Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

773 rushes past and can't stop! (Please subscribe!)

For a while, they were able to stabilize their fundamentals and not collapse. Han Xin was the most powerful cavalry team in the battle, but he knew that if he was entangled here, then the offensive trend of the entire team would also be reduced. Just keep it like this!

There was no way to change it, with this thought in mind, he roared and slapped the long spear in his hand towards the front.

When he was whipping forward, the soldier holding the battle axe also swiftly swung the battle and went up against the Liao to resist the collision between the two sides.

After a few beatings, the prisoner of war was beaten and trembled continuously, and at the same time, the spear held by Han Xin also vibrated. He did not stop because of this, but kept stabbing the spear to remove it. The spear in his hand turned into a poisonous snake. Letter, every swing of the 650 seems to tear the air apart!

When he jabbed forward continuously, he was able to force the soldier with the battle axe in front of him to dodge continuously. Occasionally, the spear poked the surface of his armor a few times, and it would also be blocked!

The surface of these armors has been poked with several deep pits, almost breaking through, but these armors are made relatively thick, and Han Xin's strength is not too strong, under such circumstances, they are blocked. He can accept the situation.

And the soldier with the battle axe was being suppressed formidably at the moment. In a gap, Han Xin took a chance and aimed at the position of his neck. This time, the latter hurriedly resisted.

But he didn't expect that Han Xing's target was actually his shoulder. There was a connection point between the armor on his body and the armor on his arm. He had just seen it. At this time, he stabbed directly and clicked on the connection point. !

With a slight twist, with a click, the connection point between the arm of the armor and the armor on the body was broken, and the armor on the arm immediately made a cracking sound. At this moment, Han Xin once again stabbed the man in the shoulder, on the spot. Poke a blood hole in his shoulder!

Then the blood splashed and the spear shook, and Han Xin himself threw the man under the warhorse. At this time, the warhorse trampled over and stomped the soldier to death on the spot. The cavalry rushed past.

When rushing forward, the long spear in his hand was also knocked out, just as a stunned cavalry came over, he was knocked out on the spot.

After the stunned cavalry was knocked out, the rest of the cavalry also dispersed. At this time, they were not afraid of Han Xin.

Instead, they avoided the edge for a while, these were all the most elite cavalry, so they could selectively attack during the battle.

For example, the Daqin soldiers who followed Han Xin were their target of attack. Han Xin alone was too powerful.

They bypassed him and attacked others, but they had no such concerns. Therefore, the European cavalry in full armor rushed forward and rushed behind Han Xin. European cavalry in armor!

When the Daqin soldiers attacked, the formation was very stable. When they attacked forward, when they held various weapons in their hands and swung their knives, the air seemed to be torn apart.

The light of the sword flickered and slashed at the front of the cavalry.

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