Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 133 136: Team Lu Goin

Chapter 130 136: Team Lu Goin

"Well done!"

"That's awesome, you guys are awesome!"

When Chen Feng and others returned to the city, a large group of people began to cheer for Chen Feng and others. Everyone saw the powerful explosion, and everyone exclaimed for this powerful team.

Among them, many people's eyes were on Chen Feng, who was surrounded by more than 20 skeletons and wore a gray-white suit and full body armor. He looked as handsome as he could.

But what makes everyone regretful is that the man with the 4-meter-high giant shield is not here. Everyone thinks it is Chen Feng, but Chen Feng only has a tower shield in his hand (about 2 meters high), and the huge 4-meter-high shield is not here. The black iron shield is completely different, the tower shield is red.

Just when everyone was asking in confusion who was the holder of the giant shield, Kasha came over with a few people, and everyone suddenly became as silent as a chill, and no one spoke.

"Julian, go back and have a good rest immediately. You don't have to participate in any actions before tomorrow night. Prepare for your skill mutation ceremony!" Kasha looked at Julian with a smile. Julian nodded, took off the helmet, and let go He cut off his hair and left with the Rose Team.

Chen Feng just wanted to follow, but was stopped by Kasha.

"You, Chen Feng, come with me!" Chen Feng was stunned and glanced at Kasha curiously, but Kasha had already turned his head, and Chen Feng glanced at Roland next to Kasha, who also had a look on his face. at a loss.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng followed Kasha and asked Roland secretly. Roland shrugged, really not knowing what Kasha wanted to do.

Kasha brought Chen Feng to Kane's house. Chen Feng's brows furrowed even deeper. What on earth were these big guys trying to do, but he still followed him with doubts.

Entering the door, I saw that it was already full of people. Akara, Kane, Chasi, Kidd, and an old man Chen Feng had never seen before. There was a white towel tied around his head. Chen Feng's mind immediately came to mind. After exiting the game, everyone returns to the first NPC to talk to.


Warif is a typical Arab, tall and handsome. His clothes look a little sloppy, but he is exceptionally clean.

However, there were many people beside Warev, including Kane's disciple Kyle, the handsome necromancer Chen Feng had seen on the city wall, and a man who was obviously a Paladin. There were a few other people, but Chen Feng couldn't see them, and he didn't know anyone except Kyle.

"Here? Sit down, I'm waiting for you!" Kane glanced at Chen Feng and immediately said with a smile. Chen Feng walked forward, sat down next to Kyle, and fist-to-fist fist-to-fist fight with Kyle. After all, the relationship between the two of them is quite good.

"Okay, everyone is here. Let me introduce you first. This is Chen Feng, Luoge's new generation of genius necromancer. His current level is..." Kane looked at Chen Feng, feeling depressed that Chen Feng was always Every time he returned to the city, he failed to register for the latest level on time, resulting in Chen Feng's badge still showing level 6.

"Level 9!" Chen Feng touched his nose and said. There is no doubt that he is the lowest level among this group of people.

Sure enough, when Chen Feng told him his level, the eyes of several people began to change, especially the two girls. It seemed that fame and fortune were not only possessed by girls on earth.

"Haha, don't underestimate him. Although he is only level 9, he can definitely defeat me!" Suddenly, the white-haired Necromancer spoke. Chen Feng was stunned and looked up. He saw the white-haired Necromancer directly. The mage gave Chen Feng a smile that looked particularly soft and handsome with his white hair, and he was very approachable.

"Hello, my name is Carrey, Jim Carrey!" The necromancer smiled and stretched out his hand to Chen Feng. Chen Feng immediately reached out, but a person with a green head suddenly appeared in his mind.

Jim Carrey?

Isn’t he the king of comedy in Europe and America? His status in the European and American markets is like that of Stephen Chow in the mainland market. He is an absolutely household name as an ace comedian.

His exaggerated acting style made Chen Feng very fond of him. Chen Feng has watched almost all of his films, among which the famous "Fake God" and "Disguised Stranger" are classics.

However, the Necromancer in front of him didn't have any exaggerated expression and looked very stable. Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh that the name really didn't fit with him.

"What? There is something on my face?" Kerry looked at Chen Feng curiously, and then touched his face, but there was nothing. Chen Feng immediately woke up and smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry, I haven't seen anyone with gray hair yet!" Chen Feng was referring to people with gray hair at a young age, and Kerry smiled faintly.

"I was born with white hair. My mother said I was born a necromancer. My mother is a typical member of the Rathma Church!" Kerry said with a smile.

Chen Feng heard a new word again, Rasma Church.

However, Chen Feng immediately understood that the Church of Rathma was actually an organization of necromancers. A long time ago, the "Church of Rasma" was called the "Cult of Rasma". Later, with Diavolo's attack, the Church of Rasma was The spiritual mages believed that the "demons" had destroyed the balance of nature, so they controlled the dead souls to fight against the demons.

Manipulating the power of darkness to defeat evil is the Necromancer.

"Ah, I also believe in Rasmus!" Chen Feng said immediately, and Kerry's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he gave Chen Feng a very bright smile.

Of course Chen Feng believed in Rasma, and he still had the weapons in his hands.

"Okay, Kerry, you already know him. This is Bruce, a level 21 paladin from Lu Goin!" Kyle introduced instead of Kane, pointing to the paladin beside him.

The paladin nodded, but did not give Chen Feng the courtesy of a paladin. It was obvious that Chen Feng's strength had not convinced her yet.

"This is Karina, an electric witch, level 19!" Kane pointed at a witch again and said. Chen Feng nodded immediately. The witch nodded her head proudly and then ignored Chen Feng.

Kyle was a little embarrassed. After all, he was the one who introduced her, but they didn't buy it. He glanced at Chen Feng sheepishly, and Chen Feng shrugged indifferently. She was just a woman, and she didn't look good.

"This is Lulu, a level 18 assassin!" Pointing at a girl again, Chen Feng still nodded. This time the female assassin was not as arrogant as the witch and smiled at Chen Feng.

"This is Wisky, a level 22 druid, their captain!"



Druid was very kind and extended his hand to shake Chen Feng's hand. The two of them had a good impression of each other, so there was no awkward scene.

"Okay, as you may have guessed, they are all from Lu Gaoyin. They are a special team sent by Lu Gaoyin. They are responsible for killing high-level monsters. This time, I want you all to get to know them!" Kane Said with a smile, Chen Feng felt grateful, this was paving the way for himself.

"A level 9 necromancer, what's there to know?" Suddenly, a soft voice with deep disdain came. The faces of everyone present changed, and Chen Feng was even more disgusted. Look at the witch.

Suddenly, Chen Feng was stunned. This witch looked similar to another witch.

"Your name is Karina. Do you have a sister named Kasana?"


Little did Chen Feng know that his words were like igniting dynamite, and Karina exploded in front of him.

Thanks to "Tears of the Dragon King" for the reward

Thanks to "Camilla" for the tip

Thanks to "Yu S" for the tip

Thanks to "Kaipel" for the tip

Thanks to "ddsaadsa2" for the tip

Today is the 4th update, but I have to do the bottle removal in the afternoon, so the last update will be in the evening. Please don’t be anxious, you won’t default!

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