Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

663 The confrontation is fierce and cannot be stopped! (Please subscribe!)

Their target is Han Xin.

The cavalry running here have thicker armor than ordinary cavalry, and their armor is sharper, because they are Prince Caesar's personal guard, and the stomach under Caesar's hands is better than ordinary soldiers in terms of quality and fighting ability. stronger.

Originally they were just in front of Prince Caesar, who was guarding, but now Prince Caesar sent them out in order to save his life and be able to further stop the pace of those Da Qin soldiers.

After these cavalrymen were dispatched, Han Xin immediately burst into a strong sense of battle. He waved the red tassel spear in his hand and charged forward. 540

The spear in his hand swayed, forming afterimages, and those cavalrymen who charged over were shocked by the attack of the spear in his hand.

In the front row, a knight wearing a golden badge held a knight's spear and pointed it horizontally above Han Xin's head. In the past, as long as Han Xin was tested, Han Xin would die, but at this time, Han Xin yelled and threw the spear to the side. Hit it towards the top.

There was a sound when the weapons of the two sides collided, and a piece of sparks erupted, and Han Xin took this opportunity to rush forward and crashed into the side of the cavalry, directly poking the spear in his hand at his neck from the bottom up. Han Xin's arm is powerful.

The speed was extremely fast. When attacking forward, it directly hit the knight's neck joint. The knight with the golden badge riding on him fell directly under the horse!

Prince Caesar, who was watching the battle from a distance, immediately turned pale in shock. The knight with the golden badge was like a royal knight. He didn't expect that Han Xin would give the result after a single face-to-face encounter, and this was a bloody death in Han Xin. After a period of time, it can still cause such results.

This shows how powerful Han Xin's fighting ability is. He is even more worried that Han Xin will rush to the front. At the same time, he can't help but retreat a little distance (bbbe), because if he is standing here, Han Xin may catch up and let him kill him directly. Lose!

At this time, the sound of horseshoes in the rear was closer, the cavalry team was about to reach the front row, and several veterans led the cavalry team to arrive here.

After seeing them, Prince Caesar's mood improved greatly, and he was calm. At this time, it was to see if the close guards in front of him could hold Han Xin down. As long as they held Han Xin, then once the follow-up cavalry team arrived, what would happen to Han Xin's side? It was a catastrophe for the Daqin soldiers!

They can be easily crushed and wiped out. At that time, he will take this opportunity to attack Ziwei City again. Maybe because of this great victory, the soldiers will take advantage of the situation and rush into Ziwei City.

At that time, it is not impossible to take Ziwei City.

With such a mood, Prince Caesar raised his arm and waved forward without hesitation. As his arm swung up, he heard the sound of rumbling footsteps, which kept ringing!

After the footsteps sounded, they quickly assembled. These were infantry and infantrymen re-arranged under the command of Prince Caesar. At this time, the archers pulled up the bows and arrows in their hands and shot them directly at the running Daqin soldiers!

The Daqin soldiers faced the bravery of the infantry in front of them, and there were also a small number of cavalry, and they were shrouded by the archers in the rear, which made their formation loose. This was formed out of their fighting instinct!

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