Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 202 205: Graz

Chapter 199 205: Graz

Chen Feng tore the scroll back to the city and walked directly off Lu Gaoyin's teleportation array. A group of professionals looked at Chen Feng with envy. Those who could afford the teleportation scroll were either members of the team or the nobles.

Chen Feng walked out of the portal alone. He was obviously a child of a noble family. Ordinary professionals secretly spat in their hearts, but they were more filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred.

Look at the equipment on that person's body. It's a complete set. If it were a professional team, it would take decades to put together a set, and it would only be a small number of 3 or 4 pieces.

Chen Feng ignored everyone's looks and found someone to take him to the area of ​​Julian's house. The teleportation array belonged to the city, but Chen Feng was not familiar with the distance yet, so he didn't know how to get there.

Arriving in the area, Chen Feng gave the person who led the way a gold coin, and the man immediately left happily. Although a gold coin was not much for Chen Feng, it was considered a big deal for Lu Gaoyin, who strictly controlled the flow of gold coins to the people. That's a lot of money.

"Stop!" Suddenly, a man rushed up and blocked Chen Feng's way. He stretched a spear directly in front of Chen Feng to block Chen Feng.

"?" Chen Feng glanced at the man in confusion and frowned. The man was wearing a set of bright armor with patterns carved on it. Although Chen Feng didn't know the difference between the patterns of each family, Chen Feng couldn't help but frown. Still know.

The royal family of Lu Goin, Jie Hein (I don’t know the surname, so I’ll give him one, and share the name with him, hehe).

The Hein family is a branch of the Julian family, but that's a bit too much. It is estimated to have a history of thousands of years. Although it has always been a subordinate country of Khanduras, with the destruction of Khanduras, it became Today's Luoge, Lu Gaoyin has become more prosperous.

It has to be said that Lu Gaoyin, which is close to the sea, is one of the economic lifelines of this world, so as time goes by, it becomes more and more powerful.

The person who stopped Chen Feng in front of him was Lu Gaoyin's policeman or urban management officer. He was a mercenary who not only served as the guardian of the country, but also served as a guide, combatant and other tasks. The prerequisite was that he had money.

"What's the matter?" Chen Feng asked with a frown. He didn't like being stopped when he was about to reach his home. This feeling was really bad.

"How much did you pay that person just now?" the mercenary asked Chen Feng directly. Chen Feng snorted coldly, slapped the mercenary's spear away, walked away with a cold face, and even threw it away. One sentence.

"None of your business!" Chen Feng left directly, but the mercenary's eyes widened. You must know that they are not afraid of anyone except the royal family in this city, but today they encountered a thorn.

"Stop!" The mercenary roared angrily. The people around him immediately looked over, but Chen Feng smiled disdainfully. Just stop if you tell me to stop. Who do you think you are?

The mercenary saw that Chen Feng actually looked back at him with disdain, and his feet moved faster. He immediately roared and rushed forward, trying to grab Chen Feng's shoulders, but he suddenly felt that his whole body was vacated.

Turning his head in shock, he saw a huge silver skeleton standing behind him, grabbing his clothes and grabbing onto him like an ant.

"Put me down, let me down!" the mercenary screamed. Chen Feng stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in the air. With a "pop", the mercenary fell from the air.

Silver Bone King Kong followed Chen Feng dexterously, and the two guys walked towards the door of the house without looking back. However, before they reached the door, Chen Feng frowned.

"No, you are not allowed to take her away!" Divina stood angrily in front of a little girl. The little girl hid behind Divina in fear and looked at the group of people in front of her in panic.

The clothes on that group of people were exactly the same as those on the ground behind Chen Feng who were still frightened. They were obviously mercenaries from this city. Chen Feng frowned, not knowing what was going on.

"Professional, please get out of the way. This girl has collected more than 10 gold coins and must be punished!" A mercenary said to Divina, but Divina glared and opened her arms. , like an old hen protecting its chicks, protecting the little girl behind her.

"If I say no, I can't. Isn't it just 10 gold coins? This way I have to arrest this little girl. It costs more than ten gold coins to go out and kill a monster. If you have the ability, you can catch them all!"

Chen Feng smiled, Divina, this girl is indeed very mouthy. As expected, the mercenary opposite had a headache. He was facing a little girl, and that little girl was a professional. To come to Lu Gaoyin at such a young age, she must be a genius. The genius among them is either a descendant of the family.

No matter which one they were, they couldn't afford to offend them, but the little girl behind them had indeed broken the law and must be punished, making it difficult for them to get off the hook again.

After all, once Divina starts, it will be really bad if this happens again.

