Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

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At this time, Prince Caesar finally made his declaration.

He waved his arm. At this time, a veteran standing next to him began to shout to move forward. The target was the so-called direction. After the veteran began to order the soldiers to sneak, the soldiers in the entire barracks lined up in a long line to move forward. Walk forward!

The cavalry team is walking at the forefront. These cavalry teams are relatively more powerful, and they are the most valued by Prince Caesar. They are also the most loyal to Prince Caesar, and their mentality is also the strongest, because they were in the Run to the rear when fighting.

They dragged their horses and rushed forward to chase and kill Han Xin and others, so mentally they are stronger than the ordinary soldiers. In their opinion, they are not inferior to those soldiers of Da Qin, but they are not with each other. The real ~ of the hands-on!

Under such circumstances, they desperately wanted to fight against the cavalry team led by Han Xin to prove their ability, and the flags in their hands were fluttering in the wind!

Prince Caesar, who was standing next to him, was very happy when he saw the appearance of these cavalry. He needed these soldiers to fight for him.

As for the soldiers in the rear who were in a lower mood, he didn't pay any more attention. These soldiers were led by the rest of the veterans, and at the end were the baggage soldiers. These baggage soldiers were still carrying trebuchets and ladders to climb the city. thing.

They are making love, and when Prince Caesar gives the order, they will speed up the production, prepare the parts of these things, and some will assemble a frame on the spot, so that when they really reach the land, they can be used directly at any time. !

A team of soldiers and horses were also sent to defend the area. The number of people was about 10,000. The surprise attack last night made everyone very alert.

Even if there is a sudden attack by the enemy, you can resist in time!

And in response, the distance between the two sides is not too far!

It won't take long for the army to turn around and rescue. The mighty army marches forward, and there is no small movement. The scouts of the Daqin soldiers who were observing from a distance have discovered these soldiers led by Prince Caesar long ago. get here!

They immediately reported the news to the general of the three armies, Meng Yi. After learning that the soldiers led by Prince Caesar were about to arrive here, they immediately ordered the soldiers to buy the top of the city wall to start defense work, and all the dark posts were withdrawn. coming.

··For flowers.....

Now that the dark sentry is not very important, the defense of the dark sentry is a sudden attack. Now that Prince Caesar has brought his team over with great fanfare, it is obvious that he is not ready to attack, and he just needs to open up and fight against each other.

Standing on the edge of the city wall, Meng Yi pressed the wall of the city wall with his hand!

Standing next to him is Han Xin. After a night's rest, Han Xin is already in good spirits. He is holding a red tassel spear in his hand. After a few battles, what remains after the battle!

After drinking a lot of blood, with a faint murderous aura, he held it in his hand, as if eager for blood.

Just when their side was getting ready, they saw a row of dense figures appearing on the horizon in the distance. These people were all cavalry and cavalrymen who had reached the front first. When running, everyone is full of energy! Bu.

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