244 This is absolutely impossible!

Dark aura condensed in the sky above everyone.

The pain, and the speed that comes with it, has a lot to do with them.

But this is not bad, at least it is what Lin Feng can fight against!

Lin Feng didn’t have any panic here.

He just felt that some people deliberately created traces.

If you want to drag them all into the darkness, this kind of person will be killed together!

It’s a pity that the dark messenger is starting the ark power…

This is an existence that people miss in their hearts now.

Lin Feng is very clear, now that the dark messenger has changed a lot.

Although they have all become very calm in this.

And ask a lot of strange forces completely neutralized!

But there are still some dangers that make it clear that it is impossible to exist.

In front of him, he quickly showed, what kind of weird theory is behind this!

It may be another matter, but Lin Feng is quite equal.

He can still rely on his super strength to control all existence!

Let yourself gradually become quite quiet inside, this is a good thing!

It’s worrying that they all now understand a more unacceptable pain.

This is what makes Lin Feng more afraid.

Of course Lin Feng is still very troublesome now, he is a real strong man.

In fact, while feeling a lot of inappropriate things.

He also began to have all kinds of curiosity about his methods, this is not a joke!

It is a real threat, in fact, Lin Feng has always been worried about this.

Worrying about whether I can deal with it as smoothly as before!

It is also in such an environment that the situation is still the same as what he is thinking in his heart.

A variety of hooks have been generated, but now it is also a very stable appearance!

But he had never seen anyone make trouble in front of him in such a way.

But fortunately, he has now found the ultimate solution to the problem!

And can make the opponent become helpless in front of him.

In fact, when the power of the ark brought power to them all at the same time.

It also brought them some madness that I can’t recall at all.

This is also the reason why Lin is so serious about this.

Because Lin Feng felt all kinds of darkness at this time, spreading rapidly in front of him.

There are people behind who want to attack them in this matter, which is not a good thing.

But Lin Feng has been very helpless to reveal the problem that he should solve in the end.

He will definitely be able to control this darkness, and this kind of control will be a great loss for him.

If you don’t insist on doing these things…

The result will be more and more miserable, and it may even make the darkness of the heart hurt.

Directly wrap all the Chinese.

This is something that makes Lin Feng a little worried now.

But Lin Feng is very happy, finally (Qian Zhaozhao) is here by some method of his own!

Let the guys who want to do it in front of them experience some dark existence.

He believed in his own strength, and he was sure that this was going to happen.

He is all ready, no one can stop him here 1

Unless these people are no longer alive, Lin Feng is a very powerful person.

But with such an attitude, it will finally start to change in that direction,

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