Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 147 150: New Skeleton, Hell Puppy

Chapter 144 150: New Skeleton, Hell Puppy

"What should I do?" Chen Feng looked at the guy in front of him depressedly. Since he was trapped like this, this guy looked a bit like Kane in his rogue appearance.

"Charge together!" Chen Feng has more than 20 skeletons under him, including a few who go out from a distance. If more than a dozen skeletons charge together, they will not be able to move in and reach you. As long as the dwarf warriors rush in, as soon as the 4-meter-large iron plate is opened, Chen Feng didn't believe that he couldn't get in.

"Charge!" All the skeletons suddenly gathered together. Chen Feng's archer skeletons did not participate in the battle, but kept shooting at the huge beasts and other monsters attacking from all around.

The gangster skeleton Chen Feng also called out. He did not participate in the battle for the time being, but worked together to protect Chen Feng's safety, at least not allowing the enemy to attack him.

In an instant, all the melee skeletons gathered together, and then began to charge forward together. If it weren't for the fact that the "absolute defense" of the dwarf warriors could only be used in a stationary state, Chen Feng would definitely let the dwarf warriors open their shields, and then bring others with them. The skeleton approached the wooden fist of the tree step by step.

Originally, the skeleton could be summoned directly at the feet of Shutou Muquan, but now Shutou Muquan is sitting upright and will not kill your skeleton. If a skeleton comes, he will catch it and throw it out. If the skeleton does not die, Chen Feng will have nothing to do.

Moreover, it is too late to disband the skeleton and then summon it instantly. You can only summon 3 at a time. The tree-headed wooden fist can pull you out before Chen Feng's skeleton comes out, and then throw it out.

Therefore, the remote summoning method also failed. This tree-headed wooden fist was too cunning. It didn't look like a projection at all, but more like the main body participating in the battle in person.

However, Chen Feng knew that this was impossible. Even if Shutou Muquan was the Dark Gold BOSS, his body was still an ordinary demon and there was no way for his consciousness to follow him.

"Boom!" Shutou Muquan punched hard. All Chen Feng's skeletons pushed hard towards the skeleton in front, forcing the dwarf warrior to block Shutou Muquan's attack.

Shutou Muquan roared angrily and was about to start his second attack when all the skeletons behind the dwarf warriors ran out instantly, distracting Shutou Muquan's memory.

"Charge up!" The dwarf warrior immediately took three steps and two steps at a time, rushing in front of Shutou Muquan. Then the huge shield opened instantly, inserted into the soil fiercely, and was fixed all of a sudden.

"Okay!" Chen Feng shouted in surprise, and saw the tree-headed wooden fist hit him hard, but the top of the shield tilted slightly, and the lower body of the shield did not move at all, and at least half a meter was stuck in the soil.

"Attack, kill him!" Chen Feng immediately asked the skeletons to start attacking. Except for the mage skeleton and the archer skeleton, other skeletons started to attack one after another. The gangster skeleton also joined the attack on the tree fist. , the flying knife in his hand was thrown into a silver line.

Shutou Muquan was exhausted. Surrounded by more than a dozen skeletons, only two fists could kill two skeletons at once. However, two more skeletons appeared next to him in the next second. Chen Feng didn't even have the chance to summon three skeletons at once. No.

The tree-head wooden fist swept across in anger, and everyone except the dwarf warriors was swept away two or three meters away. However, the huge shield was more than 3 meters high. Although half a meter was inserted into the soil, the tree I couldn't hold Toumuquan Environmental Protection, and I couldn't pick it up with one hand, so I could only hammer it hard twice.

Not moving at all.

This is the current state of the dwarf warriors. In the terrifying state of 10% blood regeneration per second, one second is 20,000 points of blood. No matter how many times you hit it, as long as you get a chance to breathe within 5 seconds, that's okay. Hold for a few seconds.

Chen Feng kept asking ordinary skeletons to attack Shutou Muquan's soles. You must know that Shutou Muquan is like a child, focusing on one thing and not the other. He only cares about protecting his soles, but forgets that his back is already dripping with blood.

"Ouch!" Finally, more than ten minutes later, under the cunning and cunning of all Chen Feng's skeletons and Chen Feng himself, Shutou Muquan screamed and fell to the ground with a crash, and his whole body suddenly stirred up a cloud of dust.

Chen Feng came out from the side and quickly summoned the ordinary skeleton that Shutou Muquan had killed before he died. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he saw a new skeleton in front of him. It was not human. No wonder Chen Feng saw the shape at a glance.

Hell Puppy Skeleton (Leader Skeleton)

The terrifying skeleton formed after the death of a third-level juvenile Cerberus. Although it does not have the three heads of the elder, it is still very powerful with one head.

Hit rate: 50000

Defense: 38000

HP: 50000

Attack: 450-520

Death Bite LV3: Let your poisonous mouth bite the enemy, and inject a large amount of evil power into the enemy's body, causing 260% physical damage, and with 5000 points of poison effect, lasting for 2 seconds.

"So powerful, another Level 3 one!" Chen Feng noticed that although the Hell Puppy was a puppy, it was more than 2 meters tall. The entire frame looked very strong. Chen Feng even felt that it didn't matter if he sat on it. A saddle, that's an absolutely great mount.

However, the words "level 3" caught Chen Feng's attention again. The poisonous mantis was level 2, and the dwarf warrior was also level 3. The attributes of the two sides were very different.

The highest attack point of the Poisonous Mantis is only 320 points, but the lowest attack point of the Hell Puppy is 450, which is better than the Poisonous Mantis. Both sides belong to the same leader skeleton.

"Is the gap between level 3 and level 2 so big?" Chen Feng was very curious, but after carefully looking at the attributes of his other two leader skeletons, he estimated that the rogue skeleton and the giant sword skeleton were both level 2.

The maximum attack of the Giant Sword Skeleton is only 480 points, but its other attributes are obviously much lower than those of the Hell Puppies, so Chen Feng estimated that the Giant Sword Skeleton is also a level 2 battle.

As for the rogue skeleton, its defense is rubbish, its HP is rubbish, and its attack is even worse. Its only advantage is its terrifying hit rate, which has reached a high of 30W, with almost 100% hit.

"It seems that the gangster is also at level 2!" Looking at the attributes of the new skeleton, Chen Feng wondered whether the summoned skeleton would fluctuate because his level was higher.

The Rogue and the Great Sword were both summoned when their levels were low, and since the Dwarf Warrior came out, the next Hell Puppy that came out was also at Level 3. Chen Feng couldn't wait to upgrade, so he tried to summon it again to see if it was new. The skeleton is also at level 3. Of course, this must be upgraded by Chen Feng.

However, after taking a look at the experience bar that had only reached 10% now, Chen Feng sighed immediately. It was a pity that the original disaster knight had no experience, otherwise there would have been many more. Sighing, it was a pity that the original disaster knight was inexperienced, otherwise there would have been many more.

After packing up the stuff that Shu Toumu Fist exploded, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, there was something good!

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