Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 119 122: Demon Hunter

Chapter 116 122: Demon Hunter

"Come, drink!" Chen Feng took the great monk Shang Emperor and sat in the bar, pouring wine into his mouth. There was no food or wine that he couldn't afford in Luoge Camp.

All forgiveness is homemade and the prices are quite affordable.

Even though one gold coin can buy a lot of things, the people here don't need too many gold coins at all. In Luoge Camp, although gold coins are currency, they are only used for transactions.

But for the most part, they rarely trade because they are self-sufficient. There is no king here, no taxes to pay, no urban management here, and no need to worry about things being confiscated.

Apart from the threat of demons, Luoge Camp is almost a paradise.

"Tell me, for five days, I was forced to learn to read every day, and I was not allowed to go out. Is this justified?" Chen Feng kept complaining to the great monk.

Ever since Kasha asked Chen Feng to learn to read, Chen Feng has been treated inhumanely. Divina acted like a super teacher, holding a small stick and hitting Chen Feng if he didn't pay attention to his learning.

But that was okay. The problem was that Emily also got involved the next day, saying that she had never tried teaching others how to read. Before Chen Feng could get used to having two teachers, Tavina also joined curiously on the third day. After going in, Julian joined in on the fourth day. Chen Feng originally thought that Lilith, who was indifferent by nature, would ignore it, but on the fifth day, Lilith also decisively joined in.

Chen Feng felt that with every passing day, he went deeper into the next level of hell. Every time, Chen Feng was miserable. Although it was fun, these girls were too crazy.

Finally, Chen Feng proposed a weekend plan of five days of study and two days of rest, but was decisively rejected. However, due to Chen Feng's rogue tricks, he finally got the right to have five days of study and one day of rest.

Today, Chen Feng finally escaped from the clutches of the devil and found the monk who was drinking in the bar, complaining about his sufferings. The monk remained silent and just patted Chen Feng on the shoulder comfortingly.

"By the way, are you here alone from the Giant Wood Brotherhood?" Chen Feng looked at the Monk Emperor curiously and asked, and the Emperor nodded.

"The Giant Wood Brotherhood has been guerrilla fighting demons and strengthening itself on the edge of the Khanduras Empire. This time we found traces of a big demon coming, so I came to report the news, and also to help Luo Ge defend the town!" The emperor didn't talk much, but he could say a whole sentence, and Chen Feng couldn't find a chance to interrupt.

"What do you believe in?" Chen Feng asked curiously. Although he knew that this monk was different from the monks in the original world, he still wanted to know how different it was.

"All things, we believe in light, water, sun, moon and stars, and the whole nature!" The emperor immediately said something pious, and Chen Feng nodded, indicating that he understood.

The "I" that the emperor calls himself can be understood to mean "I". This does not mean that he is trying to drag the text, but it is the dialect of the Giant Wood Brotherhood.

"How many monks are there now?" Chen Feng continued to ask.

"Almost less than a thousand!" After saying this, the monk shook his head helplessly. There are two ways to change professions in this world. The first one is innate. When you get old, you will awaken naturally or after receiving baptism.

The second type is hard work, and Luo Ge is one of them. Although they are not Amazons, they are learning the abilities of Amazons. There is also a lot of news about Luo Ge successfully evolving and changing jobs to become Amazons.

But monks do not have the first way of evolution. No one is born a monk, all monks are acquired, and no monk is female.

All monks are male.

"Aren't you recruiting people?" Chen Feng asked in confusion. Logically speaking, monk is a very terrifying profession. The battles in the past few days perfectly reflected the word "martial" in monk.

With his bare hands, he beat the barbarian to the point where he was unable to fight back, and his dexterous evasion methods prevented the enemy from catching him.

Finally, there is the power that the monks call "mantra", which is like Buddhist scriptures. Each scripture has different powers, including healing, strengthening, and attacking the enemy.

In fact, monks are equivalent to barbarians who have mastered the power of the legal system. During the chat with Kane, Chen Feng learned that 60% of monks are actually from barbarian tribes. They have not been able to change their profession to become barbarians. , and finally the monk was added.

"Have you seen other professions? For example, witch doctors and demon hunters?" Chen Feng asked curiously. He wanted to know if there would be professions in the Diablo 3 game.

"Witch doctor? Are you talking about those guys from the Umobaru people? We rarely see them anymore!" The monk took a sip of wine. They were not taboo. On the contrary, they liked to eat meat and drink alcohol like the barbarians.

"Since the last demonic army invaded, their three largest tribes have united together and entered the Toraj jungle, almost never seen again!" the monk said, and Chen Feng nodded.

According to Blizzard's information, the Witch Doctor Tribe does have three largest tribes, but Chen Feng can't remember the names.

"What about the demon hunter?" Chen Feng continued to ask.

"You mean those girls? Our tribe encountered them not long ago. They are also going to send people to Luoge. They are probably on the way. You will see them in a few days!" Chen Feng's eyes couldn't help but sparkle. For a moment, the Demon Hunter seems to have been established.

"I heard that they recently destroyed a place where demons descended, turning it into a swamp full of poison. The demons can't project there, so they have to find another place!" said the monk.

"Can you stop the demon from projecting?" Chen Feng suddenly exclaimed.

"Of course, the premise is that even demons can't survive in that place, with poisonous swamps and various mechanisms. It took the demon hunters a full 60 years to reduce the demon's territory to such a small area, and not only the demons, but also Humans can't enter it!" the monk said helplessly.

"We have never liked what the demon hunters did. We are all doing our best to deal with Hell, but why do they want to destroy a piece of our own land like this?" the monk shook his head and said.

Chen Feng nodded. Although it was an uninhabited environment, it was still a place for humans. It was just like your home. There were too many rats here and you had to sprinkle them with rat poison, but you couldn't live here. , I am always mentally uncomfortable.

Although the group of rats will eat people, you always have to think about it, and the rats will move next. If more demons are projected into Luoge, the pressure on Luoge will become even greater. big.

"Because they are demons, demons must be eradicated!"

Suddenly, a dark figure walked in at the door!

Thanks to "Left Bank, Keep Right" for the tip

Thanks to "Unconfused God" for the reward

Thanks to "Yu S" for the tip

Thanks to "Endless Stars" for the reward

Thanks for the “open” reward

Thanks to "Rogue fell in love with fish" for the tip

Thanks to "Watch Your Butt" for the tip

Thanks for the tip from "piercing the heart"

Thanks to "Hanging Sword Breaking Kill" for the reward

Thanks to "Immortal Hades" for the reward

Thanks to "Liaochaowuji" for the tip

Thanks to "Soldier C4" for the reward

Thanks to "Edogawa Kohoku" for the tip

Thanks to "Little Thieving Cat" for the tip

Thanks to "DJsky" for the tip

Thanks to "Endless Stars" for the update

Thanks to "Rogue Fell in Love with Fish" for the update!

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