Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

666 A large number of cavalry are arriving 1 after another! (Please subscribe!)

Under such circumstances, Han Xin seized the opportunity in a timely manner, led the troops to speed up quickly, and instantly rushed to a short distance in front of the water. Here we draw the longbow.

After releasing the sound of bows and arrows, the water was shrouded in the open space in front of him, including his side, there were a few close guards who immediately took out a large shield and erected it in front of him!

After the sound of the dome thumping, these bows and arrows hit the bows and arrows, and then hit them, forming dents and injuries one by one, the bows and arrows filled the entire surface of the shield, and at this time, the shield behind the shield was protected. Prince Caesar couldn't see anything outside either!

He was anxious, and hurriedly pushed away the soldiers beside him, looking forward through the gap between the shields, he could see a large number of Qin soldiers rushing forward, about to arrive!

Prince Caesar was shocked immediately, he didn't want to be washed into the sand by Daqin soldiers, he was the one who wanted to inherit the empire and the throne!

Immediately, he pushed the soldiers hard and asked them to step forward to block them. At this time, the cavalry team that was brought over also arrived. These cavalry teams formed a loose group and ran forward. In a phalanx, but because the battle ahead was tight, and the water was urgently urged, these cavalry did not gather too much into a phalanx!

Instead, they let go of their speed and ran forward. Their goal was to block the Daqin soldiers in front of them and prevent them from rushing in front of Prince Caesar. When these cavalrymen reached the high slope of Shuibesuo Town, they immediately stopped. Separated.

Forming two torrents, they finally converged in front of the Gaopi and rushed forward. When they ran wildly, those infantrymen along the way quickly avoided. There was an insurmountable gap between the infantry and the cavalry. Here, the cavalry is noble. symbol of.

They are called Lord Knights, and those infantrymen are just high-level cannon fodder. No matter how powerful the target is, you are only used to consume them. Their status is not as good as that of cavalry, so get out of the way quickly and save their lives. , one of the personal skills.

It must be learned, otherwise, the first person to kill them on the battlefield will be their own people.

Of course, there were also some infantrymen who ignored the movement behind them because they were too focused on resisting the attack in front. They were trampled to death by the horses. The cavalry did not feel any guilt because they were their own. The gap looks forward!

He rushed towards the position of Han Xin, who was fighting, and everyone could see that Han Xin was the general who led the troops. As long as he was killed, everything would be resolved.

Han Xin also heard the sound of a horse's hoof, and he picked one up again!

Immediately after the escort on the horse, he saw a large number of cavalry coming over. The guards who blocked him were dead and wounded. The last guard of 540 was killed by him just now. When this guard was dying, he wanted to grab it with his hands. The spear in his hand took his spear off.

It can be said to be very fierce and not afraid of death!

But Han Xin's martial arts was too high, and he killed him on the spot with a single blow, leaving him no chance to fight back at all. At this time, Han Xin gently shook his spear, and some blood fell to the ground along the tip of the spear. , Han Xin then hit the horse to move forward.

After the sound of rumbling hooves on his horse, he immediately fell to the front of the queue. The group of European cavalrymen who were rushing forward on the war horse saw Han Xin rushing forward, and they were all sweating. , raise the knight's spear in front of you.

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