Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

681 quietly waiting for the result! (Please subscribe!)

And the stones emitted by the trebuchets only caused some damage to the city wall, because the huge stones formed by the trebuchets smashed into the city wall!

After the damage to the city wall, Meng Yi and Han Xin had already used glutinous rice paste, which could be repaired directly. It was difficult to penetrate at this time, and these stones further strengthened the defense of the city wall.

So it seems that the stone thrown by the trebuchet on the opposite side is very fierce, but if you really want to smash the city wall down, it will not work, but those soldiers with engineering ladders have already reached the front of the city wall at this time. After arriving here, Without hesitation, they put the ladder against the city wall!

Then they moved forward bravely, and 11 batches of soldiers rushed forward. They all rushed forward like crazy. Among the hundreds of thousands of troops, half of the people who charged this time took up half of them. Prince Caesar's face was filled with happiness. With a smile, he pointed at the city wall in front of the veterans who followed him, showing off proudly!

He said that he must take down the city wall this time, and look at the Qin soldiers on the opposite side, but that's all. After a reasonable operation, the continuous attack and suppression also directly suppressed the soldiers of the Qin State above the city wall.

When the city wall is taken down, then the entire Ziwei City will not have any place to use it, and the army can drive straight in, showing off to Prince Caesar!

Although the veterans next to him felt that something was wrong, no one stood up and said anything, because they all saw it. The defense on the entire city wall has indeed been let down. Take down this wall.

When the army opens the city gate and enters the city through the city gate, the entire Ziwei city will be caught in their attack. No matter how they think about this, they can't find any flaws. The veterans all feel whether the Daqin soldiers are It's just doing it before.

And they also happened to be because these Daqin soldiers were lucky, they killed them, and they thought too much about these Daqin soldiers. After such thoughts fell, they all stood still and stood quietly beside Prince Caesar. waiting for the result!

Each of these veterans has been fighting from the officialdom. Their ability to lead troops is good, but they are also very good at guessing the minds of the superiors.

Prince Caesar was even happier if they didn't speak. At this time, a large number of soldiers had already arrived in front of the city wall to seal, and almost 50,000 troops began to run along the paved road below the city wall towards the top. The antlers placed in front of the city wall had been Move out!

The soldiers walked in the direction of the city wall through the passages in the center of the antlers, some climbed along the ladder, and some stood directly under the city wall and made a loud noise. They felt that the defense on this side of the city wall was simply rubbish and relaxed. can go up!

The thoughts that they had been suppressing for days were completely released at this time.

Bows and arrows were splashing on the city wall every moment. At this time, Prince Caesar did not feel any loss. He just wanted to suppress those Da Qin soldiers above the city wall, so that they would have no way to counterattack, until they were on the side of the construction personnel. Run to the top of the city wall!

At that time, you will be able to take down this city wall, and then start to relax your bow and arrow shooting.

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