Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

692 Unstoppable, extra power! (Subscribe!)

As soon as the spear turned, the spear was swung in the direction when it was turned, and the spear seemed to be an extension of his arm.

When the spear stretched out, he immediately knocked on the door of the guard who was using the double knives. The guard saw the situation and hurriedly used the double knives to hold the poking spear, and he was on the horse's horse. Do a spin on your back too!

At the same time, he chopped forward and only heard a bang, but his knife was blocked by Meng Yi's spear. At the same time, Meng Yi quickly pressed down the spear in his hand, and hit the guard with a double-knife on the shoulder with a click. , and cracked his shoulder bones.

The latter screamed and hurriedly stretched out his hand to protect him, but at this time Meng Yi had already shot again, piercing his heart with a shot!

The blood splashed and killed him on the spot, and at this time, another guard came over. This guard was holding a bottle of ordinary war knives, but his face was gloomy.

His sword was quickly aimed at Meng Yi's shoulder and cut, if it was cut, the entire arm would be cut off, and at this time the rest of the guards arrived and followed behind the guard holding the sword!

Aiming at Yang Zheng to rush to kill, their appearances are not too out of the box, but they are all calm, and their moves are also very tricky when attacking forward, making it difficult to guard against.

In the face of this attack, Meng Yi was not afraid at all, he raised his hand and swung the spear out.

When the sound.

After the sound sounded, it separated an attack from the opposite side, and then put the tip of the gun on the hilt of the war knife!

The latter turned his arm around and held the knife in his hand again!

Then, with the help of the impact force of the warhorse, he swiped towards Meng Yi's arm holding the spear. As long as he was hit, his hand would be cut off immediately.

After seeing this situation, Meng Yi snorted immediately, and then he swung the spear out from the bottom up, just at this moment, the knight on the warhorse passed by.

He happened to be pierced by his long spear in the shoulder and flew into the air!

The guard who rushed over screamed and swayed in mid-air.

At this moment, Meng Yi snorted softly and threw it to the ground, shaking his hands, flying the blood stained on the tip of the spear, looking at the cavalry chasing behind him and seeing his eyes, the rest of the soldiers were all My heart is shaking!

do not know what to do with it!

At this time, Meng Yi went, snorted coldly, urged the warhorse to rush forward, and aimed the weapon in his hand at the soldier riding on the warhorse in front of him and beat him!

His hands are very fast, and every time he is dispatched, he can pierce a blood hole in the body of these guards. Except for the killed guard at the front, the rest of the guards are nothing!

Their combat power may not be weak, but they are facing Meng Yi.

This one can suppress the existence after fighting with the generals of the three armies!

The general of the three armies, Ben (Li Lihao), was a very powerful general, when he attacked forward. The imposing manner is like a rainbow and the power is incomparable. The guards around him are all convinced by his force, so they will follow him closely and obey his words.

At this time, these guards didn't know how strong Meng Yi was fighting on the other side, but when Meng Yi rushed forward, he caused trauma to the people here, everyone knew how powerful he was, and his eyes couldn't help but appear. Some fears come.

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