Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 195 197: The strongest long-range?

Chapter 192 197: The strongest long-range?

The journey from the gravel wasteland to the dry highlands takes 3 days, but Chen Feng has stayed here for 2 full days. Unfortunately, the weather is not kind and it unexpectedly encounters the annual rainy day.

Even though the gravel wastelands and dry highlands look no different from deserts, they are still very close to the coast. However, the general wind direction blows towards the sea, making Lu Gaoyin, who lives on the seaside, suffer from the wind every month. Had to go through several sandstorms.

But in the past few months, the wind direction has been blowing from the sea towards the desert, which directly caused Fei to bring a large number of rain clouds over, and then it started to rain cracklingly.

This is nothing. If it is a map after the dry highlands have passed, that is, a distant oasis or a lost city, it will not have any impact.

But this is a dry highland and gravel wasteland. It is full of sand. It rained for two whole days and the road was muddy, almost turning it into a swamp.

Fortunately, Chen Feng found a dilapidated eaves and set up a tent. He had all the cooked food in his backpack, so he could watch the rain scene and eat.

"Eh? Is there someone there?" Suddenly several figures rushed out from the distance, and that direction happened to be the direction of the dry highlands. It was obvious that this group of people came back from the dry highlands.

"Hello? Is that a friend across from you?" A crisp voice asked over. Chen Feng nodded immediately, but was stunned for a moment. With such a heavy rain curtain, it was considered amazing for others to see him. Chen Feng could only see Just a few figures.

"Yes, it's a friend, come here!" Here, those who ask such a question are all professionals, and degenerates will not ask this. Besides, on such a rainy day, you don't know when others are lying.

Chen Feng secretly asked a group of skeletons to ambush them. They could just stay in the soil anyway. After the sand was soaked in water, it became a mess.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. It’s good to be a little prepared.

After a while, a group of people ran over from the rain. Chen Feng couldn't help but laugh. He saw sand everywhere on their bodies, and the silver armor on their faces and clothes was polished by the sand.

"Haha!" The paladin obviously knew that Chen Feng was laughing at him, and he scratched his head in embarrassment. He accidentally fell down several times and was covered in sand.

"Come and have a seat!" Chen Feng greeted him warmly and made way for a large space. The building where Chen Feng is now can be regarded as half a temple, but it can accommodate up to seven or eight people. The people coming there plus Chen Feng , just enough to fill the entire ruins.

"Thank you, brother!" A barbarian patted Chen Feng's shoulder happily. They walked on the dry highlands for a whole day, but they couldn't find a shelter from the rain. Now they found shelter as soon as they returned to the gravel wasteland. Where it rains, I have to say it is a matter of character.

"You're welcome!" Chen Feng said with a smile, and then handed him a towel. The barbarian didn't show any pretense. He took it directly and wiped the rain off his body. But when he looked at his hair, it was covered with sand.

"It's okay, it's cheap anyway!" The barbarian scratched his head and simply continued wiping. Chen Feng smiled. These people couldn't be degenerates because they didn't have the strange feeling of degenerates.

"How many days have you been here?" The barbarian asked Chen Feng. Chen Feng raised two fingers. Chen Feng spent the night here before it rained. But before he could leave, it started to rain. Chen Feng originally I thought the rain in the desert would last for a few hours at most, but it turned out to last for 2 days.

"You are so awesome for finding such a good place when it rains. We six idiots spent a whole day looking for it in the rain. Not to mention a place to hide from the rain, we couldn't even find a big rock!" The barbarian looked at the other few angrily. said a friend.

Only then did Chen Feng pay attention to their team. There was a barbarian, a paladin, 2 druids, a witch, and an assassin. However, the assassin was obviously not authentic, because he happened to look at Chen Feng curiously.

More importantly, the assassin was a man, so Chen Feng calmly ignored her.

In the whole team, only one witch was female, and the others were all male. Sure enough, the yang was strong and the yin was weak. A discordant picture appeared in Chen Feng's mind. Ranhu shook his head to get rid of the disgusting thought. It came out of my mind that I have watched many Japanese action movies before.

"Haha, you just came back from the dry highlands?" Chen Feng asked curiously, and the barbarian nodded carelessly.

"I was leveling up in the Dry Highlands. I originally wanted to go to the Palace of Death, but I didn't expect that many people died there, and many professionals came out of it. We were so scared that we didn't dare to go in, so we had to look for monsters in the wild!" The barbarian said helplessly.

Chen Feng was stunned. Something went wrong in the Palace of Death under the Dry Highlands, and many people died. Chen Feng suddenly thought of Matt, but Matt didn't dare to be so bold, right?

Could it be that what Matt is planning to mutate is the BOSS below the Dry Highlands, the Crazy Bloody Witch?

The crazy bloody witch, a dark gold monster, has extremely strong and cursed attributes in the game. Her name is a witch, but she is actually a member of the saber-toothed cat clan. She likes to project long-range weapons with a powerful damage-increasing curse.

Being hit once is not a light thing.

However, if it is really Matt who is causing trouble, then Chen Feng must be careful. Chen Feng frowned. The BOSS is long-range, and he must also get a group of long-range ones. With the Frost Mage Skeleton and Rogue Skeleton, Chen Feng's long-range combat effectiveness is obviously not good. .

