Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

After the 784 reward, the progress is obvious! (Please subscribe!)

At this moment, Qin Huang Su Qing, Meng Yi, and Han Xin are all standing on a school field. This school field was specially opened. The 18,000 cavalry soldiers who fought last night were all standing there. The eyes are firm and the back is straight.

The war horses they were riding had already been pulled down, the injured were treated, and the uninjured were given some fodder so that they could have a good meal. Take a break!

The Qin soldiers will not treat these horses badly. After the cavalry stood together, the Emperor Qin announced that they would be rewarded. This time everyone has a credit. According to the mobile phones they cut down, the soldiers will be rewarded, and the front-line soldiers will be rewarded. Can be upgraded in place!

Those squad captains were also promoted to lieutenant generals, as well as higher official positions, and those who performed well were promoted to generals specializing in fighting wars. This was an extremely grand scene. The soldiers were very happy, and the school field was also occupied. Other ~ Daqin soldiers!

They are involved in this field, in the prosperous world.

Later, Emperor Qin ordered to kill pigs and slaughter sheep to reward the three armies. After he issued the order, the soldiers rejoiced. As for Han Xin and Meng Yi, there were also smiles on their faces. Su Qing followed Qin Huang, and he told Qin Huang from time to time. After all, the two have their own affairs to discuss!

Because the reward to the three armies this time was something that was promised last night, it went very smoothly. Han Xin was given a sword by the Qin Emperor on the spot. This matter was specially explained by Su Qing, because the sword of the emperor , Rewarding your generals will make the loyalty of your soldiers even greater!

At this time, Han Xin was blocked, but Meng Yi was not jealous at all.

Because the relationship between him and Han Xin is very good, and he also knows that Qin Huang will not treat him badly.

He has no promotion, and now Emperor Qin's trust is all he has. A reward conference has spread throughout the three armies. When the spirits of the soldiers are high, the corpses have been cleaned up!

In addition, some civilians began to appear, carrying their shoulders and carrying some dirt over them, threw them on the original ground, and then stepped on them with their feet, stepping on them directly. As for the bodies in the trenches, they were cleaned up. In fact, after a fire.

・・For flowers.....

The corpses in the ditch were almost burnt, most of them were lime, these corpses were cleaned out completely, and the fragmentary ones were left unattended.

The reason for this was because yesterday's war had already caused heavy losses to the European soldiers on the opposite side, and they were unable to attack any more. At this time, the ground should be leveled so that the various civilians and soldiers and horses in the city could walk well.

As for the antlers and other protective measures, they have not been removed for the time being. They just avoided a road to allow the civilians in the city to go out. The purpose of their going out was to collect some food and drink. According to Han Xin and Meng Yizhi Estimates in between!

I am afraid that the other party will not give up after this battle. They have already obtained the news of interrogating the prisoners here. Here is the Kaile Empire and there are several princes and territories under the Kaile Empire. The number of teams under their hands is also quite large. There are 300,000 troops killed here! Next.

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