Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

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Bai Qi's sword was very fast, and Xu Ran had already seen it, but Xu Ran still had no way to dodge.

Bai Qi's sword was already covered with blood, which was all Xu Ran's blood! Because Xu Ran's wound was very serious.

Now Xu Ran's heart has been pierced! Bai Qi has no expression! Bai Qi has already won the ticket.

Killing Xu Ran was in the process of Bai Qi's cleanup, but Bai Qi did not expect that Xu Ran would be so brave and fearless in "590" that Bai Qi was a little respected!

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he prefers the nature of tiger mountains! Among the people Bai Qi met, few people dared to do so.

So Xu Ran was already dead, his body was stiff, and he just fell to the ground. Dead restless.

After Bai Qi watched Xu Ran fall into a pool of blood, Bai Qi had already put away his sword.

Now that Xu Ran's entire army has been wiped out, no one can survive in front of Bai Qi!

Bai Qi robbed the food, and had already killed Xu Ran's entire army, so there was no danger in front of Bai Qi.

At this time, Bai Qi returned to his soldiers, and Bai Qi hoped that these soldiers were all safe.

After checking the soldier's injuries, Bai Qi determined that there was no problem, and then Bai Qi took the food to Bingzhou again.

After all, Su Qing was still in Bingzhou waiting for Bai Qi to bring food and grass back, so Bai Qi was naturally non-stop.

Xu Ran is just a stumbling block on Bai Qi's road, because Bai Qi will forget about characters like Xu Ran in a few days.

There are so many generals blocking Bai Qi's march, Bai Qi just killed one after another, after all, one general's success will be exhausted.

Bai Qi wants to follow Su Qing to achieve a great cause, so naturally his hands are stained with blood, and his feet are white bones.

When the food was cut off, Xiang Liang's food was taken away by Bai Qi, and Xiang Kuan's general Xu Ran was also beheaded by Bai Qi!

It didn't take long for the news to spread! Xiang Liang was very angry, his face flushed red with anger, and his face was hideous.

Because Xiang Liang didn't want to send the food out! Now it's good! The food of Xiang Liang did not fall into the hands of Xiang Kuan, but was robbed by Bai Qi halfway.

Xiang Liang is already slamming the table, blowing his beard and staring, Xiang Liang is simply losing his wife and losing his army!

It is clear that Xiang Liang and Sima Tu's army has not yet started to attack, but now Xiang Liang has lost a part of the food and grass!

But fortunately, these grains were not counted in Xiang Liang's account. Because Xiang Liang had already sent the grains out!

It's just that I encountered Bai Qi's interception on the way! The cold vegetables were robbed cleanly, and even Xu Ran, who was carrying the food and grass, was killed!

Xiang Kuan's team could be regarded as completely wiped out. Xiang Liang almost couldn't help laughing out of such a tragic incident.

It must have been Su Qing who sent troops and asked Bai Qi to snatch the food! Xiang Liang came back to his senses, he was already thinking calmly, and immediately sat down.

Since it was Su Qing's people who killed Xiang Kuan's general, isn't Xiang Liang just happy now!

Su Qing has already angered Xiang Kuan. After killing Xu Ran in 1.4 from Bai Qi, Xiang Kuan will definitely be jealous of Su Qing!

Originally Xiang Liang was still worried about whether Xiang Kuan would not work together with him, but now that Su Qing has offended Xiang Liang himself and Xiang Kuan, then Xiang Liang can be relieved!

There was even a smile on the corner of Xiang Liang's mouth, Xiang Liang felt that as long as he fanned the flames, Xiang Kuan would definitely be furious.

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