Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

694 The last desperate counterattack! (Please subscribe!)

The edge of the Ruyi hook is two-sided and very sharp. Seeing that Meng Yi was about to be hooked on his neck, he roared without hesitation, and at the same time knocked out the long spear he held in his hand. If you want to hook, the two sides will fight!

The wishful hook was then taken back by the invisible silk thread and returned to the man's hands. At the same time, the man turned the direction of the war horse and charged towards Meng Yi again. He was going to fight against Meng Yi again.

Meng Yi's expression turned cold at this time. He didn't use all his strength at first. At this time, he saw that the opponent's attack was strange, and it was very powerful!

This time, he didn't stay behind him anymore, he swung the spear in his hand directly, forming a whirlwind, and the next moment he fell directly on the man holding the wishful hook. Meng Yi could see it, if he couldn't take this man~ sub solved.

Then it is impossible to get close to the side of the generals of the three armies, and at this moment, the generals of the three armies also flickered.

Meng Yi held the sword in his hand and shouted loudly to order the soldiers to charge forward.

Those horses without masters have opened up a channel for them.

Let them rush forward without having to meet those Goguryeo cavalrymen. At this time, all the soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty were full of energy and wanted to rush forward.

They were preparing to stay away from this place. Under the leadership of Meng Yi, everyone formed a triangular formation, speeding up and running between the four hooves of the war horses. They stepped on the corpses of the Goguryeo cavalry that fell to the ground.

Then rushed through the middle of the bloody road that was killed.

Following the frightened horses in front, they rushed to the rear of the array. At this time, all the javelins fell, and the ground was full of traces of javelins.

The soldiers of the Qin Dynasty faced the shooting of the javelin.

In addition to most people using shields for protection, only a small number of soldiers were stabbed with javelins in time due to insufficient protection. Some of them were injured and did not die. They held on to their horses and continued to run wildly, while others even carried their horses. Fall to the ground!

The number of those who fell to the ground was also very small, only about fifty people.

This person can be ignored for the entire team. Meng Yi is now responsible for most of the people. He has not stopped or managed those who fell under the horse.

··For flowers.....

He accelerated and ran wildly, all the battles were tightly squeezed, and his eyes looked straight ahead when the javelin fell just now, and he waved his sword to block it!

He is stronger than ordinary soldiers, has better fighting skills, and his eyes are very good. When the javelin falls, he can see the foothold of the javelin in time and make a defense at the first time!

When he swings the sword, it can form an effective attack route. As long as the javelin touches his knife, he will knock it to the side with the knife, and the knife will knock the javelins away and drive the other javelins at the same time. At the same time, they collide to form a range that tramples on each other!

The javelin hit the javelin and eventually passed him completely all the way without hurting himself.

Meng Yi's actions also relieved the soldiers in the rear from the dilemma of shooting with dense javelins, and allowed more soldiers to follow him to escape. The 2,000 men and horses in front of him had completely collapsed, and they were frightened by themselves. The war horse broke through the obstacles! Bu.

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