Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

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Because Su Qing's soldiers did not slaughter the people or snatch food, and Su Qing led the army to govern Bingzhou together, the people were all grateful to Su Qing, a great man.

Everything in Su Qing's Bingzhou has been arranged in an orderly manner, and then it has been rectified and rested. Su Qing knew that after taking Bingzhou, there is still another battle to be fought!

Su Qing won Youzhou and Bingzhou together, Xiang Liang will definitely be angry, so after Su Qing's army settled in Bingzhou, it is impossible for Xiang Liang to sit idly by!

Su Qing still doesn't know what Xiang Liang wants to do now, but Su Qing is just waiting! As long as there is any trouble in Xiang Liang, Su Qing will send troops from ~ Bingzhou!

Xiang Liang's military is already weak, especially since Su Qing has killed so many generals under Xiang Liang, Xiang Liang must have hated it!

It would be better if Xiang Liang could lead the army to attack directly, but Su Qing was completely sure to lead the whole army to counterattack, and then annihilate Xiang Liang's army in one fell swoop.

However, Su Qing knows that Xiang Liang has not been impulsive to this level. If Xiang Liang was really able to act so boldly, then Su Qing would have already broken Xiang Liang's army!

Su Qing continued to stay in the army, and the flood in Bingzhou has been completely controlled! Now Su Qing is still arranging soldiers to help the people rebuild their homes.

Because the flood has destroyed a lot of things! Su Qing can see the collapsed walls, muddy roads, flooded dealers and so on.

This was a huge loss for Su Qing, so Su Qing continued to send soldiers to help manage everything in Bingzhou!

At this time, Xiang Liang finally heard about Bingzhou! Xiang Liang was already full of confidence, but he didn't expect that there was an accident!

When Youzhou was breached, Xiang Liang thought that his plan was wrong! So in the face of the attacked Bingzhou, Xiang Liang dispatched Ling Chuan and Hong Jianghai!

But now the military report came, Xiang Liang knew that Hong Jianghai had surrendered, and after Ling Chuan was beheaded, Xiang Liang was already furious!

Xiang Liang never thought that his generals could be so useless, if only one or two would be fine, but Su Qing's army has already killed many Xiang Liang's generals!

This has already made Xiang Liang furious! Xiang Liang felt that it was because of Su Qing's ignorance that his city was frequently lost.

In particular, the generals sent by Xiang Liang are like meat buns beating dogs, and there is no return! In such a situation, Xiang Liang is already convinced of Su Qing!

Su Qing finally restrained his arrogance, because Su Qing knew that with his current crippled troops, he could no longer be the enemy of Su Qing!

Xiang Liang lost so many cities, and all the generals Xiang Liang sent out were killed by Su Qing.

So how can Xiang Liang convince the public now? Xiang Liang does not need to go out to see, and he can know that he is now shaken by the army and his morale is low!

No matter how Xiang Liang fought against Su Qing, it was impossible to break through Su Qing's attack! Especially Xiang Liang's army was still a defender of the city.

Defending the city was originally a very simple matter, but the fact that Xiang Liang's army was guarding the city was already a complete mess.

No matter who Su Qing sent to lead the army, no matter where Su Qing went to attack, Xiang Liang's army would only have to surrender the city.

Xiang Liang is very angry now, and feels that Su Qing's army is now unstoppable, but Xiang Liang does not believe in evil, because Xiang Liang wants to kill Su Qing in the limelight.

Xiang Liang began to think of a way, because in the face of Su Qing's attack, Xiang Liang had to come up with an effective strategy!

Xiang Liang originally planned to fight against Su Qing with Zhang Lu, but he never expected that Xiang Liang's messenger had gone and never returned.

Zhang Lu's attitude was unclear. Faced with the olive branch thrown by Xiang Liang, he ignored it and did not reply. And when Xiang Liang found out, Zhang Lu had already formed an alliance with Su Qing!

Xiang Liang thinks that Zhang Lu is still a very stupid guy! Since Zhang Lu chose Su Qing, then Xiang Liang will kill this embarrassed guy!

In this way, Xiang Liang can let them know that offending him will end! Xiang Liang has a thoughtful look, without any bright expression.

Xiang Liang is standing here with a heavy heart. Since Zhang Lu and Su Qing allied and captured Bingzhou, Xiang Liang can naturally find allies!

Xiang Liang is now starting to consider a suitable candidate, and the military forces of allies will be combined to achieve more with less effort.

Only in this way can Xiang Liang be able to sit firmly in the country, otherwise, Su Qing will continue to attack, and Xiang Liang's city will only be reduced or increased.

··For flowers·...

Xiang Liang is now looking for a suitable ally! However, after Xiang Liang pondered over and over again, Su Qing still did not think of a suitable ally.

So now Xiang Liang is only in a very depressed mood. At this time, if Su Qing continues to send troops aggressively, could it be that Xiang Liang only means to sit back and watch?

Xiang Liang began to summon the generals and began to think of a way. These generals had already come to Xiang Liang, and they had already started thinking about countermeasures in a short while!

These things were originally very important things for Xiang Liang! And now they are the top priority!

Only if Xiang Liang can find allies to fight against, Su Qing's army will not continue to ride on Xiang Liang's neck and show off its might!


Xiang Liang has already started to persuade his generals, and after a while, Xiang Liang has heard many candidates!

This ally, that confidant, is not a suitable candidate for Xiang Liang at all! After a while, Xiang Liang heard another name.

item width. Xiang Liang's younger brother Xiang Kuan! Xiang Liang had an idea and thought it was a good idea! Now that Xiang Liang has no choice, he can naturally find his younger brother!

Xiang Liang is now sitting here, and he doesn't have any extra troops to resist Su Qing's army!

If it weren't for the fact that many of Xiang Liang's generals had already been beheaded, then Xiang Liang would have already sent troops out here!

Now Xiang Liang has come to the aftertaste, attacking Su Qing is a very risky act! Xiang Liang sends one general and one will die.

If Xiang Liang sent two generals, then Su Qing's army would kill one pair! Such a shameless thing, Xiang Liang could not continue to die blindly.

The elites under Xiang Liang's hands are all cultivated with painstaking efforts!

If Xiang Liang used all these forces on Su Qing, it would be a huge loss!

Xiang Liang, however, can now ask his younger brother Xiang Kuan to help him. If Xiang Kuan sends troops, it will be the icing on the cake for Xiang Liang.

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