Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

794 The death of the old general cannot be faced! (Please subscribe!)

They all raised the tip of their guns horizontally and charged at the Daqin soldiers in front of them!

Their knight spears formed an extremely sharp formation after they were horizontally raised. After running, these war horses rumbled. When they crawled on the ground, it seemed that the ground was overturned. Forest of guns.

Once you hit the spikes, you will definitely die!

When these large cavalrymen saw the European sprint ahead, they all turned to Han Xin to see how he would deal with it, but Han Xin snorted coldly at this moment.

Quickly slapped the horse's back, and immediately drove the horse to a gallop.

He raised the iron gun in his hand.

Aiming at the European soldiers running forward, he rushed over, and under the shaking of his arm, the iron gun in his hand also quickly waved - up.

A European soldier arrives with a knight's lance, all of which hang on the iron ring!

When sprinting, it can make their strength more balanced, and the sprinting power is stronger, just when they are about to arrive, when Han Xin is beside Han Xin, they see Han Xin's arm flip!

The long sword in his hand also formed a cross-section, knocked it out, and hit the side of a knight's spear heavily, with a clever force, just knocked the knight's spear and slanted it to the side.

At the same time, he knocked the other knight's spear crooked, and the sound of the collision between the two sides affected the knights on the warhorses, causing them to roll over. On these two knights!

knock them over under the warhorse.

After the knights on the European side were knocked over, all they were waiting for was death. At this moment, Han Xin quickly shook the spear in his hand, and the spear was aimed at a European soldier in front of him.

He held the knight's spear in his hand and was about to stab Han Xin to death. At this time, he saw the long spear in Han Xin's hand coming to him slightly bright, and then the tip of the spear flickered, and Hanmang suddenly poked into his eye socket. Inside, with a pop, the knight immediately fell to the ground!

And Han Xin was shaking at this moment, and the spear rushed into the camp of the cavalry. The number of those who the organization made to raise the bid was only a few thousand people. Han Xin had 50,000 people behind him. Thousands, and yet enough of these men are enough.

Ask for flowers•

With an extremely sharp trend, they rushed into the formations of those European soldiers, and immediately tore apart their formations. The European cavalrymen who were rushing before were immediately beaten by Han Xin under the horses.

After a round of killing, the gap was cut!

The following Daqin soldiers rushed in, as if a sharp scalpel had disintegrated the entire team, and the old general standing in the team had eyes wide open at the moment!

He was very unwilling, and his defense against me was broken like this. He knew what would happen if these Daqin cavalrymen rushed into the barracks. It is the eyeliner of the Daqin soldiers!

When the ice sheets were collected earlier, the host did not investigate carefully, and let some locals who took refuge in Daqin enter the military camp. At this time, it was useless to regret, and the response had to wait until after the victory. He immediately. He waved the knight's sword in his hand.

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