Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 190 192: I’m going to Lu Goin too

Chapter 187 192: I’m going to Lu Goin too

"Roar!" The monster roared in a low voice. It looked at the two King Kongs with very scared eyes. Although it wanted to fight back, it didn't have the strength. It was really uncomfortable to sit under the heat.

This monster is a human being. Although he has lost most of his personality, he still has wisdom and his own subconscious. Subconsciously, this guy knows how uncomfortable it is to be sat under someone's butt.

Especially since his hands were broken and his body was severely injured, he was almost close to death.

"Kill him!" Chen Feng gave an order, and a group of skeletons rushed over. However, just as all the skeletons rushed out, a light suddenly appeared from the sky and hit one of the most powerful skeletons hard. On an ordinary skeleton close to the monster's head.

"Crack!" The skeleton fell apart without saying a word. Chen Feng's pupils suddenly shrank, and he clicked several times with his big hand. Silver Bone King Kong and other leader skeletons returned to the cemetery in an instant.

"Come out, Matt!" The black light just now was clearly a bat. At this time, it was standing on the ground licking its paws when a black shadow slowly walked out of the air.

"We meet again, kid Chen Feng!" Matt said to Chen Feng with a smile. He had a very good impression of Chen Feng, entirely because Chen Feng's strength was perfect for testing their mutant creatures.

"Matt, aren't you afraid that Kasha will come and kill you?" Chen Feng asked with a cold face, but he was very relieved because he had two ways to escape.

One was Tristram behind him, and there was a guy sleeping inside. As long as Matt dared to go in, he would only be beaten passively, but he couldn't do anything.

Secondly, Chen Feng still has the borrowed Heart of Heaven. He forgot to return it to Kasha, so it is still on Chen Feng. It was originally given to the young lady, but he was afraid that the young lady would lose it, so he let it go. It was on me, but I didn't expect it to be useful again now.

"Ah, I'm not afraid of Kasha. She hasn't bothered to pay attention to me lately. I'm not here to fight!" Matt walked to the monster's side gently, and a bottle appeared in his hand. Chen Feng's breath suddenly became tight.

The water of Styx.

"Haha!" Matt smiled and gently poured a drop of river water on the monster. The river water suddenly turned into a black mist, instantly surrounding the monster.

The monster roared crazily, and the black mist kept rolling. It was exactly the same as when the woman drank the water of the Styx. Chen Feng immediately prepared himself.

However, the skeletons around him had been taken back by him a long time ago. Chen Feng didn't want the skeletons he finally made to be killed. That would be a big loss.

"Oh, then why are you here? You're not here to see me, are you? Do you want me to buy you a drink?" Chen Feng mocked, and Matt looked at Chen Feng with a smile and did not answer.

The black cloud of the monster had become much thinner, and a moment later, the monster appeared in front of Chen Feng intact, roaring crazily at Chen Feng.

If Matt hadn't stopped him, the monster would have rushed forward. Chen Feng squinted at Matt, not knowing what trouble this guy was making.

"Okay, there's no need to drink. Hell also has fine wine, but you don't have the luxury of it. I'm here to apologize this time. I didn't see this little guy and it caused you trouble. I'm sorry!" Matt said brightly. Said with a smile, Chen Feng became even more suspicious.

What is the purpose of this guy?

"Okay, I'm leaving!" Matt said with a smile, turned around and grabbed the agitated monster, and then suddenly turned his head again, startling Chen Feng.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. We are also going to Lu Gaoyin to continue to fight against you. I will treat you to a drink then!" The expression on Chen Feng's face immediately became serious, but just as the question came out, Matt It disappeared instantly.

"Damn it, are Matt and the others really going to Lu Gaoyin?" Chen Feng frowned for a while, and finally tore open the teleportation scroll, returned to Luoge, and immediately ran non-stop towards Kane's house.

"It's a big deal, go get Kasha!" Chen Feng shouted directly to Luoge at the door, and Luoge went to find Kasha without saying a word.

The one they trusted the most was Chen Feng.

"What's going on?" Kane and Kyle walked out and looked at Chen Feng coming back, but they looked nervous and immediately asked Chen Feng.

"Let's wait until Kasha comes!" Chen Feng said nothing and was no longer in the mood for blackmail. He immediately handed everything in his backpack to Kane.

"There are 27 guardian stones in total. There were originally 28. I want this lightning one for Divina!" Chen Feng took out another one from his backpack, showed it to Kane, and then put it back in his backpack.

Kane glanced at the pile of guardian stones and there were also lightning-type ones, and nodded. One was enough. These guardian stones were of the same type and were made in the same way.

"What's going on?" A confused voice came from the door immediately. Kasha actually came over with Akara. Chen Feng immediately helped Akara into the room and sat down before speaking.

