the girl, completely killing Angel. wrapped in a circle.

"Hmph!" Angel smiled disdainfully and saw her body floating slightly. In the surprised eyes of a group of girls, a frost star suddenly burst out from under her feet.

"Wow!" All of Chen Feng's skeletons were frozen in an instant, but Chen Feng smiled faintly, and then recruited them again, and a group of skeletons appeared directly behind him.

"Swipe!" A group of crossbow arrows were aimed at Angel neatly. Angel's face suddenly became ugly. Angel felt the danger keenly on the group of crossbow skeletons.

"Okay, now that we have met our mission target, Miss Target, please come back with us!" Chen Feng said to Angel, but Angel suddenly smiled.

"Crack!" Suddenly, the skeleton bones behind Chen Feng suddenly fell apart and scattered on the ground. Chen Feng turned his head in shock and looked at a series of ripples behind him.

"Distort time?" Chen Feng exclaimed. Although he couldn't understand it, he could guess that Angel looked at Chen Feng triumphantly, but Chen Feng smiled.

A group of crossbow skeletons were summoned again, and the crossbow arrows of the crossbow skeletons were pointed straight at Angel.

"Compared with your time magic, you can't use it too many times. Then let's try to see if you use it more often or my summons. At this time, of course you can also kill us, but don't worry, we I will definitely capture you alive!" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Lilith suddenly walked out slowly from the side and hit Chen Feng's dwarf warrior three times in a row. Three circles of light appeared directly beside her, and Chen Feng's smile became even stronger.

Julian also let his shield shine. The light of the sacred shield made Angel feel dazzling. Then the huge Xiaobai also walked out, and a group of people looked at Angel eagerly.

"Wait, wait, we are not enemies, why do we have to fight? It would not be fun if we accidentally become a fallen person, yes, that would not be fun!" Angel immediately waved her hand, and then directly put herself The little fat man next to him was canceled.

The little fat man's body instantly turned into a small black stone like a deflated balloon. Angel immediately picked it up and put it away.

"What? Are you planning to go back with us?" Chen Feng said with a smile. He didn't have any hostility towards this little girl. If it weren't for the mission, he would be ready to help such a little girl.

But unfortunately, this is now related to his own strength. In the face of improving strength, Chen Feng will not be polite to strangers, so he is ready to take this little girl back.

"Humph, what can we do? There are six of you, and I am only one!" Angel said helplessly, and then slowly walked to a few people.

"What reward did he give you?" Angel asked curiously. Chen Feng and others looked at each other and smiled. Julian stood next to the little girl, followed closely by Chen Feng.

The two people have the highest magic resistance. If the little girl is frozen again, Chen Feng and Julian can unfreeze the ice as quickly as possible and then fight.

"Improve the medal level. You have the nerve to kidnap me for such a small reward?" After Angel learned about the reward, he immediately roared at everyone angrily.

"How about you work for me, and I will reward you with this!" Angel rolled her eyes and took out a handful of small stones from her arms. Divina said "cut" disdainfully, but Chen Feng picked it up. Got one.

Arcane Guardian Stone.

"This is the stone of the arcane guardian just now? What is its use?" Chen Feng asked curiously. Angel's eyes lit up and she immediately started to pull Chen Feng to explain the function of this stone. Chen Feng suddenly realized it.

It turns out that this stone is used to inspire the summoning of the arcane guardian inside. As long as the stone is immortal, the arcane guardian will live forever. In the future, there will be a way to lure monsters to their death. This little guy is the most suitable. .

Moreover, the arcane guardian will continue to become stronger as time goes by. The more times a professional uses it, the stronger his combat effectiveness will become. Typically, the more battles he gets, the stronger he becomes.

Angel pulled Chen Feng and talked nonstop. Chen Feng's look of sudden realization made Angel very happy, but Divina beside her looked angry.

"Hmph, a tatty thing developed by a magician!" Divina said disdainfully, but this sentence angered Angel. Chen Feng was also surprised, because Divina actually said the word "magician" To Angel.

In this world, a mage is a mage, and a witch is actually a slightly insulting name for a female mage. However, as time goes by, everyone likes to call female mage a witch, and male mage is called a mage.

However, the word magician is a title given to those mages who do not follow the rules, like to constantly innovate, and like new things. In other words, it is a title for those mages who have abandoned the ancient inheritance.

The most famous among them is Horasan in the mysterious sanctuary.

And Divina's words obviously ignited Angel's anger. The title of magician is the biggest insult to a magician!

It is estimated that there will be 3 updates today, maybe 4. There seems to be something going on tonight. I don’t know the specific situation yet. Everything is waiting for the top leader of the family to arrange the work!

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