Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

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It can be seen that they are very important to them, everyone is very happy, they are eager to sign up, and they all want to join the infiltration team. At this time, Han Xin has to pick and choose who can enter the barracks of Prince Caesar. Must be extremely vigilant!

Moreover, his brain is flexible and his form is extremely agile. If an ordinary soldier shows his stubbornness, the consequences will be unimaginable, and this battle will end without a hitch. As a general on the battlefield, when making plans, you must ensure that nothing is wrong. Although Han Xin is fierce on the battlefield. .

But he is also a very thoughtful person. At this moment, a strict selection is carried out. In the end, almost 1,500 people are selected. If the number is not too large, they will be suspected. It can't be done inside and out!

1,500 people said that more or less, less or less is the most appropriate, and the number of armor that looks normal after cleaning is not too many, there are about 2,000, and 1,500 people can use it at this time. , After these soldiers were selected, they stood on the square.

Once again accepted the review of Meng Yi,

Meng Yi was very satisfied after looking at it. He also asked some questions and asked these people to answer them to determine whether they would show their legs and be discovered after they entered the edge of Prince Caesar. The final result made him very satisfied. , and then he made the soldiers put on their armor!

The armor has already been made, and it looks like the armor worn by normal soldiers. After they put on the armor, Meng Yi ordered someone to bring some, and black ash and other things were smeared on their faces, it looked like It was as if they had traveled a long distance and finally appeared. After doing this, they did not let them set off immediately, but let them temporarily stay on the square.

At this time, the sun was out, but Han Xin and Meng Yi let them stand under the sun, neither water nor food, so they were forced to carry it!

In this way, after half a day of exposure, the spirit of these soldiers immediately became much lower. After seeing this, Meng Yi was very satisfied. He stood on the square and announced to these soldiers that they could go out. This time, being exposed to the sun and not being given food and water is also a test of their will. In addition, they have to be realistic.

None of the vassals under Meng Yi's explanation felt the slightest dissatisfaction, and they then agreed to walk out of the city, and they were full of anger when they agreed!

It seems that although they look haggard from the outside, it seems that they have experienced a lot of hardships, but in fact their spirits are not bad. Such soldiers have become elite soldiers. If this battle is over, Meng Yi is ready to gather them in his own. in the team.

After all, after a battle, the Daqin soldiers also suffered a lot of casualties here, so they can reserve troops. As long as their Daqin soldiers account for the majority (Wang Zhaozhao), then they are not afraid of rebellion by these mercenaries below, and these vassals have experienced After a series of battles, I have developed a sense of belonging to Da Qin!

I won't be afraid of their betrayal, I thought in my heart, at this time, Meng Yi and Han Xin watched these people who were about to infiltrate go out of the city. Yes, and not known to ordinary civilians.

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