"I met Matt!" Everyone's expressions couldn't help but change. However, since Chen Feng was safe and sound, everyone was relieved. Kasha thought that Chen Feng was going to say that he had used up the Heart of Heaven. Although he was reluctant to give up for a while, then he No words were spoken.

"Don't worry, Matt didn't attack me, but he told me a piece of news. I hope you can refer to it. Although I don't know whether it's true or not, you should at least pay attention. I think there is a conspiracy!" Chen Feng said to everyone, Kasha immediately asked Chen Feng to continue speaking.

"Matt told me they were going to Lugoine!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was stunned. A group of people began to frown and think, wondering what Matt meant when he told Chen Feng.

"Brother Chen Feng!"


There was a shout at the door, and Chen Feng immediately looked out. Divina came running over with the little lady and a little loli behind her.

Chen Feng quickly "shushed" everyone, and the three people immediately became quiet and walked in quietly. A group of big guys were still deep in thought.

"Chen Feng, I don't think Matt is lying to you!" Kane suddenly said, everyone raised their heads, and Divina couldn't help but widen her eyes. Brother Chen Feng met Matt again?

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Chen Feng patted Divina's hand, and then asked Kane why he said that. Kane continued to think deeply, as if he was organizing his words.

"Actually, have you noticed that whether it's the burning corpse, the blood bird, or the Countess and Andariel, it's actually Matt and Bolato who are behind the scenes!"

"They are constantly mutating monsters, as if they are experimenting with something, and they are destroyed by you every time, so I guess they have two purposes in going to Lu Gaoyin!"

"The first one is to use Lu Gaoyin's more powerful monsters for experiments!" Kane said this, and then thought deeply for a while, but the other big guys suddenly realized it, and then frowned and looked at Chen Feng.

"What about second place?" Chen Feng asked immediately.

"As for the second one, that's for you!" Kane said in a low voice.

"Why? For me? I have nothing to do with them. I don't like men, why do you do it for me?" Chen Feng jumped up immediately.

There are only two reasons for a man to follow another man. One is that he is a good brother and the other is that he is gay.

Chen Feng was not gay, and he and Matt were not friends, so they immediately distanced themselves from each other.

"What a mess, what the wise man means is that Matt has taken a fancy to your strength. Only you have defeated all their mutant creatures in a row, so they have taken a fancy to your strength!" Kasha said.

"To be more precise, they are planning to use you as a touchstone to test whether their experiments are powerful. If a monster mutates that you can't defeat, it means their experiments have gone to a higher level. !" Akara said, and Chen Feng suddenly understood.

"I'll go, aren't you treating me as a target?" Chen Feng suddenly exclaimed, and Kasha suddenly laughed. He only realized it now, and it was too slow.

"I don't want it!" Chen Feng suddenly smiled bitterly. It felt really bad to be remembered all the time. If he really couldn't defeat the mutated demon, Chen Feng had already guessed what would happen.

Killed by Matt himself.

"Don't worry, Lu Gaoyin has many more powerful people than Luo Ge. Matt doesn't dare to force it. What I'm afraid of is that it will be even more difficult for you to return. It's best to form a team with Julian!" Kasha suggested For a moment.

"That's right, come with the sisters, and let Sister Julian protect you when the time comes!" Divina finally interjected, patted Chen Feng on the shoulder and said in an old-fashioned way.

"Go, little brat!" Chen Feng rolled his eyes at Divina, and then began to think deeply. After all, it was not impossible to be with Julian and others.

But Chen Feng had to consider one issue, and that was the issue of upgrading.

Chen Feng's experience is now as high as 1000W. Such a large amount of experience is enough for Julian and others to advance to two or three levels. When the time comes, the experience will make the level gap between the two parties wider and wider. In the end, the experience distribution of a group of people is completely out of balance, just like Zhu Li An brought Chen Feng to an upgrade.

It's like Chen Feng led Xiao Zhengtai to level up. Chen Feng basically has no experience in fighting monsters. Even though Chen Feng himself is only level 9, in the first few levels, Chen Feng has almost no experience.

When Xiao Zhengtai reached level 4, Chen Feng had a little bit of experience.

If Chen Feng, Julian and others form a team, they will also face this problem. Chen Feng will get most of the experience, and a small part will be distributed to the people in Julian's team.

Because the experience required by Chen Feng is even more terrifying, it means that Chen Feng needs more experience, which seriously drags down Julian and others' thighs, even to the root of their thighs.

"Hey, let's talk about it then. Anyway, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Old man Kane, give me my reward, 27 guardian stones. Which one goes to the Eye of Eliqur!" Chen Feng opened his mouth and said The serious atmosphere was completely ruined, and Kane rolled his eyes immediately.

Finally got it done, update 4 is completed, it lives up to my high expectations, please give me recommendation votes and monthly passes, hehe!

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