Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 152 155: Meditation (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 149 155: Meditation (please vote for recommendation)

"The Thorn Demon is really not easy to mess with!" Chen Feng looked at the ordinary skeleton with green bones after it fell to the ground, and immediately shook his head. There is no doubt about the power of the Thorn Demon. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

However, Chen Feng is not afraid!

Facing the Stinging Demon, Chen Feng first had to think of his own strategy. The basic one was nothing more than sending ordinary skeletons to death while other skeletons continued to deal damage. However, because the opponent was immune to poison, Chen Feng's poisonous mantis lost a lot of its output.

But fortunately, the attack power of up to 300+ is still impressive. Coupled with the super-fast movement of the poisonous mantis skeleton, it is basically impossible to be attacked.

Besides, Chen Feng has another task for the poisonous mantis skeleton, which is to let him use his superb movement skills and poisonous damage to kill the surrounding mobs.

You are immune to magic poison, but your little brother is not immune. 5W points of poison damage is just a drop of water for you, but it is not comfortable for your little brother. It can poison one of yours to death in a few minutes at most. Little brother.

And without the group of Thorn Demon's younger brothers, the Thorn Demon is still a dark gold BOSS after all. Chen Feng doesn't have to be afraid at all. As long as he protects himself, he can kill it easily.

Just do what he said, Chen Feng immediately let his ordinary skeleton rush forward. The poisonous mantis immediately moved. When it reached a hard-haired mouse, he slashed it with a knife. The mouse's body instantly turned green.

Before the mouse could react, Chen Feng's poisonous mantis had already dodged in front of another mouse, and slashed it with the poisonous skill, directly immersing it in the mouse's body.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng and the dwarf warriors in the middle of the ordinary skeletons began to charge. After killing 16 ordinary skeletons, Chen Feng finally rushed in front of the thorn demon.

"What a terrifying poison!" Fortunately, Chen Feng hid behind the dwarf warrior, and all attacks were blocked by the dwarf warrior. The terrifying damage of 3,000 blood points per second was not counted as physical damage. It's just poisonous damage.

"Good guy, I probably won't be able to hold on for even a second!" Without the high level of poison resistance, the damage of this toxin is really terrifying. It would be easier to deal with it if there were Paladins. Paladins are born with high levels of poison resistance. The resistance, coupled with the shield and aura, can barely resist it.

What Chen Feng thought of, probably the easiest ones were Julian and Lilith. One was a powerful paladin, and the other was holding two highly poison-resistant daggers. They were simply killers of poisonous monsters.

However, Chen Feng was not as strong as the two of them, but a dwarf warrior defeated them and easily blocked the enemy's attack.

The recovery of 20,000 blood volume in one second is enough for the poison to be arrogant for a long time. Anyway, as soon as I put down the shield, you can't do anything to me. The dwarf warrior is completely confident.

However, what Chen Feng was afraid of was not the Thorn Demon, but other wire-haired rats.

The Thorn Demon is like a bomber, aiming at the enemy and launching a powerful attack. The terrifying attack can instantly destroy the enemy's defense line, but the enemy has an air-raid shelter, and everyone is hiding in the air-raid shelter. You can blow it up at will.

However, although the bomber was restrained, the enemy soldiers still rushed up, using millet and rifles to continuously sweep at Chen Feng. Chen Feng could only pick up his shield to resist. Except for a group of output skeletons, other skeletons They were all frantically cleaning up the mobs around them.

Sometimes, mobs are more difficult to deal with than BOSS.

Indeed, as long as he blocked the BOSS's attack, Chen Feng was basically safe. But this time, Chen Feng had no choice. There were wide plains all around, and there wasn't even a big stone for Chen Feng to hide. Chen Feng could only hide behind the dwarf warrior. behind.

There were a large number of hard-haired rats, almost more than 10,000, but most of them couldn't hit Chen Feng. Chen Feng was not afraid. In the end, he squatted down behind the dwarf warrior's shield very calmly, holding his own shield to block his body. , and kept drinking potion in his mouth.

Blocking can block all attacks, but it cannot block elemental attacks and magic attacks. Chen Feng can block the sharp needles, but the poison attribute attached to the needles still has an effect on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng could only keep drinking the potion. Fortunately, there were enough life potions, and the effect of the toxins was not too high, so Chen Feng could hold on.

The attack of the poisonous mantis was very effective. On average, dozens of hard-haired rats died every minute. In addition, rogue skeletons were also hiding beside Chen Feng, constantly throwing throwing knives.

The archer and skeleton mage Chen Feng couldn't be called out. Firstly, the archer was too brittle and almost died after being hit a few times. Secondly, the place was too small. Chen Feng was squatting next to him, and there was also a rogue skeleton sneaking up next to him. Silently, there was no place to squat.

As for the Skeleton Mage, crispy skin is one thing, but the most important thing is that it is useless at all. These hard-haired rats look densely packed, but they are separated by a large distance. A 9*9 area can explode more than a dozen of them. Not bad.

This kind of combat power is not as fast as that of ordinary skeletons, and ordinary skeletons don't need to feel bad. Chen Feng himself is just such a skeleton mage. It would be a pity to die.

As time passed, Chen Feng's dwarf warriors acted as shields. Because they wanted to protect Chen Feng, they were unable to move and did not participate in the battle.

The Thorn Demon had been beaten to death by Chen Feng's other skeletons. The dwarf warrior acted as a taunt, and with the "forced light", basically the Thorn Demon's attack never left the dwarf warrior.

Finally, after killing the Thorn Demon, Chen Feng led the other skeletons and began to eliminate the hard-haired rats and other monsters. Without the support of the BOSS, these monsters were like a bunch of scum in Chen Feng's eyes.

Watching his skeleton rushing forward to clean up the mobs, Chen Feng stood in the distance and watched quietly. This was the first time he felt how miserable he would be without the dwarf warriors.

Without the skeleton, Chen Feng is like a child with no strength. He is almost slaughtered by monsters. Although he still has some fighting ability, compared to ordinary professionals, Chen Feng's equipment cannot be improved no matter how good it is. Be strong.

Without the dwarf warriors, Chen Feng's defense would become a problem.

Without other skeletons, Chen Feng's offense has also become a problem. The relationship between Chen Feng and the skeletons is one of prosperity and loss, and they are completely tied together on a lifeline.

Chen Feng began to think that if he wanted to develop in this way, he could ensure his safety to the greatest extent and make himself stronger. The first but only way was to strengthen his skeleton.

Not only can he strengthen his skeletons, but he can also match them with more complete skeleton types. Nowadays, there are too many ordinary skeletons, and Chen Feng still has many skeletons that he can develop. In the past, Chen Feng didn't even look down on them, but after this battle, Chen Feng suddenly realized that if there were Although some elite skeletons are not as powerful as the leader skeleton, at least they are like the iron wall skeletons last time, so they will not suffer such a disadvantage.

"Development!" Chen Feng sighed, and suddenly he had to patiently brush his skeletons for several days to keep his skeletons in their peak condition!

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