Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

669 Response back to the camp, waiting al1! (Please subscribe!)

However, after observing with the help of the fireballs above the city wall, the rays of light illuminated, but found that they were their own people. They were wearing the clothes of Daqin soldiers, and when they came over with weapons in their hands, they didn't care at all.

The key is that the routes they walk are safe routes that have been selected in advance. Under such circumstances, we can determine that they are our own people, because the enemy cannot find them so accurately, and they travel to a safe area near the city wall.

Besides, there are not many of them, but they dare to come here with integrity, which shows that they are their own people. When they appeared, the cavalry on the horse immediately shouted loudly without stopping, and there was an emergency military report!

Let them get out of the way, and the dark sentry personnel immediately moved aside, and the soldiers riding horses flew to the edge of the city wall of Ziwei City.

At this time, the guards above the city wall also saw them. After seeing them being released, they knew that they were the soldiers who were taken out by Han Xin. They also opened the city gate without hesitation. The knights on the horses Rumble and run in!

Then the city gate was closed. After the cavalry on horses arrived at the city gate, Fang Mengyi had already brought some generals to wait near the city gate. When the cavalry came to report the news, the guards on the city wall had already explained the news. gave.

Meng Yi's side Meng Yi immediately led the troops without hesitation. When he saw those knights arriving, the knights immediately turned over and dismounted and knelt on the ground to explain to Meng Yi that Han Xin had returned from the battle. in the enemy camp.

And after leading the soldiers to rush to kill, running back and forth, and almost killing Prince Caesar, he was immediately refreshed and overjoyed!

He then ordered the generals around him to open the city gate immediately, and then dispatched some soldiers and horses from the city to go to the distance to respond.

In this case, if there are really enemy soldiers chasing at this time, they will immediately be stopped by them. With this idea, those generals will immediately take the soldiers out!

The number of troops and horses brought this time exceeded 20,000. In this case, even if an enemy's troops and horses attacked, they would have to weigh them up. These 20,000 troops and horses are elites.

All of them were dressed in the decoration of Daqin soldiers, and the weapons in their hands were also very sharp.

And each of them are riding shooters!

All Daqin soldiers, in terms of combat effectiveness, even if they are several times more than their own enemy, they can also deal with it very well!

・・For flowers.....

They lined up in a neat line to go out to meet Han Xin. At this time, Han Xin was checking the vicinity of Gaopo. The casualties of the army were 30,000 of the Daqin soldiers he brought over this time, and 20,000 of Yinglong's guards gathered. , forming a team of 50,000 people.

This time, it was the soldiers of Daqin who suffered the most casualties. They mainly charged forward, and when they were shot by bows and arrows on the battlefield, their armor was more protective than the full-body armored Yinglong guards.

Under such circumstances, nearly 4,000 casualties were caused, and the bodies of many soldiers were left in the camp and could not be retrieved. This situation made everyone feel a little depressed.

Fortunately, most of the soldiers have already saved their lives. The 30,000 Daqin soldiers now have 26,000 soldiers left, and the Yinglong guards also lost almost 3,000 people.

Relatively speaking, the number of deaths is very small, but through the report Han Xin learned that the attack on the enemy camp caused damage to the enemy. It's a great deal, and it's not a small achievement.

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