Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 112 113: Spider Guards

Chapter 109 113: Spider Guards

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Three huge spiders fell to the ground. An Jin's name seemed to be taunting Chen Fa, and the way he opened his teeth and claws made Chen Fa nervous.

"Be careful!" Chen Fa got Divina behind him, then put the shield in front of him, and threw a "increased damage" on the spider guard.

"Squeak!" The spider guard was cursed and immediately roared and rushed towards Chen Feng. The giant sword skeleton on Chen Feng's side couldn't wait for a long time and immediately strode forward with the giant sword in his hand held high. He got up and hit the spider hard.

"Boom!" There was no unexpected dodge. Chen Feng's eyes widened in surprise, and he saw that the spider guard actually withstood the damage. If it was another dark gold monster, he would at least dodge it.

"Squeak!" The terrifying weight was simply a fatal blow to the spider. But unexpectedly, although the spider guard was severely hit to the ground by the giant sword, when the giant sword was moved away, he suddenly stood there. He stood up and followed the departure of the giant sword.

"Hiss!" Chen Feng couldn't help but suck in a burst of cold air. Under the "Intensified Damage" mode, with 3 times the damage, the spider guard only lost less than one-twentieth of its health. How thick is this monster's defense?

Chen Feng immediately looked to the other side. One was surrounded by nine ordinary skeletons, one was surrounded by hungry wolf skeletons, and as for the last one, the rogue skeleton had already kited away.

There are a total of 4 spider guards. Chen Feng does not dare to let rogue skeletons or other long-range skeletons attack the Spider Queen. The Spider Queen is definitely very powerful. Chen Feng does not dare to provoke another one after angering 4 dark gold monsters at the same time. Super dark gold monster.

Although there is no higher level classification for dark gold monsters, and the highest level of a monster is dark gold, dark gold monsters are also divided into strengths, just like for melee combat. The attribute of "lightning enhancement" is definitely better than "extremely strong".

According to Chen Feng's understanding, since there are 4 spider queens here, and there may even be more dark gold spider guards guarding her, her level is definitely higher than other spiders.

It's like an ant nest with a clear division of labor, but all the ants work for the queen. Although the queen does not have strong attack power, Chen Feng has no doubt that this spider queen has terrifying attack power.

But now the Spider Queen is like watching a battle in the Colosseum. Her beautiful face is watching Chen Feng's battle with relish, but her eight big feet are still twitching, shuttling between the eight girls nearby. in vivo.

"No, it's laying eggs!" Chen Feng suddenly thought of flies. These disgusting guys hide their eggs in places with plenty of food, especially in animal carcasses.

Once the maggots decompose, there will be enough food sources, which means that the corpses are the nurseries of the bugs, and this group of corpses is obviously the nursery of the Spider Queen.

"Damn!" But these girls are not dead yet. It is impossible for Chen Feng to directly kill them and free them. Chen Feng does not want to turn himself into a degenerate at all.

Moreover, even if these girls are really killed, as long as the bodies are still there, I am afraid the Spider Queen will not mind. The only way is to make these girls disappear.

But, how to disappear?

Chen Feng shook his head and could only concentrate on dealing with the four dark gold-level spider guards in front of him. He prayed that the aura was fully activated and slowly replenished the blood volume of his skeleton. However, the supply was insufficient. The spider guards had terrifying blood volume. , except for the giant sword skeleton and the rogue skeleton whose damage was relatively objective, the other guards were almost unscathed.

"Damn it!" Chen Feng can only "increase damage" a few times. It is impossible to inflict one on all the guards in turn. It requires 4 energy gatherings at one time, but the entire glove only has more than 20 left.

It was only 5 times allocated to each spider guard, but Chen Feng was not sure whether he could kill them all with his skeletons in 5 times.

Even if they are all killed, what about the Spider Queen?

Besides, it may not necessarily be the Spider Queen next.

Chen Feng could only concentrate on killing one first, summoned an archer, and started shooting at the spider guard attacked by the giant sword skeleton. Although the speed of the bow and arrow was not as fast as the gangster boy's flying knife, 3 arrows in 2 seconds was still enough. It can be done.

A large number of arrows flew to the body of the spider guard, and each one hit accurately, taking away the spider guard's health. Chen Feng could see with his naked eye that the spider guard's health began to drop significantly.

"Well done, that's it!"

A rogue skeleton can completely defeat 4 skeleton archers, but if the 4 skeleton archers start taking turns using precision shooting, it is estimated that the total damage within a fixed period of time will be much higher than that of the rogue skeleton.

After all, there is only one rogue skeleton, but there are four skeleton archers.

"Squeak!" The spider guard received more and more damage, and gradually began to become irritable. His whole body began to bump unsteadily, but the power of the giant sword skeleton was much greater than it.

"Poof!" Suddenly, the spider guard's abdomen contracted, and then a piece of green venom spurted out from its mouth, quickly flying onto the giant sword skeleton.


A burst of green smoke emerged directly from the body of the giant sword skeleton, and the blood volume of the giant sword skeleton began to decrease crazily. But not only the blood volume, but also the defense also began to decrease along with the blood volume.

"Corrosion?" Chen Feng suddenly exclaimed. In just a moment, the giant sword skeleton was corroded by 3,000 points of health, and its defense was also corroded by about 2,000 points.

If it were an ordinary skeleton, you might have died. Chen Feng suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. It seemed that as a necromancer, it would be beneficial to specialize in summoning. At least he wouldn't have to risk his life.

At least in this world, summoned beasts are basically used to test unknown monsters, so the late necromancers are especially popular than druids.

You know, the druid's summoned beast is alive, just like Xiaobai. If he chooses between Xiaobai and the rogue skeleton to explore the path or test the attack of new enemies, Chen Feng chooses the rogue skeleton without hesitation.

Xiaobai is alive. As for the skeleton, he has already died once. What's so scary about dying again?

After a mouthful of venom was sprayed out, the spirit of the spider guard was obviously weakened. Chen Feng immediately took advantage of the heat and hurriedly added a "increased damage" to it, and frantically began to concentrate all the firepower he could mobilize to output.

In just 3 minutes, the spider guard's health suddenly dropped to 30%. He was close to death, but also close to going berserk!

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