Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

708 opens in the middle of the night, a team of 10! (Please subscribe!)

At this time, it is not something that Xiang Tang can have the final say! Wang Jian's soldiers always come to harass the city, and this kind of thing has already left Xiang Tang's avatar at a loss!

Zhang Boshan shouted for a long time, he was already physically and mentally exhausted, and then he was already drowsy and fell asleep!

At night, Wang Jian still sent soldiers to harass him! This time, Wang Jian still only dispatched a few soldiers!

Because it is meaningless to send more people! Wang Jian's order is still to beat the drum and not to fight!

If such a number of people really face to face, then it is not enough for Zhang Boshan to get stuck between his teeth!

So if Zhang Boshan and others lead the troops out, then they should flee without hesitation! Otherwise, is it really possible to use a few soldiers to fight against Zhang Boshan's dragon and tiger division!

At night, it's quiet, and you can't see your fingers! The sky is dim, but the lights in the cool 570 city are still bright.

Xiang Tang was a little tired, but he didn't sleep, because Xiang Tang knew that Wang Jian's soldiers would still come to harass him!

While dozing off, Xiang Tang heard the sound of drums outside! The thump, thump, and thump continued, Xiang Tang snorted coldly, and immediately ordered the soldiers to check it out!

On the top of the wall, the soldiers reported that there were indeed only a few soldiers! It is estimated that there are less than ten people! Just beating drums outside and clamoring for Liangzhou!

Xiang Tang ignored it. A few clowns jumping on the beam, even if they barked wildly in front of Xiang Tang, could it be that Xiang Tang would still bite them?

So (bbbe) Xiang Tang sat upright, closed his eyes and rested his mind. Wang Jian had not attacked the city for the past few days, but Xiang Tang knew that this was exactly what he planned!

Su Qing wanted to paralyze Xiang Tang so that he could relax his vigilance. At that time, Wang Jian led his troops again and attacked unexpectedly.

In case of a proud commander of the army and lost the city, then Wang Jian is in the middle of his arms!

So every night, there are only small soldiers and pawns clamoring and playing drums, but Xiang Tang still did not give up the defense!

Under heavy security, Xiang Tang was able to ensure that Wang Jian's soldiers would not be able to attack even if they made a surprise attack!

Wang Jian's soldiers beat the drums for a while and then stopped! Xiangtang in the city was very curious and puzzled!

Because on weekdays, Wang Jian's soldiers had to beat for half an hour or an hour, why did they stop so quickly today!

Could it be that Wang Jian had another plan? So Xiang Tang was vigilant, stood up immediately, and walked up to the city wall!

It was dark outside the city wall, and Xiang Tang's eyes widened, so he could barely see those few people. Those are Wang Jian's soldiers!

It's just that those soldiers didn't mean to charge!

Because those people are not fools, if a small team of less than ten people rushes to the gate of Liangzhou, I am afraid that they will be shot and killed by Xiangtang's soldiers soon!

Zhang Boshan, who was tied up by the five flowers, is restless and can't sleep now. The events of the day are vivid in his mind. It is a great pity that Zhang Boshan was not able to go out of the city to kill the enemy!

Now Zhang Boshan hears the loud drum sound again, so Zhang Boshan is even more sullen! I feel that Wang Jian is simply deceiving people too much!

Zhang Boshan was struggling, trying to get the rope off his body, then Zhang Boshan opened the city gate and went out to kill all those people!

Zhang Boshan is very strong, and there are many things around him that can cut the rope, so naturally he can toss!

Xiang Tang could see that the soldiers were slowly approaching, and a few people were coming on horseback. Xiang Tang did not know what they wanted to do.

However, Xiang Tang immediately ordered the archers to be on guard. Several soldiers of Wang Jian got closer and closer, and then they came to the brightly lit place.

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