"Divina, what's going on?" Chen Feng came out, asked Divina, and then slowly walked towards Divina.

As soon as Chen Feng's voice sounded, Divina's eyes immediately widened. She looked at Chen Feng in surprise, then immediately grinned and called "Brother Chen Feng" affectionately.

"Brother Chen Feng, they bullied me and wanted to take a little sister away!" Seeing Chen Feng coming, Divina seemed to have found a backbone and immediately complained to Chen Feng.

Several other mercenaries looked at Chen Feng in shock, but most of them looked at the huge guy behind Chen Feng, the Silver Bone King Kong.

The guy who is more than 3 meters tall is already close to the second floor. The silver skeleton looks particularly dazzling in the sun, even giving people a holy image.

Holy, appearing on the skeleton, a group of mercenaries felt that their brains were broken. How could this happen?

"What's going on?" Chen Feng frowned and stepped forward. Why did he encounter so many problems when he came back? The Silver Bone King Kong behind him seemed to sense Chen Feng's impatience and jumped a few times, looking a little irritable and uneasy. .

"This little sister came to our house to clean the house today. At the end of the day, I gave her 10 gold coins, which was less than enough. But these people talked too much and wanted to take the little sister back to punish her. Humph, you are an inhumane guy. !" Divina finally wrinkled her nose fiercely at a group of grown men, looking very angry.

"Sir, have you just arrived in Lu Gaoyin? We really have regulations here that do not allow ordinary people to trade more than 10 gold coins at a time, otherwise they will be punished!" The mercenary immediately explained. As he stood up, Chen Feng's brows deepened.

"Why?" Divina asked one step ahead of Chen Feng, and Chen Feng also nodded, why?

"In order to control the circulation of gold coins, you have also seen the appearance of the grid. Buying vegetables costs hundreds of gold coins. Isn't this a hassle?" A mercenary said helplessly. One hundred gold coins costs at least several kilograms. Woolen cloth?

"Are you kidding me? One gold coin can buy a year's worth of food in Luoge!" Chen Feng rolled his eyes. Haven't these people ever lived in Luoge?

"Anyway, no matter what the level is, it must be like this in Lu Gaoyin. Ordinary people can trade up to 9 gold coins at a time, and no more than 10. Even if there are 10, they will still be punished!" A mercenary said firmly, Chen Feng glanced at him lightly.

"Boom!" King Kong's huge fist hit the man's face hard, and the huge silver bone arm hit him hard like a pillar.

The suddenness almost made the man wet his pants. Looking at the silver arms tremblingly, the man slowly collapsed to the ground.

"That means there won't be any problems with 9 gold coins?" Chen Feng glanced at the group of people indifferently and walked up to the little girl without waiting for a rebuttal.

The little girl was actually very smart and took out ten gold coins. Chen Feng smiled faintly, touched the little girl's head, then took out one of the gold coins and threw it aside.

Throwing gold coins everywhere.

Chen Feng glanced at the group of mercenaries provocatively. For some reason, Chen Feng didn't like these guys from the bottom of his heart. Why should they make messy rules to hinder other people's lives?

"It's him, it's him!" Suddenly, a noisy voice came from the distance, and the mercenary who was thrown to the ground by Chen Feng actually rushed over with a group of people. The leader was even more powerful, with a height of 2 Mido looks very strong.

"Professor, did you hurt my brother?" The man walked towards Chen Feng and stood in front of Chen Feng and looked down at Chen Feng. Only then did Chen Feng realize that this man was not only 2 meters tall, but was estimated to be 2 meters tall. It's 4 meters.

Chen Feng did not return, but instead waved to Silver Bone King Kong to squat down. The man glanced at Silver Bone King Kong in surprise, and even more surprised at Chen Feng. This mutated skeleton could actually do such an action.

Silver Bone King Kong squatted down, Chen Feng grabbed Divina and the little girl, climbed onto Silver Bone King Kong's shoulders in a few moments, and then looked down at the big man.

"I deny it. I didn't hurt him, he was just slightly touched by my skeleton!" Chen Feng lowered his head and said to the big man, his eyes directly facing the big man.

"Hahaha!" The big man suddenly laughed, and Chen Feng smiled disdainfully. It seems that high-level people have this problem. The less you are afraid of them, the happier they will be.

As soon as this strong man came over, Chen Feng recognized him.

The boss of all the mercenaries of Lu Goin, the boss who was hired by the royal family to serve as urban management, police, and gatekeepers. Lu Goin has the first combat power, which is equivalent to Luoge's Kasha and Graz.

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