Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 159 162: Moonlight Guardian Stone

Chapter 156 162: Moonlight Guardian Stone

Horadric Alchemist, the first profession in the legend, is known as the most powerful warrior of the Horadric clan and one of the few combatants of the Horadric clan.

You must know that the Horadric clan is one of the most closely protected races. Their alchemy and powerful blacksmithing skills are one of the most objective forces in the world.

However, Horadik never imagined that others could protect him for his whole life, so he trained a few combatants. Note that there were only a few.

There were only a few dozen people in the Horadric clan. Among them, they found the most talented children, and then began to train them from an early age to develop their strength into super strong men comparable to King Leoric.

Although there is no angel-gifted equipment, what does the Horadric clan do? They are the ones who make the equipment. They immediately armed these defenders. Although they do not have the heaven-gifted equipment, they are still comparable to Leoric. king.

Chen Feng looked at the Horadric Alchemist seriously, but a name appeared on his head, and Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. His name was Horadric Moonlight Guardian.

Horadric Moonlight Guardian.

Chen Feng had never heard of this name, but he could guess from the word "Guardian" that this guy was a fighter of the Horadric clan.

But now it looks like it is a projection. Otherwise, if an ice storm comes, the dwarf warrior will only lose dozens of blood, and the attack power is enough. But when he thinks of the dwarf warrior's resistance to ice, Chen Feng shakes his head again.

"Really rubbish attack power!"

Dwarf warriors have high defense, but generally low resistance. They are typically good at physical defense. However, the level 30 ice skill Ice Storm of a mage named Horadric still cannot cause much damage to the dwarf warriors. No wonder Chen Feng said this It becomes a "scumbag attack!"

But now that King Leoric is not dead, Chen Feng cannot disperse his troops, but the rogue skeletons and skeleton archers can change their attack targets and begin to continuously attack the Horadric Moonlight Guardian.

"Haha, Moonlight Guardian, this name is so nice. Don't come with Sunlight Guardian, it will be unpleasant!" Chen Feng said with a smile, but fortunately, Crow's Mouth did not come true, and the so-called Sunlight Guardian did not appear.

The guardian's HP doesn't look like much, and the projection level is only an ordinary dark gold BOSS. It's like King Leoric was surrounded and beaten by Chen Feng before he evolved.

Chen Feng didn't know why King Leoric suddenly became so powerful. In the end, it could only be attributed to his sudden evolution after being furious, which caused the level to be displayed and the strength to be improved.

But now everything will return to the way it was before. King Leoric's miserable attacker is the dwarf warrior. The dwarf warrior is squatting on the ground and hits you at will. If you can, beat me to death.

Rogue skeletons were running all over the mountains and fields, followed by a bunch of skeletons, all summoned by King Leoric, but the strength of this group of skeletons was not enough for his own skeleton mage, Flame Storm. ơɱ

Once the flame storm goes down, there will no longer be a skeleton visible within the 9*9 area. Of course, unless it is Chen Feng's skeleton, all of King Leoric's skeletons will be dead.

Chen Feng noticed a detail. Unless Chen Feng deliberately ordered his skeleton to attack another of his skeletons, large-scale elemental magic like Flame Storm could not hurt his own skeleton.

Chen Feng just let an ordinary skeleton lead a group of scum-like skeletons for a walk, and then a flame storm passed by. All the skeletons were burned with flames, and they all died instantly, including Chen Feng's ordinary skeletons.

Only then did Chen Feng truly realize that the elemental damage of his Skeleton Mage was really high. Even ordinary skeletons could not parry it and were instantly killed in one move.

In this way, Chen Feng had another good way to change skeletons in his mind. Julian would not need to take action at all. As soon as his skeleton mage stood up, ordinary skeletons would line up in a group, and they would all die in a fierce flame storm.

It's all so fast.

Chen Feng guessed that these skeletons also had a set of hidden attributes, which were the so-called magic resistance and elemental resistance. Magic resistance was aimed at magic attacks, and elemental resistance was aimed at elemental attacks.

Magic attacks are magic attacks, while elemental attacks are freezing, fire, poison and lightning. Although they look the same from a magical perspective, they are separate in this world.

Chen Feng estimated that as the level of the skeleton increases, the so-called magic resistance and elemental resistance will also increase, but Chen Feng has no idea how much it will be. He must go through a series of tests, such as the 10-point lightning attack, to see if it can How much damage is caused.

Calculating it after removing resistance is always very troublesome.

But one thing Chen Feng is sure of is that the resistance of skeletons at different stages is different. Ordinary skeletons are not as strong as mutant skeletons, and mutant skeletons are not as powerful as elite skeletons. Elite skeletons are naturally not as good as leader skeletons. As for leader skeletons at level 2 and level 3, There is also a difference.

"Boom!" Finally, the giant sword fell heavily to the ground, and King Leoric roared unwillingly. His whole body suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke, and then the smoke suddenly burned.

In an instant, King Leoric's body turned into flames, and burned completely in a moment, leaving equipment all over the floor. Chen Feng noticed that the big sword was among them.

However, before Chen Feng could clean it up, he heard the sound of ice bursting, and the Moonlight Guardian in the distance actually erupted into a huge ice ring and died.

After packing up King Leoric's relics, Chen Feng threw them into his backpack without distinguishing them carefully. The dark golden light was a big sword. He didn't recognize it, and besides, he didn't need it. Let Kane Go for appraisal.

Walking to the side of the Moonlight Guardian, the guardian's body has not disappeared yet. He has a set of complicated blue robes on his body. It is obviously a very high-end equipment, but it is just a projection.

Suddenly, a round object caught Chen Feng's attention, and he picked it up gently. He saw the mark of the Horadric clan clearly engraved on it, and Chen Feng suddenly became serious.

Moonlight Guardian Stone

Carry it in your backpack for extra benefits

"Another thing with no attributes like the Book of Death!" Looking at the stone, it was obvious that it was another prop that needed to be synthesized.

Chen Feng didn't look through his book, because it couldn't have this thing in it. He still had to go back and study it for Kane. If Kane wanted to take it back, then take it back. Anyway, he wouldn't have to pay the identification fee for the dark gold equipment in the future.

Thanks to "so is infatuated with you" for the tip

Thanks to "≮Blood Wolf≯ Ruthless" for the reward

Thanks to "limchoowei" for the tip

Thanks to "DJsky" for the tip

Thanks to "al.js" for the tip

Thanks to "Yao Shu" for the reward

Thanks to "book friend 090715103538816" for the reward

Thanks to "book friend 120223124812026" for the reward

Thanks to "fyhxiaohao" for the tip

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