Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

657 Turn the direction, the blood rains! (Please subscribe!)

When they held it in their hands, it was like steel thorns soaring into the sky. If a flesh-and-blood body collided with it, they would definitely be pierced directly.

Therefore, when they moved forward, the veteran let the soldiers hold the knight pistols in their hands obliquely in the air, and then formed a neat two-person queue to walk forward. When they walked, the pace Also very calm!

After walking forward a distance, under the command of the veteran, they immediately put the knight spear in their hands on the ground, and the gun barrel of the knight spear was placed on the ground!

Then point the spear point obliquely in the air, they are not marked, so when standing still, they can stand the long spear on the ground well, and then the soldiers squat down at a very fast speed, half squatting Posture to meet the impact.

And just at this time, the team of soldiers and horses dispatched by Han Xin also arrived!

The one who led the way was the lieutenant sent out by Han Xin. When the lieutenant arrived, he saw the spear tip like a forest. He ordered the soldiers to turn around without hesitation. At the same time, he also swung the weapon in his hand vigorously. Knock it up!

Because he saw that when the soldiers on his side launched an attack, there was a high probability that they would have no way to bypass the spearmen directly, so they had to open up the weapons to clear up a piece of safety for the soldiers. Space!

In this way, the cavalry can pass here calmly. He is holding a long-handled axe in his hand. This long-handled axe seems to be light in his hand. Swipe through the air!

With a bang, it fell directly to the front, on top of the long spear held by the standing pike soldier, with the impact, the axe blade in his hand collided with the long spear held in the opponent's hand. Together, the long spears in the hands of those soldiers are pointing diagonally above!

Therefore, the force used when striking also needs a lot of power to open the spear. Fortunately, the long-handled axe that this lieutenant is holding is also a very sharp existence!

In addition, his weapon is also a heavy weapon, which can be easily torn open when beating forward. The gaps in the weapons in the hands of the soldiers on the opposite side, with the sound of his running forward, the axe will cut two of them. The spear held by a soldier knocked to the side.

Then he rushed past on his war horse, just to bypass the side of the team, and after he bypassed, the Daqin soldiers who followed behind also followed at this time!

These Daqin soldiers also knew the plan of their lieutenants, so when they moved forward, they all waved their weapons out, and their targets were also the heavy armored pikemen standing in front of them and fighting with their pikes in their hands. !

They arrived in front of them, but their combat effectiveness was not as good as that of their lieutenant general. When the long-handled axe in that lieutenant general swung, it could form a powerful tearing force.

But even his weapons are heavy, and his movements are extremely high. His spiritual power was still unable to completely break open more spears, let alone these ordinary (Li Haozhao) soldiers. When the ordinary soldiers attacked forward, they only had ordinary weapons like spears in their hands.

Some soldiers were also equipped with shields. At this time, they were too late to take out their shields. When they saw the spear approaching, they rushed up to meet their weapons. With a pop, a soldier was caught off guard and was stabbed by a spear. , at the position beside him, the long spear directly picked him up, and then he screamed, and the blood rained and flew into the sky.

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