Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 204 207: Sewer Level 1

Chapter 201 207: Sewer Level 1

Standing at the entrance of the sewer, listening to Glaze's talk about education, Chen Feng jumped in without saying a word. Glaze was stunned and rolled his eyes.

"You'll suffer from this urgency!" Chen Feng didn't know, but now he only knew that if he didn't leave Graz immediately, he would probably commit murder.

Sure enough, Lu Gaoyin's number one fighting ability was not Graz's fighting ability, but Graz's talking skills, which were so awesome that people were completely speechless.

The sewer is right underneath the entire Lu Gaoyin.

At first, Glaze and his group of mercenaries discovered that there were suddenly many bones in the sewer, and they were still wearing clothes. They were Lu Gaoyin's characteristic clothes, similar to Arab clothes.

At first, everyone didn't pay attention, but as more and more ordinary people came to report that someone in their home was missing, everyone couldn't help but become alert.

Finally, one day, the proprietress of the small town tavern was horrified to discover that a group of demons had dragged away her husband and son. Finally, Lu Gaoyin’s royal family realized that something was seriously wrong, and immediately blocked all entrances and exits to the sewers, and then sent soldiers Go down and explore.

As a result, half a month later, a few remaining soldiers ran back frantically and brought back an astonishing news: the sewers were completely occupied by demonic projections.

Finally, people invited angels to try to eliminate the demons in the sewers, but the angels told people that they were powerless, and finally sealed the sewers. Over time, it became a leveling place for people.

Chen Feng would not believe it even to death when the angels said that they were powerless. In the eyes of angels and demons, humans are like chess pieces on a chessboard that can be discarded, played with, and displayed at will. .

It's just that angels and demons are opponents who control the chessboard. Their main purpose is not to play with the chess pieces, but to defeat the other party, so the strength of their own chess pieces is naturally what they care about.

Here, there is no mission for the tavern proprietress Artes. After all, Artes’ husband and son have been dead for who knows how many years. Artes is not a gorgeous proprietress, but a man on crutches. The old woman is much older than Akara.

It is said that Artes was also a professional, but due to serious injuries, he finally returned to his hometown of Lugaoyin helplessly, opened a tavern, and lived a happy life with his husband and son.

It's a pity that the devil didn't let her live a good life and took away her husband and son, leaving her alone all her life.

After entering the sewer, the first thing that hit me was a stench and a group of cockroaches and rats crawling across the soles of my feet. The rats were chasing the cockroaches, and the cockroaches even tried to climb on Chen Feng's body to avoid the rats.

Chen Feng quickly stamped his feet to shake the cockroaches off his body, then summoned a few ordinary skeletons and dwarf warriors, and took out the map.

The reason why Julian and others came back early last time was because the smell of the sewer was so disgusting that a group of girls would rather give up their skill points than wait inside.

Secondly, Rodament has been killed, so he has to wait half a month before he reappears.

All in all, Rhodament's resurrection time is the same as Bisubosu's, only half a month, which is at least much better than Andariel's twice a year.

At least 2 people can get skill points in a month, and nearly 30 people can get it in a year. Counting Nightmare Moon, at least 70 or 80 people can get skill points, which is very good.

Chen Feng's goal is to get skill points. Even if he doesn't need to upgrade to level 11, with the current level 16 skeleton and the 2 rings sent by Kane, he will be at level 18. Plus Chen Feng gets rid of Julian to find a chain. That would be level 19. In this way, as long as he gets Rodament's skill points, Chen Feng can see his invincible skeleton again, the Hell Champion Knight Commander.

However, Chen Feng took a look at the height of the sewer and estimated that the height of the champion knight commander would be a difficult problem.

The monsters in the sewer are slightly weaker than those outside. Because of the angel seal, not only can the monsters here not be able to get out, but even the energy from hell will be weakened.

Originally, Chen Feng's skeleton could barely defeat ordinary monsters outside, but here, Chen Feng's ordinary skeleton could perfectly defeat ordinary monsters. In this way, the improvement of the skeleton and the weakening of the enemy can be reflected.

After all, Chen Feng's skeleton has only been raised by 1 level, and the monsters here have at least been weakened by 1 to 2 levels. Based on this calculation, the monsters here are obviously too weak.

Although the smell of the sewers on the first floor is already very ugly, the smell on the second floor is even worse. You must be very careful about the surrounding walls, because there may be someone's daddy on them.

No one wants to get a little involved, right?

