Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

763 Reasonable, be a hero! (Subscribe!)

There is no Su Qing's own city near Bingzhou. Even if he wants to carry grain and grass, it is not suitable for Su Qing because the mountains are high and the road is far away.

What's the plan now? Su Qing was walking on the city wall and could see that every backyard was looking at the dealer's fruit.

In particular, a large area outside the city is full of crops.

Su Qing suddenly realized, by the way, isn't this just so close to the horizon?

Now that Su Qing's soldiers need food, wouldn't it be better for Su Qing to buy food from Bingzhou?

At the beginning, when Su Qing attacked and entered Bingzhou, he did not burn, kill or loot, nor did he rob the people of food.

Therefore, there must be enough food in the hands of the people now!

So, Su Qing immediately ordered to go down and summoned several grain merchants in the city.

Bingzhou is a great place to grow crops.

647 households have land, so the land is naturally fruitful.

Su Qing wanted to see how much food there was in Bingzhou, so the order was already issued.

Su Qing was the first to meet the grain merchants. I met a few people in a teahouse in the city.

These grain merchants are all decent people in the city. After seeing Su Qing, they are even more grateful.

Grain merchants are only merchants after all, but Su Qing is now the owner of Bingzhou.

So when these grain merchants came, they brought heavy gifts to Su Qing.

Su Qing naturally accepted it with a smile. After all, it was a gift, so don't give it up for nothing.

After inviting a few grain merchants to sit down, Su Qing directly expressed his thoughts!

When the army is fighting and the food is insufficient, then it is natural to need the food in the hands of the common people!

Sitting face to face, these grain merchants looked at each other with complicated expressions and unclear expressions.

When one of the grain merchants heard this, he nodded his head immediately, "General Su Qing, don't worry, I'll go back and open the granary!

It turned out that the grain merchant thought that Su Qing wanted to snatch the grain for nothing!

If Su Qing doesn't want to give money, then even these grain merchants can't do anything about it!

These vendors have already seen the faces of those big men! So I thought Su Qing was the same.

When you ask for grain, don't you want these grain merchants to give it away in vain!

Although these grain merchants are suffering, but (bbbe) is forced by Su Qing's army so strong, the grain merchants dare not refute at all.

As soon as Su Qing heard this, she already smiled and shook her head, Su Qing will never take away the food of the common people in vain!

So Su Qing has already explained that Su Qing will spend money to buy it, but it definitely doesn't need to be much cheaper!

When the grain merchant heard this, he was already very surprised. He never expected Su Qing to make such a decision.

However, the grain merchants thought that Su Qing was just pretending, after all, how could a general be so reasonable!

The grain merchants have seen many generals and big men, and those guys are all bastards and blood-sucking mosquitoes!

But Su Qing's going is different. Su Qing's words, deeds, and every move seem to be very open and aboveboard!

The grain merchants still wanted to persuade them, but Su Qing had already made up his mind.

With hundreds of thousands of troops under Su Qing, Su Qing wanted to attack anywhere with ease.

Especially the people of Bingzhou, it is even easier for Su Qing.

But Su Qing is a person who wants to settle the world and secure the country! Su Qing is a general, Su Qing wants to be a hero, not a bandit!

If he robs the people of their food and sucks the people's hard work, then Su Qing is a bandit and a bully!

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