Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 157 160: Suicide Staff (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 154 160: Suicide Staff (please vote for recommendation)

King Leoric's blood volume suddenly returned to full. Before Chen Feng could react, he saw that the weapon in King Leoric's hand instantly switched to a big sword, and then he slashed hard at the ordinary man next to him. .

There was only a soft sound of a big sword, and the ordinary skeleton was cut in half like tofu, and then scattered all over the ground with a crash. Chen Feng was stunned.

"Damn it, is there something wrong with the quality of that skeleton?" Chen Feng thought in shock, but King Leoric answered the question on Chen Feng's behalf. The big sword in his hand slashed horizontally again, and an ordinary skeleton was instantly cut into pieces by Lazy Waist. Two paragraphs.

Sure enough, something happened just now that increased King Leoric's strength a lot. Now ordinary skeletons can only be cut with one sword. Chen Feng did not dare to let the giant sword skeleton go up to challenge him, so he immediately asked the dwarf warrior to squat down, and then Forced light was thrown.

The sword that King Leoric was about to swing stopped instantly, and he immediately roared and rushed towards the dwarf warrior. Chen Feng wondered why King Leoric was a skeleton, how could he make a sound?

But now is not the time to think about this problem. King Leoric's strength is really good. He estimated that his level has been improved by many levels just now, because he gave the dwarf warrior a knife, which actually caused the dwarf warrior to lose tens of thousands of blood points.

"Good guy, your strength has improved too much!" Chen Feng quickly wrote the words "Can evolve, invincible, recommended to escape" on the back of King Leoric's information.

His dwarf warrior's defense power was as high as 20W, but he lost more than 1W of HP in a second. It was really a terrifying attack power, but Chen Feng guessed that this had something to do with the weapon in King Leoric's hand.

"Phew!" Seeing King Leoric furious at the poisonous mantis guided by Chen Feng, he slashed the dwarf warrior and then turned to attack the poisonous mantis skeleton. Unexpectedly, the three heads on the shield of the dwarf warrior One of them emitted a ray of light again.

Suddenly, King Leoric seemed to have seen his wife in someone else's bed. He roared and rushed forward again with scarlet eyes, and slashed hard at the shield with the sword in his hand.

"Boom!" The shield easily blocked the attack. Although King Leoric showed off his power in front of others, in front of the dwarf warriors, he was nothing more than a brat.

When you strike down with the sword, the dwarf warrior is already full of health without even lifting the sword. When you strike down with the sword again, the dwarf warrior is already ready and waiting for you calmly.

"Roar!" Comrade Skeleton King was really angry. He slashed wildly four or five times in a row, but he still couldn't break through the defense line of the dwarf warriors. He turned around angrily and tried to attack the giant sword skeleton, but how could the dwarf warriors let you leave? Both sides But what a good gay friend.

There was another forced light. The angry King Leoric turned his head again, but the giant sword in his hand was suddenly replaced by a two-handed sledgehammer. There was only a harsh metal knocking sound, and the dwarf warrior's health instantly decreased.

"The attack is much weaker!" Chen Feng frowned, but when he glanced at King Leoric, he saw that the blood bar on King Leoric's head had actually recovered a little.

"I seem to have forgotten that King Leoric's hammer has an attack and blood-sucking effect!" Chen Feng immediately looked at the health bar carefully, and sure enough, the health bar was increasing slightly.

However, this increase is negligible compared to King Leoric's terrifying blood volume. In addition, there is a poisonous mantis nearby, which only suppresses the poisonous damage of the poisonous mantis.

However, the attacks from other skeletons still slowly reduced King Leoric's blood volume. Even if there was blood-sucking, it was still not powerful enough to restore his blood volume.

Gradually, King Leoric's blood volume became less and less, but every time Chen Feng deliberately asked ordinary skeletons to come forward to kill him, and then when he finally killed an ordinary skeleton, Chen Feng immediately asked the dwarf to kill him. The Warriors forced a ray of light to pass.

King Leoric had no choice but to come back, angry and attacking the dwarf warriors. Unfortunately, the dwarf warriors were too powerful. Chen Feng still didn't know what the dwarf warriors would become as their skills were upgraded.

However, Chen Feng was intentional. The dwarf warrior must be Chen Feng's must-have skeleton. If he could summon two dwarf warriors by then, then with one package at the front and the other, and 360-degree protection without blind spots, Chen Feng would really be safe.

But now everything is empty talk, Chen Feng is still waiting for Kane's equipment, which is a simplified version of the "Hradric Cube" and is also used to synthesize things.

Chen Feng has a burning heart of a corpse in his hand. When the time comes to add the No. 3 rune and the dark gold Book of Death, he can add new power to the Book of Death.

However, Chen Feng didn't know what this power was, and neither did Kane, because this synthesis formula was passed down very early, and after thousands of years of changes, who knows what it will become.

Moreover, this also has something to do with the material, the burning heart of the corpse.

"Roar!" King Leoric finally couldn't bear this kind of battle. He kept attacking the dwarf warriors, but there was a group of guys making trouble behind him.

I saw a staff instantly appear in King Leoric's hand, and then in Chen Feng's surprised eyes, he waved the staff crazily a few times, and suddenly large groups of skeletons appeared on the ground.

All of a sudden, Chen Feng and others were surrounded by skeletons. Chen Feng looked at the skeletons around him in surprise. They were a group of skeletons of the lowest level, but there were so many of them.

"Good guy, at least a thousand!" Chen Feng stared at the group of skeletons in front of him dumbfounded. The rogue skeletons' attacks were launched instantly. The crazy attack speed provided a good explanation for the attack range.

I saw pieces of white light flashing out crazily. Each piece of white light could take away the life of an ordinary skeleton. In just a few seconds, the surrounding skeletons were scattered all over the place.

"Boom!" King Leoric continued to summon the skeleton, but there was a banging sound next to him, and a white bone directly wrapped it.

Bone wall!

"Damn suicide staff!" Chen Feng gritted his teeth. The staff in King Leoric's hand had an attribute that had a chance of releasing a bone wall when it was hit. This attribute was called the suicide attribute. (Edited, sorry for the typo!)

Because when a necromancer released his skills, a wall of bones suddenly appeared around him, directly surrounding him. Isn't this asking for death?

There wasn't even a chance to escape.

But that was not the case here. As soon as the bone wall appeared, it instantly separated the dwarf warriors and Chen Feng's skeleton from King Leoric. King Leoric was suddenly in a state where no one could control it.

It's like playing a dungeon, and suddenly the boss goes berserk and the tank can't hold it back. The consequences are simply tragic.

"No, my Hell Puppy is inside the bone wall!" Chen Feng's expression immediately changed!

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