Chen Feng's current summoned skeletons are level 15, including rogue skeletons, king skeletons, dwarf warriors, silver-bone diamonds, and frost mage skeletons, a total of 6 leader skeletons, which is exactly the upper limit of the leader skeleton summons.

Then there are 9 quotas for ordinary skeletons. These quotas can be used to mutate or summon elites. Chen Feng has no intention of keeping them. After these people leave, he will immediately summon 9 elite skeletons. It is best if all of them are remote. .

Then there are 15 ordinary skeletons. These ordinary skeletons cannot mutate, evolve, or become elites, so they are all cannon fodder.

In addition, Chen Feng's summoning skill has now reached level 15 and he can summon 4 skeletons at one time, so Chen Feng's combat effectiveness will be significantly improved by then.

Therefore, Chen Feng must start to truly build his own team. With a total of 31 skeletons, Chen Feng must not waste any quota. He will replace them when new powerful skeletons appear in the future.

When he reaches his level, he can ask Kane for two rings, and then get an Eye of Elliquor or a lower level necklace with the "Skeleton Resurrection" skill, then Chen Feng will be truly invincible.

Chen Feng looked at his only three skills, two of which were included with the equipment. Chen Feng had no idea how to use the "Ghost Strike" at all, and Chen Feng didn't know how to use the "Spirit Gathering Technique" either. Tell me whether it should be used or not.

"Forget it, let's let it go for now!" Ignoring these difficulties, Chen Feng knew that he must improve his strength step by step. Being too radical would even be self-defeating, so it was better to do it slowly and step by step.

The rain finally stopped at night, and the group of professionals also left one after another. They had been out practicing for more than two months, and they had to go back to replenish their supplies and return to human society.

Chen Feng, on the other hand, started building his own army.

The first is to summon the elite skeletons. Chen Feng is too lazy to look at the mutated skeletons. Moreover, when the skill reached level 20 last time, the skill display will increase the number of 5 mutated skeletons, so by the time it reaches level 20, the mutated skeletons will also be Like ordinary skeletons, they become cannon fodder.

Chen Feng guessed that in the future, skeletons like the dwarf warriors would be cannon fodder. Even after reaching hell, it is still a question whether the dwarf warriors can defeat a fallen demon.

He began to summon a group of ordinary skeletons, and then a group of leader skeletons began to attack crazily. Chen Feng grabbed the gangster skeleton and went on to do it. He would have to lose his fortune when dealing with his own people. I really want to lose your fortune too.

But Chen Feng had no choice. The rogue skeleton's combat power was absolutely top-notch. Although it was really a loser, it was extremely powerful. It was considered one of Chen Feng's top outputs. Plus, it was a long-range unit, which made it even more precious. Therefore, Chen Feng also unwilling.

A group of ordinary skeletons died in an instant. 15 ordinary skeletons were guarding the house outside, while Chen Feng kept summoning and selecting skeletons inside.

Don't want one with too little health, don't want one with too low defense, don't want one with garbage attack, don't want one with weak skills, don't want the last one if it doesn't look good, and don't want melee cannon fodder.

Chen Feng didn't expect that it would be so difficult to summon several remote skeletons. It took Chen Feng 5 days to gather 9 remote skeletons, but each one looked different, which made Chen Feng helpless.

Finally, Chen Feng looked at the time and started summoning again. He wanted to summon all the skeletons into the same skeleton. Among the elite skeletons summoned by Chen Feng so far, he had the strongest long-range strength.

Crossbow Skeleton (Elite Skeleton)


Hit rate: 120000

Defense: 30000

HP: 28000

Damage: 180-280

Rapid Fire LV5: Reload arrows at a terrifying speed, losing 2000 health points per second, and shoot at a terrifying speed of 12 times per second. During shooting, the defense returns to 0, and the original defense will be restored 30 minutes after the skill ends. Skill The damage of the hit arrow is 115% of the original damage.

Chen Feng has a terrifying skill that can burn up to 2,000 points of blood per second, but it can cause 12 invincible attacks per second, and each arrow has 115% damage. It is definitely a death penalty. Fighting skills.

In other words, in ten seconds, a skeleton can cause 120 attacks to the enemy, and each attack is 115% of the damage, which is 1.15 times.

Suppose an attack causes 100 points of damage, then one damage is now 115, then 12 times a second, that is 1380 points of damage, and then ten seconds again, that is a terrifying 13800 damage.

However, this needs to be compared to know.

The normal rate of fire of the crossbow skeleton is 1 arrow per second, which means that it only takes 10 seconds to do 1,000 points of damage. It takes 138 seconds to do 13,800 points of damage, and it takes more than 2 minutes to do it.

And with this skill, the damage in 10 seconds is half the damage in 2 minutes, which is absolutely terrifying.

However, the price is that after the skills are used up, the skeleton's defense will return to 0 and its blood volume is only 8,000 points. Once the enemy rushes up, it will be a slap in the face, which can be easily solved.

Here comes the second update, there are still 2 more updates, please give me a monthly ticket to give me some motivation, hehe!

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