Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

728 Food Exchange, Impatient! (Subscribe!)

Sima Tu is now in his own hands, and because of this, Sima Tu can't be too strict with Xiang Liang, otherwise, Sima Tu's end may not be happy.

The fact that Sima Tu's army came under Xiang Liang's command was naturally unable to escape Su Qing's eyes! Su Qing had already received a report from the spies that day.

Su Qing was very surprised. He didn't expect Xiang Liang to rely on reinforcements! Xiang Liang wanted to form an alliance with Zhang Lu before, but Su Qing himself took the lead.

Now I didn't expect Xiang Liang to ask for Xiang Kuan's reinforcements! The strength of the two Yuan brothers was nothing to Su Qing.

But Su Qing knew that Xiang Liang must have other transactions with Xiang Kuan! So now Su Qing has paid special attention.

Brothers are united, and their profits break gold! But Su Qing is not the whetstone of the two brothers Xiang Liang.

If Su Qing can find any clues, then Su Qing will shoot like a dragon and directly hit Xiang Liang's army.

Su Qing also knew Sima Tu's name, but Su Qing didn't know much. Sima Tu was just a general under Xiang Kuan.

Moreover, Xiang Kuan was not a heroic figure in the first place. Su Qing (bbbe) was not afraid. Now that he saw the two brothers Xiang Liang unite, Su Qing knew that his army would definitely be confronted with each other.

Now Su Qing has already dispatched scouts, because Su Qing wants to grasp Xiang Liang's movements! Xiang Liang is in urgent need of troops, doesn't he just want to attack himself!

Therefore, Su Qing needs to control the movement of Xiang Liang's forces. If Xiang Liang's army starts to move towards Bingzhou, then Su Qing will naturally take precautions!

Su Qing's current military strength is enough! Moreover, Su Qing has even recruited the people in Bingzhou City to join the army.

Of course, Su Qing will never force the common people! All these things require common people's volition!

Su Qing's army has already been established, and many people are grateful to Su Qing, so many young people have already joined the army under Su Qing's command.

Su Qing's troops are already very sufficient. If Xiang Liang leads the army to attack, then Su Qing is not afraid at all.

But Su Qing is just worried, what kind of conspiracy is Xiang Liang playing now? Xiang Liang is borrowing troops from Xiang Kuan, so how could Xiang Kuan agree!

Xiang Kuan originally had nothing to do with Su Qing, but now Xiang Liang was able to borrow a general like Sima Tu, which showed what conditions the two Xiang Liang brothers had.

At this time, Xiang Liang still needs to think quietly, otherwise Xiang Liang will not have such a good opportunity to attack Su Qing's Bingzhou.

The sleeping area in Bingzhou has been completely cleaned up. The rain stopped and the sky was fine. Under this huge sun, the ground in Bingzhou was already very dry!

And the people have also returned to normal life, peace and stability. If Xiang Liang's army came here, then the city would still be full of flaws.

Su Qing immediately repaired the embankment, because Su Qing did not want Bingzhou to become a flooded city now. The embankment is in the north, high above!

If the river continues to swell, the next time it rains, Bingzhou will still be submerged! Su Qing will never take advantage of this opportunity.

The embankment had been dug through by Su Qing's soldiers before, and it was full of potholes and traces! So it will take some time to repair it now.

However, Su Qing was not flustered, because Su Qing knew that Xiang Liang was not an impetuous person.

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