If you were in the sewer, who would be the most difficult to deal with? 90% of professionals will vote for this spot to a group called "Burning Death Archers".

Why are they the most difficult to deal with?

Because this group of guys are absolute collectivists, hundreds of "Burning Death Archers" gather together, and when they see the enemy, hundreds of flaming arrows roar directly towards them, which can scare people to death.

The burning death archers are a group of bright red skeletons with horned helmets on their heads and nothing on their bodies except a long bow in their hands.

Their ability is to shoot flaming arrows. No matter how many meters away you are from them, they will only shoot flaming arrows, flaming arrows, flaming arrows, towards death.

If there was only one, it would not be as powerful as the dark archers, but here there were hundreds of them, standing together in a group. This round of attacks came, and Chen Feng had no place to hide.

And because of the relationship between skeletons and the use of flame arrows, they also have high fire resistance and poison resistance. If you can't get it, you can get a dark gold monster that is immune to fire and poison.

Basically, the burning death archers are in a position where no one can kill them, because no one dares to kill them, and no one has the ability to kill them. However, they were unlucky today and met Chen Feng.

"Corner, squat down!" Chen Feng laughed loudly. The routes in the sewer were complicated. There was only a small path at each corner, and only one person could pass through.

In the past, this was very annoying to the Necromancer in the game, because he could only charge up to one skeleton or stone demon at a time, but there were countless monsters behind that monster. Slow is okay.

Therefore, most of the necromancers in the game started to choose corpse explosion at this place, constantly using corpse explosion to open the way. Just relying on a skeleton is indeed not enough.

But Chen Feng was different. The dwarf warriors directly blocked the door, and hundreds of flaming arrows could not hurt Chen Feng at all. Chen Feng stood at the back with peace of mind, protected by a group of skeletons.

Then as soon as the Frost Mage Skeleton appeared, a blizzard followed by an Ice Lingtianxia, ​​the world became quiet, and hundreds of monsters were completely killed.

"Get out of the way!" Chen Feng kicked the dwarf warrior and walked over carelessly. Suddenly, a burst of fire flew out from the corner, and Chen Feng immediately raised his shield.

"Boom!" The fire sprayed directly on the shield, and a burst of flames burst out. However, Chen Feng's fire resistance was high, so nothing happened, and the damage was almost blocked.

Chen Feng took a look and saw a group of monsters hiding in the corner. Because they were beyond the scope of the blizzard, they were not dead. Chen Feng immediately let a group of ordinary skeletons rush forward.

"Duh duh!" Suddenly, there were two dull sounds of bow strings bouncing, and a white light flew out directly, rushing in front of the ordinary skeleton in an instant, but something surprising happened.

The blue light suddenly turned and rushed towards Chen Feng. The dwarf warrior immediately stepped forward, blocking Chen Feng directly with his huge shield.

However, the light seemed to have eyes. It took another turn and bypassed the dwarf warrior. Then when he saw a few skeletons beside Chen Feng, he flew upwards very simply, and then rushed up and down. He rushed towards Chen Feng.

"Cang!" Chen Feng immediately raised his shield, but his blood volume was not reduced by one point. Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief and was blocked by himself again.

Chen Feng immediately looked into the distance and saw a dark gold skeleton hiding among a group of monsters. However, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Among the hundreds of burning death bows, there was not a single dark gold level one in his hand. Chen Feng really didn't believe it.

Fluctuating slime, dark gold BOSS, guiding arrows, flame enhancement

"Sure enough, it's a guide arrow!" Chen Feng suddenly realized that the guide arrow, as its name suggests, can automatically change its direction and attack according to the intention of firing.

To put it simply, it is like an arrow that can be fired remotely. This is an Amazon's super skill, and many Amazons are proud to learn this skill.

In the game, this kind of monster is the most difficult to deal with. Because of the hell-level difficulty, there will be a bunch of dark gold monsters as soon as they appear. If you are unlucky, a bunch of guide arrows will appear in front of you, leaving you with nowhere to hide.

But now that there was only one, Chen Feng was not afraid at all. Two King Kongs appeared immediately and he accepted the punishment under his butt.


The self-destruction and flame enhancement of the skeleton after death were a little disgusting, but fortunately, the two King Kongs were both thick-skinned and thick-skinned, so they completely ignored the explosion and stood up unharmed, and were put away by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng continued to move forward, but he did not see that after he left, a black shadow instantly appeared where he was, taking away the scattered bones of the silver-bone skeleton.

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