Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

676 fell to the ground, very silent! (Please subscribe!)

At this time, Prince Caesar also knew that there was no way for the correction to let the other side get out of the city wall. The reason why he asked his subordinates to call the formation was to prepare for the subsequent projecting of the trebuchets. After assembly, there are two more than the original!

And the range of the catapult has also been increased.

It can be thrown from the farthest distance and hit the city wall. Whoever looked at the opposite city wall with his back focused, he found that the city wall of Ziwei City was knocked full of holes!

There are also stones thrown out by trebuchets in the holes, and they look torn and crumbling, although 11 layers of unknown plaster have been smeared between those stones and the wall!

These are the glutinous rice paste poured down by Meng Yi and the soldiers, which can play a very good role in bonding, so that the wall and the stone are closely connected and strengthened.

But who doesn't know, he thinks this is a poor repair method, and it can be easily broken. At this time, the trebuchet is pushed out, and the soldiers who operate the trebuchet in front of the camp immediately expand the machine and move it away.

Only a bang was heard, a large number of stones flew out, and the center fell to the front, above the erected city wall, seeing the big stones flying over, Meng Yi ordered without hesitation, the soldiers temporarily lay down, At the same time, let the shield player block!

Meng Yi and Han Xin immediately stood up in front of several soldiers with shields in their hands. These shields are very thick and must be carried by strong soldiers on their shoulders to lift them up. They are equivalent to a steel fortress. Guard in front of Han Xin and Meng Yi!

At this time, the stone finally fell, with a rumbling sound, the big stone fell to the ground, smashed heavily on a wall, and then bounced away!

After seeing the big stone knocked up, the soldiers who were brought by Prince Caesar shouted one after another, and the Daqin soldiers who were standing on the city wall were all very silent!

This was more cowardly than Prince Caesar took. At this time, he did not see that the stones that were knocked out were bounced back and rolled to the ground. As for some stones, they hit the place where the stone and the wall were connected. , but could not break the defense at all.

In contrast, the defense on this side was even stronger than that of an ordinary wall. Prince Caesar once again ordered the soldiers to proceed, throwing stones. With the sound of clattering, the stones immediately dispersed and fell heavily on the front. city ​​wall.

With the sound of dong dong, the stones were bounced off, and some of them hit the wall, shattering the wall, and cracks appeared, but these things did not affect the overall structure.

Seeing that there was no response from the top of the 547 city wall, he was about to pull out the golden knife he was hanging on his belt immediately, and ordered the soldiers to charge forward to attack the city!

The veteran around him wanted to stop him, but his order had already been issued. There was no way. The soldiers rushed forward when he issued the order, and the cavalry was the first to rush out!

These cavalrymen are the most loyal to Prince Caesar, and they also want to confront the soldiers of Daqin. All of them have long bows in their hands, ready to shoot arrows while running, and at the same time there are some people wearing treasure armor. Soldiers run up!

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