Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

770 Su Qing's appreciation, a belated decision! (Subscribe!)

Often a single cavalry spear can penetrate the bodies of several Daqin soldiers, flying them directly into the air, and finally falling heavily to the ground, and the general who led the cavalry forward is also at this moment, his eyes are firm and his arms are straight. Straight, when he galloped forward, several cavalrymen followed closely behind him!

Except for those who were blocked by Han Xin, the performance of these cavalrymen was remarkable. The battle between them and the "Six Five Zero" soldiers of the Great Qin often ended when the soldiers of the Great Qin lost their horses. It can be seen that this group of cavalry also The elite among the elites, Han Xin knew that he could not delay like this when he saw this situation.

Immediately, he ordered the soldiers to form a formation, and the Daqin cavalry who rushed up directly in the front row were sent to another place by him. At the same time, he waved his arms to divide the cavalry team into small groups.

There are 500 people in each squad. In this case, the scattered formation can just let the European cavalry rushing into the formation, but the scattered formation will regroup after they pass, forming a counter-attack situation from behind them. The general felt the change in the camp of these Daqin soldiers at this moment, and couldn't help but stop the footsteps of the horses!

However, when they accelerated and rushed, they had already raised the speed of the war horses. It is impossible to ask you to stop, but at this moment, they can only watch these Daqin soldiers dodge their attack and launch a chase from behind them at the same time. , In this case, it forms the appearance of anti-chasing and killing!

The general who led the troops knew at this moment that they could not stop, otherwise they would be killed immediately. He prayed in his heart that the cavalry team in the rear should assemble quickly. There was also a general behind them, leading those who did not assemble Rise up the cavalry ranks and unite their ranks forward.

Between this formation of European cavalry, two generals followed.

When a general leads his troops to rush forward, another general is responsible for rectifying the weight of the entire team, so that they will not be scattered. There are also small generals in this team, who will lead their own soldiers. Don't let them run around!

In this way, a unified offensive trend can be formed. These are all water. The most elite cavalry around them, they themselves stayed at the end to protect the water and safety, but at this moment, in order to protect the Daqin cavalry who came from afar, they were sent. When they came out, there were quite a few of them, more than 6,000 people.

At this time, when they were running forward, they blocked the cavalry on Han Xin's side. There were more than 1,000 people. The remaining 5,000 people had just assembled at this moment, and they began to charge forward under the leadership of another general.

Their scenes are even bigger!

And the speed of the impact is also faster. When rushing forward, the spears in the hands are all straight, especially the general who leads the soldiers. Follow those other cavalry 1.4 by his side.

They all raised their spears one by one, forming a row of spikes. After seeing this situation, Han Xin felt that he could not continue to delay the European cavalry in front of them.

The European cavalry around him were beaten in very small numbers, and they were not under unified command.

In this case, it is very easy to deal with!

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